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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. I am not offended. I agree to your summation in the first phrase of you opening paragraph and hopefully have highlighted thus? Reference Nuremberg in particular, and Radio Snyde in general; my emotions run from amusement to bemusement. If the high principled Sgugster continues to act the clown, I am happy to keep the spotlight on his performance.
  2. There is an 18th century Vatican Edict banning rcs from becoming members of the Masonic Order, I wonder if Nuremberg Hugh is in danger of excommunication? Let me explain. These last two weeks, ra Shugster has utilised both the broadcast media(Radio Snyde) and the written press(Daily Retard) to articulate his belief in absolute secrecy. It's the trials of Shagger McGregor that has Nuremberg Hugh drawing his hand across his throat. A well used phrase by Nuremberg is, "natural justice", any contretemps with officialdom by his beloved Sellik has him in a lather demanding ra 'Tic receive natural justice. Shugster supports Peter Lawwell's latest correspondence to the SFA, a full explanation of referee, Dougie McDonald's thought process over the non-penalty incident at Tannadice on Sunday. Transparency is the word for today, or indeed any other day when mystery surrounds the green'n'grey happy hoopsters. If ra Sellik are not satisfied, Nuremberg is comfortable being the attack dog, demanding 'natural justice' for those wronged. He is prepared to go nuclear, and has done so on many an occasion, "it's because he's catholic and Irish" has become a constant refrain. It is sometimes shortened to, "are we reduced to what school did you go to" ie a plea for whoever is the current objective host of ra show to guillotine the debate because non-Yahoos are making salient points. However, on the McGregor issue, natural justice has been served because he has been punished for his wrong-doing. Beyond this, Nuremberg's mindset is closed. Allan McGregor has no right to know the identity of his accuser, nor the motivation of said accuser waiting 13 days to articulate his alarm at the Pittodrie incident. Further, the make-up and identities of the three man Disciplinary Panel should NOT be revealed either, "next they will be asking what school they attended, we know where this is heading". In summary, ra Sellik should always receive natural justice, Rangers are confined to mystery and ignorance. Maybe, Hugh Keevins' obsession with maintaining secrecy for only one half of the old firm, makes him only half a Mason? Perhaps, only half of him will be excommunicated?
  3. I watched Charlie come through the same youth team as Ross McCormack, they were both stand outs. Right from the off, it was obvious that Adam had a great range of passing, facilitated by the manner he played ie he kept his head up at all times. As a heads up player, Charlie could see more of what was on and his sweet left peg was 99% bang on the money. I do not think he let himself down when starting for Rangers, genuinely I was happy that PLG gave him his opportunity in his famous 4-2-3-1 plan. I am sure someone will provide the official starts, but I hazzard Charlie started 80-90 games and scored somewhere approaching 30 goals? The vast majority of these appearances were wide left in a four man midfield. A vocal section of the Rangers support treated him abysmally, largely the cyber support were worse. The first part is nothing new, Charlie Miller got it, Iain MacDonald got it, Dennis Setterington got it, ................. etc. There is an element of our support that delight in eating our own. Charlie is making a good living from the game and I hope(believe) he will move on to bigger things, maybe an Everton or a Spurs will take a chance on him?
  4. I remember 15 years ago, the then Sellik correspondent for the Evening Times was a rabid Yahoo, Ian McGarry. He was extremely frustrated at his beloved green'n'grey hoops lack of success at Ibrox. In the build up to an upcoming old firm match at the Stadium, he had a screaming back page headline, 'No Penalty for Six Years'. In a 6 year period over 11 games at Ibrox, ra Sellik had not received a penalty. You've guessed it, the ensuing game saw ra Sellik awarded a penalty, converted by John Collins. McGarry's back page headline on the Monday after the game was, 'Celtic End Six Year wait'. Further, he had comments from the likes of Billy McBungle, Tommy Burns, Brian Dempsey, Wullie Haughey, ... etc; all stating this was a most unusual occurance. Dempsey hinted at pernicious reasoning, an unquantifiable sinister hand, backing it up with, "all Celtic supporters are a aware of a litany of unawarded spot kicks". The scorer, John Collins advanced, "six years, I didn't know that, too long, far too long". Anyway, McGarry is now at the English version of the Daily Mail, I wonder what he would say to a run of 20 league games and a couple of cup ties; 22 matches at least without the award of a penalty to Rangers? Maybe his current successor at the Evening Times, Ronnie Culley will run the story, with accompanying quotes from interested parties of course.
  5. Can you imagine? Time : 08.30hrs. Location : Cardinal Newman High School, the staff room. Situation : Rangers have won 0-4 at ra Stydome the day before. In walks Wullie Collum. BURN THE WITCH, BURN THE WITCH, BURN THE WITCH, .........................................
