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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Perhaps, an interesting aside? Pie and Bovril is a long standing site that covers Scottish football in it's entirety. It is beloved of BBC Scotland, often referenced and the Editor is a most regular guest on the Cosgrove and Cowan show. In October, a thread began on the SFA Youth Cup 13/14, until Tuesday morning it ran to 5 pages, 30 contributions per page. Supporters of all clubs posting results and match reviews, anxiously awaiting the next draw, and the usual banter between opposing fans. The last contribution is from a Dandy Don informing the readership that the final was live on YouTube TV. The final result has NOT yet been posted. Now, the word, 'Rangers' is a rarity on the site; sevcovians, the H word, zombies, .... etc are the norm. Further, the Stirlingshire Cup has a nine page thread on the same page. The point I am attempting to make, are Rangers being Espanyoled?
  2. I enjoyed the game, four of us attended and got caught up in the excitement of a cup final. Hearts were much deserved 1-0 leaders at half time, the lad Nicholson was a class above. Our second half equaliser was unexpected and the result of a fortunate deflection. I thought we would struggle to preserve equal terms and again, Hearts Billy King notched the Jambos into another deserved lead. The game changer in our favour was the double substitution of Barry McKay and Jamie Burrows, pace, strength, and a wee bit of game awareness allowed the team to get up the park and importantly, stayed there. We finished stronger, equalised courtesy of a Keeper's howler, and shaded the extra time period. The penalties were dramatic, a truly wonderful piece of symmetry saw a gladiatorial duel between opposing Keepers to decide the destination of the silverware. Liam Kelly won out and Rangers are this season's Youth Cup winners. Well done the Colts. A particular mention for Craig Halkett, easily our man of the match. It's the first time this calendar year, I left a game with an inner smile.
  3. I am attending tonight, about to leave deepest, darkest Lanarkshire for sun drenched Renfrewshire. This is the third time I have attended a Rangers/Hearts Youth Cup final. The previous two were cracking games, unfortunately Hearts won both. A 1-3 defeat at Ibrox with a 16 year old Charlie Miller in the team 21 years past and a 2-3 loss at Hampden a dozen years ago. Will Hearts complete the hat-trick this evening? See fitba, see the frisson of excitement.
  4. The oxygen analogy is interesting. I remember grainy footage of potential astronauts being tested on increasingly thinning oxygen levels by monitoring their performances on simple arithmetic questions.
  5. The first two years of the American Civil War saw the Confederates win most of the battles, but continue to slowly lose the war. They benefitted from consistency of selection in General Officers, Robert E Lee was the very man to command the Army of Nothern Virginia. The Union had utilised several GOCs in the same period. Despite the Army of the Potomac being almost twice the size of Lee's command, McDowell, McClellan, Meade, Hooker, .... et al could not bring superiority to bear. President Lincoln was asked why he appointed and subsequently dismissed so many GOCs? Old Abe outlined an objective appreciation of the situation, the Union possessed four times as many men in the field, similar dominance in armaments, a massive superiority in production, and several times capacity in railways and logistics. He concluded by saying, "I am searching for a General that can do the arithmetic". He found him in Ulysses S Grant and the end game was inevitable. The wisdom of Abe ie 'doing the arithmetic' is something all parties in the on going Rangers crisis, could benefit from. If we accept the club sold 38,000 season tickets last season, what will the break down of this coming season's briefs be? Let's say the submission date is extended again, beyond this Friday. Would 15,000 renewals be a reasonable assumption? Given the UoF, Blue Order, Union Bears, ... etc have subscribed to the Dave King Trust, can we expect 5,000 to sign up to that perception of progression? The residual is 18,000, the biggest grouping and their decision might be based on style of football, prefer the option of game by game attendance, have had enough, ..... etc. I know other Gersnetters will have differing views on the numbers allocated to each grouping but I think we should recognise the three groupings. Weighting the random variables in the equation will be coloured by preferred prejudice, but we should attempt to be objective. Can either the Board or Dave King do the arithmetic?
  6. A wizard wheeze - Gersnet goes Mad in Dorset. Lashings of ginger beer.
  7. James Bowie was removed from the Board thirty years later by a Bill Struth led power grab. James Bowie was a truly great Rangers ie he served the club in whatever the necessary capacity.
  8. I agree. Two points, I suspect Cribari has the ball in his court reference his contract. Hence, the reports of him being offered a coaching role. Thanks again Chuck. Further, I think Crawford has ability allied to a strong engine. The way Ally seems to be heading in team selection, maybe Crawford is better getting out?
  9. Andy was a strong runner, with a hint of pace. He had the ability to time and bend runs. As the main striker, he played up the sides of defenders and turned defences. A decent dig on him and he could finish. I feel he is worth another two year contract. His Tweet is a respectful goodbye, I thank him for his contribution. He played for the team, particularly on the numerous occasions he was asked to provide width. The heads-up players will miss his runs.
  10. Maybe it's foresight by the club Board? I seem to remember that young Kenny was the subject of considerable attention by the Hibees gay supporters club. Indeed, wasn't Kenny voted, 'best looking footballer' by the gay community at the millennium? Rangers Board tap into the pink pound.
