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26th of foot

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Posts posted by 26th of foot

  1. The second half epitomised our season too.


    1-3 ahead with ten minutes to play and we draw 3-3 with a Hearts strike in the 96th minute.


    We cannot stop teams launching the ball into our box from all areas of the pitch. Hearts third comes from their keeper unleashing a 70 yard diagonal unchallenged, we lose the header and, the knock down is volleyed into our net.

  2. A first half that epitomises our season.


    We dominate possession for thirty minutes, create a couple of opportunities and are denied a penalty. Our 22 goal centre forward is ten yards out facing a scrambling keeper and he finds the goalie.


    Todd Cantwell plays a lazy, loose ball and a first time pass played in behind finds Shankland bearing down on Butland, he dinks it for one nil. Cantwell has spent the last fifteen minutes at his most demonstrative. Wright and Raskin are in hiding and Dessers blushes were saved by a Linesman's flag.

  3. Peter's place men fill a number of designations in the Scottish game.


    Chief Executive of the SFA - Ian Maxwell.

    President of the SFA - Mike Mulraney.

    Chief Executive Officer of the SPFL - Neil Doncaster.

    Chairman of the SPFL - Murdoch MacLennan.

    Head of Refereeing - Wullie Collum.


    In fact, they fill them all.

  4. As Nick Montgomery was being given the heave-ho; concurrently, Hibs were appointing Malky MacKay as Sporting Director. Malky is responsible for finding the Hibees new Gaffer.


    An interesting appointment. Malky is a member of a growing band of folk involved in Scottish football who have experienced formal Diversity Training. We have Journo at the Herald, Gabriel McKay, Tam Cowan and RAB Cosgrove at BBC Scotland, Mark McGivern at the Daily Record, ........ etc. 


    I wonder if they all meet up every month to enjoy a chinky meal?

  5. The Jolly Bhoy's Outing.


    Here's the gig. Tom continues his refusal to apologise to Peter over the article he penned reference Brendan's itchy feet. Tom remains not welcome at ra Stade de Gadd and Lennoxtown. Chris has empathy and as such, is consigned to ra grassy knoll across London Road from ra Sellik Way. The PQ CSC supporters' bus travels without Tom and Chris. Convenor, Kheredine Idessane is demanding club Treasurer, Martin Dowden publishes the dues owing. Secretary, Amy Canavan insists upon a constant Sellik State of Mind.


    Effectively, ra green'n'grey hooped horrors won the Premiership on Saturday after their 2-1 victory over Rangers. BBC Scotland ensured their targeted, preferred audience were fully informed, live radio and online commentary plus TV highlights. Compare and contrast with the five years license fee Rangers supporters endured when Chris fell out with our club? We had to wait until after the final whistle to hear that week's nominated naughty step occupier look at a studio monitor and relay the score.


    On Saturday last, Tom was confined to the studio and Chris visited the Pride Collection to squeeze into lederhosen. Bavaria bound and hoping Pinocchio would utter some lies whilst Chris squatted on his face, Gollum got away from fellow gloating Yahoos by doing a promo for Auntie on the upcoming Euros in Germany. It is a three day jolly, taking in accommodation, spa facilities, tourism opportunities, tasting the big sausage and, sipping from a stein. Tomorrow, after horticultural tips from Berchtesgarden Chris goes full Cabaret. He is intent upon telling us the Money, Money required for a short time with a Chick with a Stick. Well, he has to grab Brenda's interest.


    Will both BBC Scotlands Sports Correspondent and Chief Football Writer be in attendance at the Scottish Cup final next Saturday, does Peter's influence extend to Hampden? We should be told.

  6. This morning, Hibs relieved Nick Montgomery of his duties as Head Coach.


    Hibs season has five days to go, the timing appears strange. I thought the guy had Hibs attempting to play football but, the most damning factor could be Michael Stewart's constant backing.


    The Bookies will have a list, I suspect it will include the following :


    Neil Lennon(pray for him), the Lego Eater, John Hughes, Neil Murray, Tony Docherty, Rhys McCabe and, perhaps David Martindale?


    The controlling factor will be who do Bournemouth want?

