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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. During my childhood, we worshipped Baxter. It was more a memory of the player which was not reinforced when he returned to the club in 1969. My grandfathers' generation loved Baxter too, but I remember most insisted their childhood hero, Neilly Gibson was a better player.
  2. I remember a comedy programme from 30 years past entitled, 'Soap'. No, not a mythical quest undertaken by Yahoos to move their souls closer to God. Anyways, Soap ended each week with the strap line, "Confused? You will be". The machinations of the Rangers Boardroom demand the Soap mind set and mantra. Given the latest resignations, I have the answer in my professional past. Each day, the Parachute Regiment were insistent on a most necessary formal gathering, usually early morning. It was called a Muster Parade. I suggest Rangers adopt this concept reference Directors?
  3. I caught the fag end of Radio Snyde last evening, Gerry McCulloch hosting(objectively), Guidi and FrankieBhoy contributing. A caller came on and disagreed with all previous Sellik-minded callers(Gerry remarked so), he advised his fellow happy-hoopsters to drop such a demand to UEFA. When asked why he was in a minority of one, the caller quoted Paul Brennan's piece on CQN. Apparently, Brennan soothed ra Yahoos by informing them that ra Sellik had already ploughed this furrow and UEFA were NOT interested. The caller was surprised by the panels silence and enquired, "do you know who Paul Brennan is"? All three chorused, "of course", Guidi continued, "if Paul has published this on his website, then that's information from the very top at Celtic". Gerry confirmed, "from Peter Lawwell". Radio Snyde are not telling us something we don't know reference Brennan and CQN; however, it was the surprised honesty in the way they were prepared to come to heel that strikes home. Clearly, Brennan's megaphone is THE three line whip that cannot be ignored.
  4. English has a few decent points well made, fair enough. However, it appears Walter Smith is this week's target of choice. The usual suspects have been chorusing on Walter's conduct since the weekend, English has added his contribution. I heard some of Radio Snyde's contribution last evening and a couple of articulate Yahoos were allowed to demonise Smith and demand he be made to answer for perceived ills. The objective Host of ra Show, Jim ra Tim Delahunt was busily reinforcing these calls with, "maybe closer scrutiny should be paid to Walter's contribution". The RTC Blog has set a precedent on behaviour that cannot be let go. On a morning when it appears Dunfermline could be liquidated by early next week, the Hootsmon's Chief Football Writer has chosen to focus on Walter Smith?
  5. This morning's Scottish Court calling list has notification of 'Rangers Football Club against David Leggat.
  6. I think Little's effectiveness is lost when moved to wide right. McAusland did well at right back in the first month of the season. I know many will say he is a centre back who can occasionally play centre midfield. Historically, Rangers have turned many centre backs into right backs ie George Young, Dave McPherson, Alan McLaren, Craig Moore, Alan Hutton, Basil Boli, ................................. etc; arguably with different levels of success. The other advantage of McAusland is increased height at the back post. Right midfield is a real concern. I thought Crawford ploughed the furrow in the first month pretty effectively, although he is NOT a wide player. Templeton would be a better option than Peralta. Barrie McKay is another option, but we would have to persevere. I suspect Lewis MacLeod will end up in the position since Law and Black are the preferred central midfielders. Although, again MacLeod is not a wide player. He is a very good player and will cope better than Peralta. What's Trevor Steven doing these days?
  7. Both the Rangers Tax Case blog and Charlotte Fakes highlight Rangers and Rangers supporters' lack of political clout. As recently as July this year, Police Scotland acknowledged they were investigating CF, A progress report would be welcome. Compare and contrast with any complaint emanating from ra Stydome. A senior officer reacts because of political weight behind the complaint. The momentum is maintained as the usual suspects chorus, "Celtic supporters deserve full disclosure".
  8. Reference Rangers, there are as many opinions as there are Rangers supporters. However, the one thing that unites the Rangers support is the constant appalling conduct of BBC Scotland in reporting matters Rangers these last dozen years. There was real irony on Saturday afternoon when the usual suspects on Sportsound rushed to commend those Rangers supporters demonstrating against the present club Board. We, the Rangers support have been fractious, divisive, disunited, .....etc; now, we are being congratulated for showing collective action. Recognising the united Rangers support consistently pointing the accusing finger at Pacific Quay is awkward and inconvenient.
  9. Matt McGlone is a second hand car salesman and the Editor of the Alternative View(Sellik fanzine). Tom English is a Fud. The usual suspects are all over this like a rash. I suspect the greater worry will emanate from those that practise careful hate. The shadow Secretary for Defence, Jim Murphy MP will have been contacted and he will pen a stiff letter to the GO Scotland. The GOC will have to respond.
  10. NewsNet can reveal. On an day when Neil secured 14 points, and his players secured 26 corners ................... the Greenock Galaticos have secured a place in the next round of the League cup. BBC Scotland have ordered the Pacific Quay flag to be lowered to half mast and a non-establishment sub-editor has penned tomorrow's headline : 'The Tail'O the Bank are the Flail of a Wank'.
  11. Could it be those that have refrained from purchasing shares so far, are now prepared to buy to gain entry to the AGM? A couple of my mates have done the above this last week.