  6. These pre-Euro game warnings are akin to a resistant virus. Leeds United away, no away fans allowed, road blocks ringed around the city, ................ etc. We drove down, had a lunch, enjoyed a few beers, watched our team win 2-1(had to keep our mouths shut), left the ground, found a pub a mile away, had a few more drinks, ......... Anyone remember the Retard in November'92, front page screaming of the dangers to Rangers supporters travelling to Bruges? Most specific was the threat, from a baseball bat wielding Chinese head of the Bruges ultras. The trip proved to be a most relaxing day of moules et frites and litres of beer. And so it continues ................
  7. Apparently, every tenth sale tomorrow receives a rare collectors item. An early 70s collaboration between Abba and the Brothers' Gibb, sung by Matt Monro, 'Bjorn BeeGee'.
  8. So, this vein of sectarianism at the hill of dung runs deep. Club skipper, Paul Hartley indulges during an interview he gave to a Millwall 'zine. He answered the question on being a pigeon, who do want to shit on? Paul wished to fly over Ibrox and shit on the "orange bastards below". Club vice-captain, Zander Diamond hopes the popmobile swerves out of control and, "runs oer the prodis". Big Zander throws in a few, "ftq"s too. Michael Paton enters the vile sectarian banter on Facebook with big Zander, lobbing a few 'ftq's and liberal use of the 'H' term. A couple of years ago, it was Chris Maguire on Bebo, "cannae wait til Saturday to get intae they H__s and break Fergusons leg". Maguire's nickname at the club celebrates his sectarianism, it's, 'Bebo'. Now, we have two youth players, Dean Jervis and Nick Low indulging. Pittodrie is well named, a hill of dung right enough.
  9. I have several hundred match programmes, including at least a dozen of those featured on the link. I am not a programme collector, and stopped buying them 15 years past. Younger posters may be surprised to learn that you could not find out half time scores at other grounds unless you had access to a match programme. At half time, a couple of older chaps pushed a barrow around the black cynder track at the Stadium, they placed a letter in one slot on the terrace retaining wall, followed by two numbers. You had to refer to the programme to see the solution ie B 2-1 meant Dundee were 2-1 up against Airdrie. Further, every programme carried a block ink number on the front/rear page. An elderly chap walked around the track, carrying a huge blackboard with the winning number on it. On a typical rainy night, he did not reach 50 yards before the chaulk washed away. Even in the mid-sixties, the lucky programme number prize was �£50. I have NEVER met anyone that won said prize, although a school mate won a �£1 in Heads you Win.
  10. I attended the first leg at Ibrox, a nil all draw. The Elland Road game finished 2-0 to Leeds, my old man travelled down and on return, raved about the performance of Johnny Giles.
  11. 19(Nineteen) years since they last won at the Stadium.
  12. I seem to remember that Hartley gave an interview to the Millwall official match day programme? Further, the article was littered with 'H' word references. If anyone is interested in real conditioning hatred, then get a hold of the premier Aberdeen 'zine, 'the Nothern Light'. It ran for over a dozen years and was A4 size. It was extremely well produced, a lot of cartoon features, where Rangers supporters were habitually portrayed as having wire coathangers portruding from their heads. Failed abortions!
  13. When Graham Spiers was let go by the Herald, I was surprised he pitched up at the Times(Scotland). I suspect it was the attraction of Rupert Murdoch's Papal Knighthood that saw ra Bhoy in Corduroy go straight to full throated consumation of the Whapping Wedge.
  14. I note those jolly Jambos in the Wheatsheaf Stand were chanting 'rapist' at McGregor on Saturday. I wonder the take from these Holy Wullies on one of their own players sending pictures of their Wullie(dismembered member) to a couple of 15 year olds? Anyway, how do these two pneumatic sirens know it's not a picture(s) of Fred Dibna's cock?
  15. The piece is penned by Ewan Murray, a self confessed Jambo. Fair enough, a journo supporting his team, attempting to accrue as much mitigation as possible to save Hearts from further deserving discipline? However, we know Ewan Murray from these past several years to be 'a Rangers Hater'. The Discredited Journalist, Graham Spiers instructed Ewan in the Spartan form of youth training. When we played Sporting Club of Portugal in Lisbon, I was sitting in an avenue cafe with the wife, enjoying an afternoon's repast. Both Spiers and Murray strolled past in the dappled sunshine, replete in cream chinos and pastel shaded shirts. Heads were thrown back, laughter errupted from Murray, as Spiers pointed to something in a Chemist's window. It was Spring, it was carefree, the Fado drifted on the seaborne breeze ............................. Ewan Murray is Graham's darling catamite. Ignore the cnut.
  16. I liked Monsieur Le Guen's 4-2-3-1. The two accomodates big Lee and Edu, the three is Weiss, Davis, and Naismith, and there can be only one, Ken-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. I breathe easier these days, knowing neither Jim Denny, nor Ally Scott will be in the team.
