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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. It would appear the random element in the SPFL computer, has been removed. Remember sporting integrity? All the usual suspects(Doncaster, Regan, lawwell, ....... etc) involved in this piece of choreographed theater remind me of Grouch Marx's proclamation on principles, "those are my principles, if you don't like them ............ I have plenty of others.
  2. Dundee United at Ibrox would be preferable. Would Stephen Thompson and Jum Spence sit amid the Arabs because of dem big nasty Bears in the Directors' box?
  3. Frankie, Just received a communication from a mate who is a recently retired Solicitor. He was one of those Lawyers used by newspapers to read and clear copy reference possible litigation. Informed me that the online Sports Editor at the Record is Darren Cooney. Apparently a big mate of Phil McFournames from a decade past. He was difficult, constantly passing off material sourced by Phil; until the Sun's Editor stated he was tarred by the sectarian brush. Further, Darren's MO was to legitimise misinformation by supporting the thrust by securing a quote from NBM. Anyways, reckons the blogger is a cultivated useful idiot by Cooney.
  4. I have just viewed another forum where they have found pictures of him in an Aberdeen t-shirt, and contains a number of images of Easter Road with the strapline, 'Come on Hibs'.
  5. The Online Editor at both the Herald and Evening Times is Stacey Mullen. She was outed on another forum a decade past. Her moniker in those days was, 'Showbiz Stacey'. Her social media means were outed, lots of Sellik, IRA, H term content. She complained she could no longer walk down Byers Road, the abuser became the abused. Further, Stacey and Jane Hamilton are big buddies, photos on Hamilton's social media showed both of them in attendance at many a game at ra Stydome. Angela Haggerty was in there too. Stacey continues to hate.
  6. Reference that blog! It reminds me of the behaviour of the then Sports Editor of Scotland on Sunday, Kevin McKenna. Twenty-odd years past, we played Aberdeen at Ibrox on a Friday evening. Whilst Andy Cameron was on the pitch doing the half time draw, a Dandy Don ran from the Broomloan stand to the halfway line. He kicked and pushed over an unseeing Cameron. He was quickly arrested and huckled from the pitch. He appeared in court on the Monday, charged with Breach, found guilty, and was fined. He was in his early twenties and a member of the Stirling(Uni) based Aberdeen supporters club called, 'the H-u-nhunters'. Their banner was always at Ibrox during fixtures between the clubs. Scotland on Sunday had an occasional columnist, 'Sydney Barrett', A nomme de guerre utilised to have digs at Rangers. Sydney found the actions of the Dandy to be hilarious, and agreed with the objective Host of BBC Radio Scotland's coverage, Richard Gordon; that it could be argued the pitch invader was providing a public service. Andy Cameron was then a fellow BBC Radio Scotland Presenter, hosting a Sunday morning request show. I am not a fan of Prawg Rawk, but I knew Sydney had been a founder member of Pink Floyd. Inquiries came back with the same name, Kevin McKenna. Kevin had been allowed to resign his Editorship of ra Sellik View three-four years before. At an event being hosted by an Italian football magazine reference the Old Firm, a drunken McKenna had made it on to the front pages of the national dailies. He reasoned that the IRA bombing of Enniskillen Remembrance had been a justified act of war, and threw in, "Protestants breed like rabbits". He was not sacked, and pitched up a few years later as Sports Editor of a Sunday broadsheet. Since, he has been Deputy Editor of the Herald, Observer columnist, Assistant Editor at the Daily Mail, ......... etc. Now, it may be someone can verify the credentials of Mr McFarlane as a Bear? However, I wonder if Murray Foote has allowed Jane Hamilton a nomme de guerre? We should be told.
  7. If we challenge, it will come at the start, the autumnal part of the season. Sustaining that challenge will be dependent upon a number of factors. 1. Signing a 20-25 goal per season striker. 2. The Yahoos being the Europa League. Denied the riches of the Champions League for a third season on the trot is most helpful in the medium to long term; the short term advantage is having them play on Thursday evenings, thus playing league games on a Sunday. 3. Hubristic opposition managers. How many are prepared to listen to the demands of their venom spitting fans. Will Brendan and Derek listen to wee Joe and Liam McLeod claiming Rangers are rotten? Teams that present space to us will be dispatched like Dundee last season. If, and I think it remains a huge IF, we are in a challenging position after the winter break; I hope the Board back the manager.
  8. Last year's pre-season friendly against Burnley was a decent affair, and I detest pre-season friendlies. We played well for thirty minutes, then succumbed to what became the winning goal. We were given an idea as to how Warburton likes his side to play, by both teams. Burnley was like watching the lads in the big boys' playground. It was faster, slicker with more pace and width. It will be interesting to see if we have attained their level. Remember, we are a couple of weeks in advance reference fitness, and after four competitive matches we should be ahead in touch and sharpness. I hope Burnley field Leighton James on Saturday, missed booing him last year.
  9. Pete, If no other poster fancies ra Sellik at ra Stydome, I am willing to provide a preview.
  10. The commentator on BBC Alba is Alex O'Henley. Sellik Director, and then Proprietor of the West Highland Free Press, Brian Wilson gave fellow Yahoo, Alex his start as a cub reporter. The Barra lad was the FARE Objective Observer ten years past at Villarreal that saw Rangers fined by UEFA. Like his big pal, Chris McLaughlin, O'Henley never hears his fellow jolly green'n'grey craicsters utter anything offensive, but appear to have BBC Scotland issued Jordrell Bank ears when Bears are in town.
  11. This particular loan move could be a most difficult gig for Ryan. St Mirren's current front two are John Sutton and David Clarkson. Good luck to him.
