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Everything posted by rbr

  1. Not just our game causing controvesy , Samaras just handled in the box .........no penalty , bloody establishment
  2. Bring on the pigeon , if carlsberg did midweeks then their result stays the same and Lafferty scores the winner for us
  3. Fleck has a bad habit of not playing in players in better positions , he has to learn not to try the superstar finish everytime
  4. Believe it or not I'm happy with that , keep the conspiracy's coming lads
  5. cannot believe that so called commentators dont know basic rules of football
  6. I tell you one thing we aint getting any 50-50's tonight
  7. Got to expect this team to take a good while to gel , everyone breath
  8. Where's the bloody pigeon when we need it . !!!!!!!
  9. I tend to agree however life is funny sometimes , and lets face it there is still nothing official from any of the players that are out of contract , until this season plays out ,Walter has managed to keep the lid on everythiing player wise so lets just see what transpires . Nothing is signed yet of that I am sure
  10. As I posted earlier one of his best mates , our old Doc , is now at Birmingham and he told me on Suday that he expects him to join them , to be fair you cant blame the guy and really apart from some of this season most fans wouldn't have missed him leaving
  11. Listen I was not just holding this season in isolation , in fact you bring up a lot of bad memories and very valid points , considering how bad this DECADE has been financially I am amazed by the success we have actually had
  12. Ian along with Roddy MacDonald who is now with Aston Villa were the first to go through this with Hillis , talk about being in the right place at the right time , get him to pm me and I wil see what I can do , just bear in mind everyone wants into sports science just now
  13. I know that is tongue in cheek mate , but this has started to become fact , if you actually look at Boyd's lay off's never once has he not returned sooner than expected ,and Ian was a fantastic doc for us , in fact it's ironic that only now are we putting in place all his proposals . One bad thing about the internet is lies and rumours become fact , he's been a mate of mine for nearly 30 years so please excuse me if I get a bit touchy on this subject .
  14. Miller is systematic of where we are as a club just now , as is Lafferty though I would prefer Miller any day . Lets face it if we were on an even keel financially there are few playing for us who would still be there , however that cannot take away from what has been ( europe aside ) an absolutely amazing season that has went better than any of us could ever have dreamed off , so lets just enjoy it and see what the sumer holds .
  15. One thing that worries me know is that Ian McGuinness is now back in football at Birmingham as club doctor , after Murray finally got his way and got rid of him from us , he's best mates with Boyd and in fact was responsible for him coming to us in the first place , I was initially hopeful that Boyd would stay but after talking to Ian last week I aint so sure now .
  16. rbr

    Week in quotes

    Frankie , how could you , imagine not accepting Nurenberg Hugh and the fat slug Guidi's word that there were at least 48,000 at the glitterdome last week , and that they had a bigger crowd than the cup final , you should be ashamed of yourself.
  17. You do realise I am going to have to put these on now , dont you . Could you not just have left a smart arse comment , you swine
  18. What we witnessed was Walter playing the long game and not deflecting from the fact that a 9 man team won a cup final , if he had went down the celtic route and slaughtered the ref the headlines would all have been about the ref and not the team , another brilliant display by Sir Walter
  19. Can I get wednesdays lottery numbers please maineflyer :)
  20. I thought he was very impressive preseason and also before he got injured , however he suffers from the same problem as a lot of our squad in that he is flexible and is moved all over the place instead of getting a settled position that he can play into.
  21. I had the pleasure of comps for the press box yesterday and intregingly all the journalists had very very different takes on the sending off's especially Wilson's , amazingly most didn't even have the first clue about the actual rule on this type of sending off . However the funniest thing I saw was spiersy who had been busy tapping into his laptop all game instead of watching , having to ask all around him who had been sent of ( thomson's ) as he had missed it .Hilarious stuff which you couldn't make up
  22. rbr

    Ellis's bid

    so really after 6 pages we are no further ahead in , if Ellis is genuine he has just wasted a whole heap of money for nothing , or is as wabash alludes just another of Murray's smoke and mirrors . Thank god there's a football match on today
  23. rbr

    Ellis's bid

    If this so called story is true then we probably have dodged a bullet with Ellis , if he is a property developer then he would have known a quick visit to the land registery followed up by a call to Glasgow planning would have given him all the answers he would needed regarding land owned and uses of this land . There would have been no need to conduct and due dilligence nor any need to go public , I dont know what game is being played out here , but we are being made to look like mugs , yet again . :(
  24. But pete we have been doing this in cup competitions all season , the team deserves some slack , yes it was dissappointing not seeing the game out , but to be honest we were never really comfortable all day and the 3-1 scoreline was somewhat flattering . we need to get a sense of perspective in all this and I hope the fans desire and sheer desperation , for that's what it is , does not work it's way onto the pitch . At the start of the season if we were out of both cups but just ahead in the league the vast majority would have bitten your hand off , yet here we are in one final rompin the league and still in the scottish yet all I read today is doom and gloom because we drew a game , unbelievable really but hey that's the crazy world of scottish football . :spl::spl: ( oops a bit premature with the avatar)
  25. very very strange posts on here today guys , you cannot legislate for two freaky goals , in that the first Whittaker tries a nightmare pass and Wilson slips , and the second could have went any where , everyone just breath and relax , breath and relax
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