  7. 5 hours ago, lenny3k said:


    I believe the orange top is an invitation by the club to join the dots, make a picture and, win a major prize.

  8. Autumn of last year, I read an article in a Sunday broadsheet highlighting the Foundation of Hearts were handing over another cheque to the club. The presentation brought the total handed over to £4 million in a period of eight years.


    Rangers supporters have precedence for similar action, the Rangers Supporters Association purchased the old Albion Training Ground area on behalf of the club. Monies raised a decade past to fund then upcoming legal actions were thankfully not needed and, the several hundred thousand pounds left over were handed to the club to pay the cost of constructing a stand at Auchenhowie.


    The club are embarking on necessary refurbishment at the Stadium to at last comfortably and safely accommodate fellow supporters with mobility issues. It is a two year project which will raise the capacity by a 1,000 seats. The cost will come from monies raised by normal means, ie season ticket sales, sponsorship, hospitality, merchandise sales, ................. etc. This will detract from the various budgets dedicated to improving the club's playing and coaching staff.


    If the Foundation of Hearts can raise such funds, I believe a proper organised similar scheme with similar aims officially connected to Rangers could dwarf the Jambo contributions. Do we have a coterie of Bean Counters prepared to utilise their abaci?

  9. John Lundstram?


    In his post match interview on Sky, I thought the Gaffer was close to throwing the Englishman under the proverbial. I am glad he refrained because there is a Scottish Cup final to play in a fortnight. The Gaffer has to find a way of installing both individual and collective confidence.


    The game against Motherwell at Ibrox when we lost 1-2, we started poorly, gifted 'Well a couple of cheap opportunities before conceding. Lundstram was largely responsible for getting the team into it's then deserved top of the table position but, I thought he exhibited both mental and physical fatigue against the claret and amber. The games against Ross County and Dundee reinforced my feeling. 


    Today's first half was a personal stinker for Lundstram. He was not involved in the early exchanges and when O'Riley again slipped off the back of him to receive the ball in our box, he was five yards off the pace. The own goal was unfortunate but, charging into the six yard box facing the goal means any contact is at best, a lottery. The red card was correct, I cannot believe a player of John's experience made that challenge a dozen yards outside Sellik's box.


    Obviously, he is out for Tuesday's fixture against Dundee but, I would tell him to sit out Tynecastle too. Get some much deserved rest and recharge for the final.


    The game itself was a repeat of a movie we have all endure a dozen times before. We start poorly, concede two quick goals then, decide to play a bit. We got one back  and going in at half time 2-1 down would have been fortunate and, would have given the Gaffer time to reset the team. However, Lundstram's red intervened. The second half was a procession for thirty minutes with an outrageous penalty decision thrown in. On three occasions, Morelos against Dortmund at Ibrox, Sellik at Ibrox in September'23 with Dessers dispossession of Lagerbielke and, today at ra Stydome; we have witnessed an opposition player kick through and connect with the calf of a Rangers player and, on all three instances the decision has gone against Rangers. 


    Does the Co-op sell confidence?

  10. 15 minutes ago, Scott7 said:

    The sentiment is hard to disagree with but why at the football?

    Humza has in the past taken to Twitter and tweeted fairly regularly on matters Rangers.


    1. There was his selfie photo replete in his white Sellik hoodie.

    2. As Minister for transport he cautioned against his sister travelling home by Underground because Rangers were playing.

    3. The day prior to Gerrard being appointed Gaffer, he tweeted, "Steven Gerrard will NOT be joining Rangers".

    4. As Justice Minister, he promised a full inquiry and published report into the PF Office deliberately disappearing all evidence against nine fellow Yahoos in relation to the hanged by the neck effigies. I believe the MV Glen Sannox will sail before the report is published? Seven years and counting.

    5. At the end of March this year; on being asked what he would be doing if not FM, he replied, "I would be Chairman of Sellik".

  11. 5 hours ago, Bluedell said:




    I hear we are changing shirt sponsors for next season.


    The company are called, 'PenAlto' - a global real estate firm promising a 'high five' service.


    The layout on the front of the top will confirm the preferred prejudice of the vast majority of the Scottish based broadcast and print media : 'PenAlto - Rangers'.

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