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26th of foot

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  1. "It's all for six hundred seats". Above is Susie McCabe's concluding statement on the current Copland Road stand development, this after a five minute rant where she explained the purpose and responsibilities of a Project Manager. I attended the Club AGM in early December'22 and compiled a report for Gersnet, I have replicated the fourth paragraph. Andrew Dickson presented Rangers prescribed plans for Disability by itemising the following : 1. the historical demand. 2. the desire to create the best provision in the UK, an exampler to the Disabled supporter. 3. the development deemed necessary for the wheelchair bound supporter. 4. a project team consisting of architects, engineers and, the Disabled supporters grouping had been assembled to oversee the development. 5. some existing season ticket holders will be displaced to accommodate the newly created wheelchair spaces. 6. over 1,000 seats will be cleared to create 162 anchorages plus attendants. 7. 1,800 new seats will be realised by extending the lips of the upper tiers of three stands. 8. the Ibrox capacity will increase by 727. 9. the necessary disabled toilets, kiosks and, lifts will be installed. 10. resolution 8 is required to raise the capital to fund the project. This information is publicly available, the AGM was minuted. The public broadcaster has NOT bothered it's arse to view it because if it is accurate, it would have to be objective. These last three weekends, we have endured three separate discussions on the Copland stand reconstruction and, not one has even touched on the reasoning behind the works. First up was a forty minuted diatribe between Liam McLeod and Tom English, next was the Diversity Twins of RAB and Tam riffing for a couple of hours on Lego and wherever I lay my hard hat, that's my home. Finally, Susie the epitome of Yahoo chic pulled on her cloak of expertise. It is an approach from ra PQ CSC we as Rangers supporters are most familiar with; Angela Haggerty is a, 'Financial Expert', Mark Daily is a, 'Legal Consultant' and Susie has, 'Project Management experience'. In fact we know Susie is a time served Spark and worked as an Estimator in various construction site offices because she insists on telling us so, constantly. Oh and at the Euros she informed, "ah wis sharing a table wae Martin and Wullie". I have no doubt Haughey and Compston contributed their expertise too. A litany of BBC Scotland projected expertise? Susie got one thing correct, her faux concern for the Rangers season ticket holders who were sold their briefs in the expectation they would be seated at Ibrox. As Rangers supporters, we are well used to such confidence trickery. We pay our BBC License Fee and receive a much reduced service in contrast to the supporters of other Scots clubs, we cannot even expect accuracy. If you Google Susie, you will find historical social media outputs where she has referred to the disabled in derisory terms and lots of references to Rangers and Rangers supporters utilising the 'H' term. I blame the PQ's Producers for allowing Susie in her heightened excitement to rush to sink the boot in. It is illuminating listening to a self proclaimed Lesbian exhibit her desire for premature ejaculation. I am on record as stating the Rangers Board have made a rip roaring arse of this project, not one iota of work should have been allowed to start without all necessary materials in situation. They deserve all and every opprobrium but, Susie's easy swing of the boot does what society does more often than not ie ignores the disabled.
  2. There is a young guy in the States who no longer has any use for his high powered sniper scope. Obviously, a good optic that facilitates nicking an ear lobe at 120 metres in windy conditions. From the back of Hampden, this scope will guarantee you a good view of the nearest goalmouth, just.
  3. Does Hampden have the same hospitality capacity as Ibrox? Reference as to whom I will have to sit next to, I will make enquiry through the auspices of my Butler. I feel we should all make the necessary sacrifices for the sake of our club. The Chairman and Board have made a roaring arse of this.
  4. Given the informed rumour mill is now suggesting late October before the Copland Stand is fully renovated to accommodate much improved disabled facilities, should the Club be considering hiring Hampden for the full season to ensure the proposed improvements to both Broomloan and Sandy Jardine Stands are completed too? The Club are doing these renovations for all the right reasons. Fellow Rangers supporters will be accommodated in comfort with improved sight lines; however, the Board and Chairman have made a rip roaring arse of it. Bite the bullet and sort it out by utilising the best compromised option.