  12. No, that's a piece of satire on my part. The rest is as described and reported in the Hamilton Advertiser. The accompanying photograph is also available on the organisations website. The reason I contributed the above to the thread is because it is another piece of the jigsaw in Vincent Lunny's appointment. His father, Sheriff Frank Lunny has been heid bummer of said organisation in Scotland for eight years. Early last summer, I remember the spotlight being momentarily turned on Stewart Regan's brother, Stephen Regan. He is a Senior Lecturer at Durham University. He is a member of the English Studies faculty with particular interest in Irish studies. The publications he has contributed to, Edited, and written have mostly been of an Irish republican nature. It was reported he was a member of Opus Dei and of the organisation(Northern England Lieutenancy) which is the subject of the Advertiser report. Thus, to many folks, Vincent Lunny's appointment by the SFA was a trite odd. However, it could be explained when his old man met Regan's brother and suggested he tell his bruv' about his boy's availability for the post?
  13. A wee snippet from this week's Hamilton Advertiser. St Bride's Celebrations. Ceremonial Knights and Dames of the Scottish Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem gathered from throughout Scotland and welcomed a new leader during a special mass at St Bride's RC Church in Bothwell. Archbishop Emeritus Mario Conti the new grand prior of the Scottish Lieutenancy, and Bishop Joseph Toal, apostolic administrator of the Diocese of Motherwell, led the celebrations as Titchie Greig was installed as the new Lieutenant of the Holy Sepulchre for Scotland. He took over from SHERIFF FRANK LUNNY, Knight Grand Cross, who had been Lieutenant for Scotland since July 2005. SHERIFF LUNNY was invested as a Lieutenant of honour by his successor. I should add, there is an accompanying photograph of 5 dozen folks in an array of medieval robes sporting large crosses across the chests, right shoulders, and left breasts. Disappointingly, given the organisation is an equestrian order, no horses; although plenty of horses arses on show. SHERIFF FRANK LUNNY is Vincent Lunny's old man. Vincent is pictured replete in the robes of St Bilbo of the Blessed Dildo. He looks positively tumescent and is clearly attracting the attention of Archbishop Mario Conti. Sincerely, I hope Vincent only views referred incidents whilst replete in his robes? We should be told.
  14. Apparently, Nuremberg Hugh is stirring it today in ra Record. Rangers beating Queen of the South is nothing to shout about. Further, if Rangers secure the Ramsden/Challenge Cup, it should NOT be celebrated. Finally, ra Shugster suggests Ibrox will be utilised for the final if we get there, because the rental costs of ra Stydome are prohibitive. He enlists Raith Rovers Turnbull Hutton to reinforce angst and anger. Hutton demands a sporting contest, it's not about maximising revenue. Note, there is no caveat about Rovers getting there. This is what happens when your favourites ban you for over a calendar year, you spit venom at Rangers after said favourite are spanked by Milan.
  15. That old political adage attributed to Churchill reference, 'Politics makes for queer bedfellows' became most apparent in Cosgrove's contribution to the defence of Spence piece in the Drum. A respected cyber publication has recently been highjacked by the usual mentalists as an outlet. It's office address at the bottom end of the Gallowgate, it's immediate proximity to the pub of choice of ra Green Brigade, and those quoted ie Roy Greenslade, Phil McFournames, Angela Haggerty, McConville, .......... etc would see any rational person anxious NOT to be seen contributing. Channel 4's Director for Diversity is pushing the envelope in defence of his fellow Rangers hater.
  16. Zappa, If there are no takers for East Fife on Oct 26, please put me down. Bayview memories!
  17. I remember all those conversations with 'soulfulsaint' several years past reference his constant usage of the 'H' term. Further, he was a Director of BT(Scotland) at the time and his arse was making buttons because he had been caught. Fortunately, the Editor of that particular Soul Music forum deleted all Soulfulsaint's rabid rantings and allowed him plausible deniability.
  18. I was wondering if any Gersnetters knew the name of Jum Spence's 'zine? He founded and Edited it for several years and his current designation at BBC Scotland is as a direct result of this particular publication. It was a case of BBC Scotland wanting to be seen to embrace the new media. I would like to peruse a copy/copies to how Jum referred to Rangers and Rangers supporters? Further, as Editor; what content was approved?
  19. Kevin Dunne smashed 13 of the 14 triple-glazed windows in the Dallas family home using a golf club. Fined £2,000 at Hamilton Court, also ordered to pay the cost of repair(Kevin owned a double glazing firm). Kevin did NOT have his Sellik season ticket recovered by the club and was applauded back to his heated green leather seat in the North Stand by fellow Yahoos.
  20. A couple of points : 1. I do not believe those stories in long term circulation about Angela's desire for closer ties with Columbia and Commonwealth businessmen. 2. Interesting to note Cosgrove has penned a piece for the Drum. As soon as the smoke from a Rangers hate fest is seen, he is in there fanning the flames. Director of Creative Diversity, my arse.
  21. About a dozen years past, John Reid's son, Kevin was one of the duo from Beattie Media that were filmed by Panorama offering political influence for cash. The other half(I forget his name), went on to become the SFA's PRO for several years.
  22. He did not appear. Cosgrove provided more than a few snide references to compensate.
  23. Yep, in the rarefied reality of Jum's world, those sheep look like holocaust vicTIMS too.
  24. Jum sought succour from extremists in the NUJ and now he is a pawn in their perception of reality. Paul Holleran, Phil McStupidnames, Angela Hagerty, .....et al pushed through a motion at their last conference stating 32 journos had been threatened by Rangers supporters in the previous year, Jum is more gris to their mill. In fact, as soon as Jum brought the NUJ to his meeting with the bosses at BBC Scotland, it was predicted by more than a few that such an incident would occur and the police would become involved. Jum et al want to be triumphalistic about Rangers, but do not want to accept the consequences.
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