  17. In another world, we had an oft' repeated line, 'tactics are for amateurs, professionals concentrate on logistics'. It's ALL about support. When I was but a Bear cub, ra Sellik were winning nine-in-a-row; but trips to ra piggery were never fearful. We had Colin Stein ploughing a lonely furrow, with Bud Johnston, Doddy, and Billy Jardine supporting. In the days of mostly, only one visit to ra piggery in a season, I remember a couple of one nil victories, and a storming 4-2 win. Similarly today, as long as we ensure there are players in the midfield prepared, and capable of getting up in support; we will deservedly fcuk the green'n'grey hoops in their own midden. Miller up top on his own, requires a midfield containing Weiss, Naismith, and Davis.
  18. I have just finished reading David Leggat's latest blog, an attack on the Guardian's Deputy Editor of Sport, Barry Glendinning. Apparently, Glendinning urged his readership to utilise their dough in the following manner, "Best bet of the day/month/year? Bursaspor to beat Rangers @ 3-1. The H--s big cup record is awful". Now, Glendinning is biggest, bestest mates with most, if not all those mentioned in the original post. I wonder if Glendinning's continual use of that particular term of derision, was the catalyst for them deciding to ensure the Bookies graduated on to Rioja Grand Reserva last evening?
  19. As yet, neither has made it on to the broadsheets. Both have made their names between the sheets. Mark 'the Slug' Guidi was party to a roasting in Dundee and Bill Leckie was caught advertising his lonely heart on a bunny boiler's website.
  20. In the wake of last evening's wonderful victory for the mighty Rangers, I tuned into BBC Radio Scotland to hear the post match analysis. Richard Gordon was in conversation with former Bears, Derek Ferguson and Craig Paterson; expressing a modicum surprise at the result achieved by Man U in the Mestella. Paterson stated no one knew how to achieve away results in the CL like Sir Awex, and there is consensual acceptance of this view. Richard Gordon then wonders aloud about a grouping of broadsheet journos that James Traynor had earlier mentioned? ie A grouping of journos boasting about the money they were about to take off a Bookie(s) on the proposed double of a Valencia victory/Rangers defeat. I take it, this was pre-mastch on the Ibrox media gantry? Anyone hear it? Both Derek and Craig giggled aloud at the thought of said grouping's hard earned pouring down an open drain. Any Gersnetters care to guess at those involved? I suspect Michael Grant, Glenn Gibbons, Hugh MacDonald, Phil Gordon, Tom English, Martin Hannan, ................. etc. Oh, and I hope mug punter, the man who openly boasts of five seperate accounts at each of the high street Bookmakers, Objective Host of ra Show, Jim Delahunt weighed in BIG TIME. Get it right up the fcuking lot of you. Ah mean, imagine NOT supporting the Scottish club?
  21. Gordon Boyd was a precocious talent, a tall and elegant midfielder. He was most deserving of his debut as a seventeen year old against Hearts in a 1-2 defeat at Ibrox. I would argue he was man of the match in this 1976 game, but John Greig's 15 minute stint at the end of the game as center forward, might just have shaded it. Ham and Egg scored our consolation goal in this brave spell. Boyd clearly had an aversion to training and lacked self discipline. His abhorrence to training ensured Jock Wallace and he did not see eye to eye. However, his natural talent saw Rangers invite him back into the fold in 1980, but he squandered the opportunity again. I don't think he played any other games other than his debut. Still, that's one more game than Kyle has tiurned up for; just my opinion you understand.
  22. I am outraged at the lack of sympathy for Martin expressed on these pages. Martin has a bijou vineyard in close proximity to SDM's far larger interest in the fruit of the vine. His slope is south east facing and this would normally be a good thing. However, the soil is a mixture of limestone, shale, and occasional clay. Martin is attempting to produce a big spicy vin rouge, whereas the Provence region is historically a Rose producing area. Martin cannot turn his slope around to face north, and all that limestone retains the heat, the Mistral does not help either, and then there's the micro climate emanating from being sandwiched between the Rhone savage and the Alps .......................................... Zut Alors! Improving the terwa of a bijou vineyard costs lots of dosh. We should be more understanding. Martin might be the next big thing from Bellet AOC.
  23. It's a difficult choice. Listen to any number of Krauts assuring you they have no intention of ever invading Poland, again! or Listen to our Great Leader issue further assurances that he will never, ever take another slice from the dripping roast that is the Rangers support. The kaffee und kuchen is better in Berlin, you can claim you are a small doughnut, and you are closer to the panzer pope emotion. On reflection, it's a no brainer.
  24. Oh, I have the same suspicion. Today's Herald carried a positive story on SDM's latest London property aquisition, in their financial pages. He has wriggle room again and I imagine will get quite bullish as the club AGM approaches.
  25. Interestingly, Glenn Gibbons penned a similar pernicious take on Old Trafford events. Of course, the discredited journo(ra Bhoy in Corduroy) loves to lionise Gibbons by continually referring to him as, 'the Great Gibbo'. There is a growing raft of journos getting increasingly upset because our club and support do not know(accept) our place. Good.
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