  5. Reference Steve Carson, I thought a BBC Scotland documentary on his own circumstances would be a good watch. As stated, a Belfast raised Methodist marries a Dublin RC who has four daughters from her first marriage. Steve and Miriam go on to have four sons together. There are a number of interesting dichotomies to be explored? The Rebus production was something I binged watched since returning from Galicia at the weekend. I read the books back in the day and enjoyed the Rebus dynamic. Reading the credits I noted the Scriptwriter and Executive Producer is Gregory Burke. The Fifer has done good works, I enjoyed his play, 'Black Watch' and his film, '1971' journeyed across a confused Belfast city scape of the time; both gave soldiers' points of view but, Gregory concluded one side had a monopoly on the truth. The film riffs on the Jean McConville narrative. Similarly with Rebus, the drug dealers are Belfast Prods allowed to deal by the authorities to prevent a rekindling of the Troubles. In the fourth episode, there is a long lingering shot of the James Connolly memorial in Cowgate for no apparent reason. In the fifth episode, the main gangster character, Ger Cafferty gets to deliver the speech about being fearful of Irish unity because the Prods will return to Scotland after 400 years and chase out folks of his faith. Shades of Danny Morrison and his Ard Fheis rant about the Vietnam boat people being joined by a new category after unity, "the Protestants will become the swimming people". The final scene of the Banker being shot on his home's doorstep riffs with the Alistair Wilson narrative in Nairn. After those Wilson family photos of his sons in Rangers tops, what is Gregory attempting to say? Google Gregory Burke, particularly the assault he perpetrated upon a fellow undergraduate at Stirling Uni which confined his victim to three days in intensive care. The next Director at PQ will be a continuum of the Long Game.
  6. Steve is Joe the Toff. BBC Scotland's Heid Bummer, Steve Carson has announced he is stepping down and is off to pastures new in Dublin. The Irishman has spent 11 years at Pacific Quay, the last four as Director. He prefers the role of RTE's Director of Video which I am sure will please his wife, Miriam O'Callaghan who shuttles between the BBC(London) and RTE(Dublin). Steve highlights the professionalism of the PQ team and reminds us he commissioned the productions of Guilt and Rebus. Steve mentions the launch of BBC Scotland's satellite channel but omits the cancelation of it's flagship show, 'the Nine' because no one was viewing. Anyways, Steve is off to Dublin in a dream, in a dream and, BBC Scotland announced, "the search for Steve's successor starts immediately". The front runners are good friends of the show : Kevin McKenna, Chris McLaughlin, Angela Haggerty, Gerry Braiden, .................... When Peter decides, he will tell ra Sellik State of Mind and, Paul John Dykes will tell Claire Kelly. we, the License Fee payers will find out the successor when RAB Cosgrove utters, 'I know him/her well and I like him/her a lot'.
  7. Leaders of the Gang. Come on, come on - do you wanna be in my gang, I'm the Leader, the leader of the gang I am. An exercise in taking a steaming turd and rolling it in Glitter. Let me explain. That was the Euros that was particularly for the Scottish national team. There appears to have been a deliberate coordinated move to provide leadership to the collection of Brigadoon refugees we all know and love as, 'the Tartan Army'. Senior PQ Producers and Gang Hut Leaders-Aff, Claire Kelly and Eamon Donoghue started with Chris McLaughlin on his four day recce to Germany, telling the foot soldiers what to expect in Munich, Cologne and, Stuttgart. To ensure the tartan terrors remained Sellik minded, each of the ten nights PQ broadcast, 'Late Night at the Euros with Martin Compston'. Singalong with Martin had Susie McCabe on as a guest twice, it is ra Sellik Way. The reason I say coordinated is because of the article penned by Herald Journo and current favoured recipient of Peter Relief, Graeme McGarry. Now, the latest incumbent of convenient useful idiocy is a claret and amber diehard but, is often chosen to initially present tricky Sellik minded thoughts. The article was entitled, 'Is Politics turning Rangers fans off the National Team'? This appeared a few days before the Germany game, it noted the declining presence of Rangers supporters within the Tartan Army. Reasons given were the SNP politicisation of the TA and the booing of three-four Rangers players representing their country in the last dozen years. Of course, simplistic nonsense but, it is true