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Everything posted by Cotter

  1. We're all praying for the Miller story to fizzle out. Even the guys who come on here saying they would back him if he did sign. Of course we would. We wouldn't have a choice. The simple, undeniable fact of the matter is that NONE of us consider him to be worthy of playing for Rangers because he's fucking pish and would represent a step backwards. We've already got a headless chicken in Novo. At least he means it when he kisses the badge!!!!! YOU CAN STICK YOUR KENNY MILLER UP YOUR ARSE.
  2. Watching Setanta more like!! Unlike Walter....
  3. Yeah Gribz I know we'll probably end up with dross. Gutting though to think that if the club showed some ambition and imagination we could get guys like those I mentioned. Thuram is indeed 36. let's call it �£500,000. There is also a big striker that plays for St.Etienne called Bafetimbi Gomis. "The new Drogba" they call him in France. �£7m. Champions league football, a state of the art training ground and almost guaranteed silverware await at the famous Glasgow Rangers. Or you can have mid table mediocrity and no Europe with Keegan down the road. AAARRRGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Cheers mate. Aye I've seen it now! Get that boy signed!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9daZlLpGAPo&feature=related
  5. OK if no one else will then here goes. These players are all available and attainable at the right price/wages, which given we have made �£30m from europe and Hutton shouldn't be a problem. lol. Strikers: Aruna Dindane, pacy, powerful box of tricks can also play wide left. Ivory Coast International. Recently relegated from Le Championnat with RC Lens. �£3-�£4m. Ivan Klasnic. Classy all round striker who could provide the focal point of our attack. Croatioan International. He's on a Bosman from Bremen so will command big wages but we were willing to pay Pizzaro a King's ransom so shouldn't be a problem. He has said in the papers that we are among a number of clubs after him. Let's hope the Dado factor helps sway things. Johan Elmander.Swedish target man Le guen tried to sign but didn't have the cash. Ended up going to Toulouse for �£3.5m. They narrowly avoided relegation this year so lets get in there and offer the boy European football. �£3m ish. Mikael Forsell. Finnish international. Great finisher, great technique, great experience of British football. Still only 27/28. Relegated with Birmingham. I'd welcome him up. Again �£3-�£4m. Mibee �£5m since he's ex prem. Midfielders. Kevin Prince Boateng. German under 21 International. Currently at Spurs but hardly plays. Attacking central midfielder. Impressive specimen indeed. Big, powerful, fast athletic and very good at football. Not sure what you'd have to pay for this one as he was rated as one of the best youngsters in Germany when spurs signed him. Like I said though, he doesn't play much. �£4m? Aaron Lennon. Spurs again. Doesn't get a game again. Lightning quick down the right or left flank. England under 21. They ony paid a million for him but I'm sure we'd have to pay maybe �£6m or so for him now. Maybe this one is dreamland but the story goes that he was shown round Murray park either last summer or January, depending where you read. We're fucking minted and we deserve a high profile attacking signing like this to really change our game for the better! �£6-�£7m Vladimir Bystrov. Spartak Moscow, formerly of Zenit. One of the fastest wingers in the game, some of you might have seen him tearing up the beggars earlier this season. I'm surprised he still plays in Russia, must be on massive wages. Still, lets have a go eh? �£5m Maxi Rodriguez: Only kidding but he is a bosman, like Thiago Motta.... Defenders: Ludovic Magnin. Swiss International. cracking left back ball carrier type who can tackle. Bosman. Think we tried to get him in Jan. Dunno if it was a straight knock back or that Stuttgart didn't want to let him go mid season. Lilian Thuram: One of the great defenders of his generation and languishing in the Barca reserves. Still got it, more so than Weir I would think and maybe looking for one last payday. Thuram and Carlos? Please god yes. �£3m tops. Edmilson and Tomas Ujfalsi are also bosmans and would be fantastic for us. Would they come though? Like I say if the price is right they may well... Mark Reynolds and Lee Wallace? Show some imagination Walter. Or at least get a few more scouts on board. I'd be happy if we signed any 3 of the above. Mon the silly season!!!!!!
  6. As far as I'm concerned, and I don't care what anyone says, he's the greatest centre half Ive seen in a Rangers jersey. This season he has pulled us out of mediocrity and it would break my heart to see him leave. If we got �£15m for him Walter would be lucky to get 5 of it. P.S Gisabeer, you want to take a leaf out of David Murray's book. Today is not the time for such announcements, truthful or not!!!
