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Ted McMinnime

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Posts posted by Ted McMinnime

  1. Glad to see Ramsey get 80 mins under his belt today. He played reasonably well all things considered. Watching the game today, I was reflecting on the poor state of "Premier" football in Scotland. In our last 3 domestic away matches, the state of the playing surfaces has been nothing short of disgraceful. Has anyone else noticed the number of times we have to resort to head tennis or "keepie uppie" to retain possession as the ball baubles all over the shop on the uneven surface? I really wonder what players like Ramsey who are used to playing on perfect English and Italian surfaces make of it? Add to that the sheer dilapidation of the stadium. That Stand opposite the cameras looks ready to be condemned. And for a cup QF, only 1100 of the home support could be ars*d to buy a ticket FFS! The only positive I can muster is at least they never tried to hide the ball (unlike their neighbours across the road) when it was out of play. Unfortunately, we will have to return their pig sty next Sunday for more of the same!

    Back to the match, some good performances from Ramsey, Goldson, Bassey and Sands. The latter, in particular, really begins to impress the more he plays. Nice to see McCann and Lowry feature as well. Final question. If you watched the final 15 mins of the game never having seen them play before, who would think was the £35m footballer Dallio or Lowry? 😄 

  2. Hard to disagree with any of the candidates in this thread. Quite a few came to the fore in he second half after Gio's tactical switch, namely Kent, Morelos, Bassey & Balogun. Must make mention of Aribo's 5 clearing headers from corners in the period when we were really under the German cosh. Great defensive work. Poor guy looks worn out though, badly needing a rest imo. In summary, it has to be the captain. Sometimes pilloried but never hides. Showed his true qualities and led by example with 2 fantastic goals. Tavernier for me!:champs:

  3. Agree with most that Bassey, Jack, Lundstrum, Kent & Alfie were the best. Although it is hard to separate I've gone a little left field and gone for Bassey. My heart sank a little when I seen the line up, would probably have gone for Sands tbh! but I don't pick the team and quickly understood why he was picked. His pace as we pressed high was invaluable when we lost possession and more than once he matched their runners and snuffed them out. I just think this young guy has grown immensely in the squad. It is only a year ago he could well have been finished at Rangers after being part of the "Covid 6" fiasco. He has bounced back and grabbed his chance. He is still learning, prone to errors of judgement for sure but his performance last night was beyond his years and doubly so as he admits himself he is a LB before CB. Like everyone wearing the shirt last night he gave his all. Well played Calvin!

  4. Truly remarkable performance from Rangers tonight. The best since Lyon without a doubt and probably the most unexpected since.Not many "pundits" would have gave us an earthly before kick off. Even the GPL predictions were downbeat on our chances. Every one of our players were up for it and gave their all on the pitch. Absolutely brilliant Rangers but it's not finished yet. Dortmund may have underestimated us tonight, if so, they won't next week for sure. We will need to be at our very best but we are in a great position. Gers don't fail me now!:rfcbouncy:

  5. 5 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    It does seem from that interview that NP finds himself in exactly the same situation he was in at Ibrox. For Tavernier now read Coleman. 

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