in that the Rangers support has become more disinterested in the fortunes of the national team. We can all add our tuppence worth and the two mentioned are part of the problem; however, reference politicisation there was a poll published in Nutmeg I think in the immediate aftermath of the 2014 independence referendum. It surveyed all 42 Scots football clubs and found the club with the single biggest Yes vote among it's support at 41% was Rangers. I was not surprised because providing leadership to the Rangers support is more difficult than herding cats. Rangers supporters think for themselves. The article was lazy but Sellik nature hates a vacuum and there was a rush to provide the necessary. BBC Five Live provided Connie McLaughlin, Pat Nevin, Chris Iwelumo and, Shebahn Aherne. The Herald gave us Gabriel McKay and PLZ Soccer nominated Hugh MacDonald. The Record has remained consistent with it's much warranted comedic credentials by presenting Michael Gannon as Commander of the Home Battalion of the Tartan Army, ............ The collective balaclava has been discarded and an ill fitting cock feathered adorned Tam-O-Shanter has been squeezed on to ra Yahoo beelin' heids, we will be hearing more renditions of, 'Lizzies in a box'. The responsibility of reporting on the team became more difficult when ra core of the team ie Andy Robertson, Kieran Tierney, Scott McTominey, Callum McGregor, James Forrest, Tony Ralston, John McGinn, ............ suffered injury, lost form, disappeared and, played wayward passes. Truth hurts and the roaring arse of a Yahoo Daftie, James Dornan MSP comes out swinging. He blames BBC Scotland for uber criticism of Sellik players particularly singling out Neil McCann. Apparently Neil was raging every time Tony Ralston touched the ball. The one Dornan utterance we can all agree on is, "Liam McLeod is an absolute disgrace". I urge the national broadcaster to give Martin Compston the microphone for a much longer time, Singalong with Martin has legs. Come, come on ........
  8. Rangers are flush' Although I remain outside the country, I seem to remember we won our compensation case against Dundee for hotel accommodation costs incurred in St Andrews? Offer Aberdeen the lot for both Barron and Miovski.
  9. I am sitting in a bar in Sanxenxo, Galicia. The disinterested Spaniards are animated about Ralston's wayward pass into space and, the resulting Shaqiri strike into the top corner for the Switzerland equaliser. I inform them that Anthony has started six games furra Sellik last season and the collective perceived wisdom is that it would have been better if he had started seven. Angus Gunn has come in for criticism too. I suggested we should change at half time, Gunn to right back and Ralston in goal?
  10. Jim Steele's Rangers career was truly unique. During season 1975-76, he arrived from FA Cup winners, Southampton for a month's loan. He played five games and was cautioned in each and every match. At the end of the season, several months after the conclusion of his loan period; he was the recipient of more RSC POTY winners trophies than the rest of the team put together. The Ibrox trophy room should display a chainsaw with a plaque dedicated to Jim Steele's tenacious tenacity.
  11. I would like us to (re)sign Gregor Stevens. Now I know Gregor must be pushing 68-69, he was a couple of years ahead of me at Fir Park Boys Club during the mid seventies. He was a tough tackling, ball winning, no nonsense Centre half who when time allowed, got his head up and played passes. Gregor was never far away from red mist syndrome, even in training. This effecting his timing and to compensate he utilised both feet, studs up in his frequent red mist tackles. Gregor hit you, you stayed tackled for about a month. The reason I think Gregor would be a worthy signing is that Scottish Referees are okay with players exhibiting red mist syndrome and, fellow professionals queue up to parrot, "he's NOT that type of player". I witnessed Ryan Porteous being red carded on three separate occasions in games against Rangers, three less than he deserved. Fellow professionals and pundits(particularly at BBC Scotland) chorussed, "he's NOT that type of player". As long as Gregor is not awarded a Scottish international cap and the red mist strikes. I note Callum McGregor has exonerated Ryan's challenge against Germany, "what else could he do"? I think the time has arrived for Gregor and his particular red mistism. We are more tolerant of all folks these days, especially if you have an 'ism'. Give Gregor the gig.
  12. I suspect the Germans might win this game.
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