  12. I thought Martin was toiling amid the terwa of his bijou vineyard, next door to Sir Dave of the Moonbeams bigger affair? I would file that Guardian piece under 'fiction'. I prefer to remember the former male model from his first interview given to the Herald after being tasked to transform Argyle House; entitled, 'I am here to take the Blue out of Rangers'.
  13. The comment from Mark Loney, do Yahoos do irony? The comment from Chris O'Neill is a quintessential example of Yahoo spelling. The Admiral Bar is the gang hut used by Pacific Quay CSC for club meetings. Ill Phil launched a book downstairs. Most appropriately as the heid bummer of Donegal Mountain Rescue led those in attendance back upstairs safely, for a rebel sing song. After Neil McCann signed for Rangers, he visited his parents back in Port Glasgow. His brother, then attending a seminary was also present. He left the family home the next morning to find his BMW trashed by a hammer, and an attempt to set it alight. It's only the craic. Reference Dave Ross, I do not expect Police Scotland to act, but surely the Licensing Board of Glasgow City Council should consider his status as fit and proper to be a Licensee?
  14. I remember Robert McIlroy's, 'the Rangers Historian' did a big piece on Tom. He appeared on the pitch at half time during an evening match to a huge ovation.
  15. Greg Binnie's Maw. We must admire Jum Spence's courage venturing forth with intent. I am sure the pictured one began to eat Jum after copulation, but found him to be particularly bitter and spat him back out.
  16. I remember twenty-odd years past, Glenn Gibbons' piece in the Hootsmon, taunting Rangers supporters with an article stating out of Europe before the nights got dark. Well, both Edinburgh teams are out of Europe before the schools go back.
  17. I know there is a perception that Russians live their lives at either end of the emotional spectrum, either highly optimistic or deeply morose. Well done and thank you to our Russian friends, proclaiming ten minutes of highlights from pushing the ball around in the evening sunlight, is the epitome of the former end of said spectrum.
  18. Tonight, the strength of Scottish football is further enhanced. Gibraltar and Luxembourg have been joined by another behemoth, Malta.
  19. "There's something rotten in the state of Denmark". A profound statement by the Elsinore guard, Marcellus. A corruption of the ambiance, given that Neil Lennon, Rod Petrie, and a host of spoonburners are fowling Copenhagen air.
  20. It's dependent upon representation, or lack of it. A recent poll of all 129 MSPs showed only one, Murdo Fraser supports Rangers. Eight MSPs claim they support Partick Thistle. Now, we can discuss the veracity of these figures; maybe, some of those claiming support of Thistle actually support Rangers? However, such is the toxicity surrounding our club, they feel unable to openly proclaim their allegiance. I note another MSP was comfortable enough to reveal her sexuality yesterday. Good, Scotland is reknowned as a country welcoming the Gay community. A dozen or so MSPs are openly Gay, and that's probably becoming reflective of necessary representation. There will be many groupings claiming lack of representation, some like disabled folk are legitimate; others will be seeking leverage from playing the victim card. Society is judged by how it treats its minorities, one out of 129 is a stark minority. As Rangers fans, we are being treated badly. The conclusion has been arrived at, and the process of objective appreciation will be twisted to fit. Who thinks the Scottish Cup final inquiry will show anything other than a share of the blame? The arrest and conviction figures will prove it.
  21. Yep, Speedie signed in 1900, and was a regular in Wilton's teams. He left in 1906 for Newcastle. I remember seeing his Military Medal at Stirling Castle, regimental HQ of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.
  22. Andy himself, is a dismembered organ; permanently in a state of tumescence whilst obsessing about Rangers. He can achieve no relief, has no satisfaction, and regularly meets ill Phil for self help sessions. A coming together.
  23. Andy, and his Scotzine vehicle have plenty of previous in Rangers obsession, a decade at least. Now that the UEFA Resolution is deader than the deadest dead thing, the next money raiser on the list is asbestos.
  24. Ian, thanks for posting this piece. Stephen McGowan has long been Peter's man in the print media. I fear events at the Scottish Cup final are being choreographed to appear that Rangers and Rangers supporters are equally guilty. A couple of weeks past, when 40 had been arrested, a posting on BellaCaledonia revealed 36 of the 40 were Rangers supporters. This posting did not last the hour, it was taken down. The second last batch of photos looked like the vast majority were Hibees, going by the prominence of green attire. We will be het too and the official findings will be another lever to be utilised. Given the strict liability being promoted by the Justice Minister, I will ask Michael Matheson, Peter Lawwell, and Stephen McGowan(all Sellik supporters); a fellow Yahoo was convicted of having been involved in the fracas of the Scottish Cup final, as a club what could Sellik do about that? Strict liability remember?
  25. We don't care what the animals say. We are massively under represented, only one MSP out of 129 supports Rangers. Players being attacked on the field and our representatives' total output is the Justice Minister, Michael Matheson's 3-4 minute statement on the Scottish Cup final. A statement that failed to mention Rangers. I worry most about our trip to Pittodrie, supporters' buses snaking up and down, particularly around the Kingsway in Dundee. At the game itself, the atmosphere will be vile; remember, the Dandy Dons happily sing to the Yahoos, 'we hate Rangers more than you'. Thumbing your nose amid a sniggerfest at Rangers and Rangers supporters' concerns is best illustrated by BBC Scotland's James Cook. He interviews McCoist, a series of questions over an hour. He edits the footage to show McCoist making a face and laughing at a question about sectarianism. McCoist complains, apologies are issued, a deliberate attempt to paint the Rangers manager as uncaring on a most serious issue is seen as fair game. The perpetrator, James Cook is the recipient of a massive promotion eighteen months later, the Forfar lad is now the BBC's correspondent in Los Angeles. Further, the three latest political debates have been hosted by Cook. It appears that aiming a kick at Rangers is a necessary tick in the required box.
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