  7. I think my point remains valid that we wouldn't have been aware of him if we didn't play Osasuna. Do you disagree that we lack a proper scouting network? Can you name a player that we have genuinely unearthed in the last 5 years?
  8. Gribz I'd love to see that happen, but remember WATP and have too much dignity to undertake such a boycott, at club level at least. You're right about the favour though. The time wil come and they can indeed gtf.
  9. Having just made close on �£30m from Europe and selling our best player, signing Miller, if we indeed have, shows a crushing lack of ambition. We don't have a scouting network, never have had. We only got Cuellar cos we played against him FFS. Look at PSV for example. They spend fuck all but they play free flowing attractive football, win their domestic league every year and do well in europe. There are literally hundreds of players mid table in Germany, France and Spain that would seriously improve our team and would be willing to come. If Steven Davis is all our "super scout" Ewan Chester can come up with then I don't hold out much hope.
  10. Absolute disgrace. Who would take him now?
  11. I found it pretty moving as well. Respect to Tommy. I was upset by his death and he is a great loss to Scottish Football. It's a shame that the people who were moved by the scenes are the converted. i.e they are the people who already appreciate the fact that we are all the same under our football shirts and that there is no place anymore for sectarian and religious pish at football matches or society in general for that matter. There's nothing wrong with hating Celtic. Hey, I hate Celtic! Hating them for what you percieve them to represent is another matter and I'll leave that to the knuckle draggers on both sides of the divide. Welcome Ricky. R.I.P Tommy.
  12. As far as I can make out (this is from earlier in the thread) Klasnic has not in fact signed for anyone yet but has confirmed he will def be leaving Bremen. Would love him at the bears. Anyone else watch the Bundeslige on setanta? He's a class act. Lee Wallace is a decent player but any interest in him suggests WS doesn't think Smith will ever recover....
  13. Can we all organise a "Keep Carlos, no to Kenny" Protest please? I'm serious.
  14. And by the way that f*cking idiot at Newcastle is getting nowhere near King Carlos for �£7m. Oh aye and Magnin from Stuttgart is on a bosman I think we'll go for him like we tried in January.
  15. We'll take Klasnic, D. Fletcher and Thuram thanks. Aaron Lennon too. Sorted. Please god no Miller and more 4-5-1!!!!!!
  16. 4-5-1 bit the dust when ALL of our wide players got injured. Spot on Calscot. Yes the league is over.
  17. See yous in Albert sq then lads!! Leaving on train via york at 6.50 am. Should be doing the fanzone rounds by 12. I'M GOING TO SEE THE FAMOUS GLASGOW RANGERS IN A EUROPEAN FINAL... TOMORROW!!!!!!!!! WATP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :box:
  18. Ha ha! like the affiliation bit. Quality.
  19. Cotter


    Forsell would be a great signing. Is Faddy not a Tim?
  20. Cotter


    Sick of the sight of him. He's arguably our best striker but anyone who doesn't want to play for us can fuck right off. He has become an embarassment.
  21. First thing he did was beat a man so that was him in the good books from the off. Totally agree with the positional comments though. Makes you realise just how well drilled our lads are. Defending is indeed an artform. Thomson has become invaluable to us. Great left foot.
  22. Jesus Fuck. What an utter shambles from every angle this is turning out to be. Just back from central whre i managed to get myself and a mate re-booked. We're now going via york and the train leaves at 6.50 in the bloody morning. Got seats though that's the main thing. Added to the fact that on the way there I had to listen to a beggar and his pal discussing how Seville was different because it was "like a holiday for the sellic fans, whereas the Rangers fans are more likely to cause trouble.....it will probably be nil nil anyway....." I actually burst out laughing. I gave them a wink and told them to enjoy the game:wanker:
  23. Sums it up. Our leaugue is a fucking laughing stock. Agenda driven, narrow minded, parochial pish yet again. It really is a sad state of affairs and we're just going to have to get on with it. I'm absolutely seething about this. In the current climate I doubt I'll see the Bears in another European final and this is the treatment we get????
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