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Posts posted by gavin3084

  1. I Cant Believe Walter Actually Wants This Dick Back He Was At Celtic Last Season And What Was His Record 8 Goals In 30 Odd Games And That Was In A Championship Winning Team The Prick Is Pish And I For One Dont Want Him Anywhere Near Our Proud Club. And As For The Chest Pumping What Can I Say But A Fuckin Judas Cunt Get Him Tae Fuck!!!!!!!!!

  2. I see fletcher as different to naismith. I liked naismith at killie i thought he was a decent enough player but i thought when he came to rangers and got the service he didnt get as much at killie he would push but he hasnt really done that in my book. hopefully when he comes back from injury he will improve with age. as for fletcher i reckon he has got the potential straight away to fit in at ibrox he has pace, skill and knows where the back of the net is. If we can pay 2m for naisy i reckon we could pay 3m for fletch.

  3. Just Heard Steven Fletcher Fae Hibs Is Coming To Rangers For �£3 Mil And Jordan Mcmillan Going On Loan To Hibs For A Season. Anybody Else Heard This Or Is It Just Another 1 Of The Many Rumours Flying About?


    Would Be Quite Happy About Getting Fletcher Though!

  4. Think we need an attacking midfielder if we sign davis great but i dont think he is the answer to supply us with flair and create goals he is a battler and would love him in the team but we need someone a bit different in there i would like to see them go for somebody like steve sidwell from chelsea doubt we could afford his wages but he is a midfielder that can get forward and grab his fair share of goals he done it for reading regular.



    As for alan smith would have love to have seen him at ibrox before he went to man u but he is to injury prone now and if he was our option for a striker a couldnt see him scoring that many goals.:rfc:

  5. I think we defo need a rb next season we dont have quality or pace in there and if we were to spend 2 or 3 mil on a decent rb with pace, good crosser of the ball and definsively good aswell it would see us push on next season. I am not gonae come on here and start slating players but kirk broadfoot is just not rangers class, fair enough he is a natural cb but i still couldnt see him cutting in there either, he is a big tryer but just not got the abilty for us.



    If we get a rb an attacking midfielder with a bit of something different that could constantly supply big boydy and another striker we will be laughing next season.



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