  11. Only if it's signed in blood. About eight pints from each Director should suffice.
  12. There's a weird but moderately interesting choreography continuing. Both the club Board and the media(particularly broadcast) want to, desperately need to engage with the Rangers support. Both want to be 'persuaders'. However, in their deepest, darkest, and most personable moments, they admit, occasionally openly that they do not know how to engage with the Rangers support. I suspect our support are their own dynamic and it's genuinely difficult to keep up, even when they are genuinely interested. Spiers, English, Spence, .... et al have been evoking the Crucible this last week, pointing fingers in unison and screaming 'witch' at Dave King. The support probably arrived at that conclusion, due to any tangible activity, some 4-5 months past. Further, I am of the mind that Cosgrove's recent actions are worthy of a seminar or two of Psychologists. He is asking questions of the Rangers support, then answering for us, often in a contrived conspiratal voice. What voice does Stuart have for a Killie fan?
  13. Another week, another Merlin take on planet Rangers. "Bolshevist tactics"? I suspect Bill has donned the pokey hat, adorned with stars and crescent moons, and viewed the Odessa steps sequence in Battleship Potemkin? The vast majority of Bears have failed to find any legitimate leadership in either the club Board(s) or "the rebel faction". Bill should stick to viewing 'Fantasia' on a loop.
  14. I first saw Sandy as a 9-10 year old, against ra Sellik in a 2-4 victory. He was named as Billy Jardine and played inside right. Within 18 months, we were singing : Sandy, Sandy, Sandy in royal blue, We're half crazy over the love of you, We think it's really magic, When you beat the Glasgow Celtic, You look so sweet, With the ball at your feet, Sandy in royal blue. Another thing that might be missed in the numerous obituaries that will be presented in the next few days, Sandy was a genuinely quick player. He worked with both a fitness and a designated sprint coach. Every New Year's day, there was a professional sprint race over 100 yards held at Powderhall, Edinburgh. If Rangers were not playing, Sandy participated and I believe he finished runner-up on at least one occasion. My own personal favourite memory was a Dryburgh Cup final circa 73/74ish against the green'n'grey. At Hampden, sandy ran from our own box, drifting past 3 or 4 opposition before shooting into their net.
  15. I was both a Cub and a Scout. I am prepared.
  16. 'Events dear boy, events'. Michael Grant's piece reads as a situation report from 3-4 weeks past. Events have overtaken the presented position. Here's a wee tenet from my professional life, 'never divide one's forces in face of a superior enemy'. The club Board have managed to divide and sub-divide the force(the support) by a clear lack of leadership and a most confused vision of our future. You know, these last few years, Ibrox has leaked like a colander. Amazingly, several days after the original deadline, not one iota of information from this report has escaped. I predict both Wallace and Somers will ride astride a pair of white unicorns into the lush pastures of Gerovia and proclaim Rangers have a dazzling future. It is written, or it will be on Friday morning coming.
  17. Are we talking Scott Allan, formerly of Dundee United? I saw him in a Scotland under 21 match against Holland, he was outstanding. Didn't he go to West Brom for a sizeable fee?
  18. Ach, you have got to admire the semi-retired Great Gibbo. He can still summon the energy to indulge in a bit of masturbatory triumphalism. Initially, he masks the unedifying spectacle by evoking a piece of literature lionising Thomas Moore. Glenn is leading the parade, the stick is in the air, ridiculous swagger to the fore, culminating in the release, 'Rangers are no longer a big club'. The 'Rangers are no longer a big club' line has been peddled recently by the usual suspects on BBC Radio Scotland, Glenn has pounded it out(literally) in print. The triumphalism is very real, masturbation is often most reliant upon imagination. The establishment, and Glenn and his Pacific Quay pals are very much the establishment; have poor imagination. A wee side note on the establishment. I hear Stuart Cosgrove has been quite breathless recently, informing anyone that would listen he has been lunching with the Lord Advocate, Frank Mullholland. As a long term advisor to Ms Cunningham MSP, why would big Stu' be lunching with regular contributor to ra Sellik AGMs, Frank Mullholland? We should be told.
  19. "full speed ahead for the mighty ship Rangers" The mighty ship, Titanic was full speed ahead when it grazed an ice berg.
  20. The Record would appear to be in serious financial trouble, the high earners are leaving the building. Tam Cowan is currently waiting to move to the Sun on a substantial pay rise. Principled Tam continually bleats about the very real outrage and communities' tragedy that was Ravenscraig. He awaits on his knees for full throated consummation of Rupert's Wapping wedge. Couthie Stuart and Tam, soooo couthie they should be on a front cover of the Peoples Friend.
  21. No, not the Ralphie Milne Ultras! Their leader-aff is mad, mental Jum Spence. Rumoured to habitually swagger around Lochee, carrying a chain saw? Although late last year, someone shouted at him from across the road and Jum scurried to find PC Murdoch.
  22. I am hearing that both Keevins and Guidi have been rationalised, let go, elbowed, received their jotters, .................... etc from the Mirror Group. More to follow.
  23. It used to be my sphere of influence.
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