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Everything posted by UCF2008

  1. As part of the initial agreement possibly, but evidence is mounting that they were harassing Whyte for these payments. When Green and Ahmad sat there in the initial press conference with Green waving around a piece of paper which he claimed to be the deal for Whytes shares which he purchased for £2 do you honestly believe they were being honest in anything they said? Green was announced as preferred bidder on 13th May. You might recall there was a delay in the exclusvity fee money being paid following announcement of Green as PB. This was confirmed by D&P the week after the announcement. So if Ahmad paid the exclusivity fee all by himself 'well in advance of any money ever appearing from Craig Whyte' how can the delay in payment be explained?
  2. The element of this that puzzles me most is Green and Ahmad demanding payments from Whyte. Green claims they were trying to sweet talk Whyte into handing over his shares. Even if it was to cover legal costs, why did Whyte need to make these payments? You'd think if the aim was to seperate Whyte from his shares that any money would be heading in the opposite direction. I'm purely speculating here, but my take on it is that I think Green and his team really were brought in as a front for Whyte. I believe they themselves didn't have the funds to cover legal costs and the exclusivity fee. They had apparently agreed with Whyte as part of his scheme that these costs would be covered by Whyte. When they weren't, agreement was reached with D&P who were in no position to let the deal collapse, that the costs would be covered by funds generated post acquisition - the loan. I think it was only at this point that the decision was made between Green, Ahmad and D&P to cut Whyte loose. I think this decision was made immediately prior to Whyte finally stumping up the money which was transferred to mother Ahmad's bank account which is why that money has aledgedly never been touched.
  3. All the more reason to congratulate them when they beat us. They're just as ungracious in victory as they are in defeat. We can see it and so can everyone else. That's their problem. Not ours. Congratulating them, even though it isn't sincere is the best approach imo.
  4. Assuming Green wasn't just making this up then it puts him in the Houses of Parliament two weeks ago meeting with MP's for what reason? Taking into account Cameron's comments from the OP which followed days later it doesn't take a genius to work out there's probably been some high level discussions taking place. Also I found his comment about the number of Rangers supporting MP's interesting since we only ever seem to hear about Westminster CSC.
  5. I might be tempted to go for a few add-ons, but meh why not?
  6. Typical stupidity of the SPL. It shouldn't even have been their fight in the first place. You'll notice the EPL managed to avoid trouble in the other case as it was up to Sky as the rights holder to take action.
  7. Message to TLB & Liewell - That's how you go about losing a title race with dignity.
  8. It's not just the red tops. They're all at it. They seem to want to paint a daily picture of Rangers as a club in crisis right now. I wonder why?
  9. I don't either. Just like I don't think a CEO should keep his job through the sort of scandal that Green's brought upon himself and the club. All the same though, as things stand I think the club needs both of them. I also think the mhedia clearly have an agenda to try and cause disruption at the club. We've had Bomber vs Green, Ally vs Green, Walter vs Green, SPL vs Green, SFA vs Green, Murray vs Green, Whyte vs Green and now we're back to Ally and it's yet another nothing story. I've watched and read all the interviews with Ally after yesterdays game and I can't see anything headline grabbing in it at all. The way it's being presented as some sort of 'civil war' between the pair is completely out of context.
  10. Right now if Ally was to resign I think the odds are weighted towards the support forcing Green to do likewise.
  11. Ah OK That's what I said though. To say it another way it was as much in defence of himself as it was in defence of Ally. He was being asked what he was going to do about the situation with poor performances and instead of giving Ally the dreaded vote of confidence he made the worst Rangers side in history comment. It wasn't the best way to have put his point across, but even Ally didn't put up much of an argument against it at the time. However, like I said to use the same comment (and gloat about how he was proven correct) in the week the team has won the title, not just as a deflective comment, but as part of a whole distraction piece where he's talking about players wanting to punch and kick him and he couldn't give a f**k then that's just wrong. He shouldn't be doing that. It's no way for a boss to treat their employees.
  12. I'd respond but I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
  13. Green said it initially to ease pressure on himself as much as Ally. That he chose to say it again the week the team had won the title nevermind the context in which he said it was wrong.
  14. I like seeing him out there promoting the club, meeting with supporters, trying to find investment and business opportunities for the club. He's been doing a great job in those terms so far. I'd far rather have him visibly out there doing his job than lurking behind the scenes. To me that would be worrying. Especially if you consider Dave Bassets comments about him to have any factual basis at all. Like I say I think he's been a good overall public presence for the club, but he does need to start thinking before he opens his mouth in a lot of these situations otherwise all his good work can easily be undone.
  15. One of Green's comments which sort of slipped in under the radar during the whole Whytegate barrage of reporting might be of relevance to this topic. He said “I hope this won’t be a £50million company like it is on the stock market today — it will be valued at £500million or £1billion. “I walked round the Houses of Parliament two weeks ago. I was looking to catch the sight of famous statesmen yet people were staring at ME. Rangers have more MPs as fans than any other British club.” Source article: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/scottishnews/4874398/Allys-plea-for-villain-Whytes-return-to-Ibrox.html#ixzz2PpvFWjjp
  16. I agree with most of what you're saying there 54 except for the part I've quoted. Going by recent revelations from Green himself I don't think he appears to have dealt with Whyte admirably in the past. He's not doing a good job of dealing with him in the present and what concerns me most is exactly how he's really been 'dealing' with him all along. I also don't agree with your Ally comment at the end, but I'm sure you'd know that already.
  17. We've obviously had more of a challenge from our league rivals in plenty of previous title races, but we've won the majority of those titles with groups of seasoned pros who already had a winning mentality. To do so against relatively unknown opposition with a hastily assembled group of players and no preparation is a completely different challenge. I get what he's saying and although I don't necessarily agree with his opinion of it being the 'hardest' title win I also don't think he's talking rubbish.
  18. He didn't seem too angry to me. He had a cheeky dig at Green for going back to his 'worst Rangers team ever' comment. He obviously didn't agree with Green making that and the other comments about the players and who can blame him? Anyway for those who haven't seen it already and want to see just how furious Ally wasn't today, STV have a video interview up on their site... http://sport.stv.tv/football/clubs/rangers/220488-ally-mccoist-hits-back-at-charles-green-over-worst-rangers-team-claim/
  19. They've had the luxury of a free run. It's easy to take your foot off the gas when there's no serious competition as we've found out in recent weeks. They've been able to focus on Europe. TLB would never have taken them to the last 16 of the CL under normal circumstances where they'd have had a league campaign to worry about.
  20. Nothing new here. We heard all this when Green first appeared on the scene along with the counter arguements from those he didn't manage to pi$$ off as much as the likes of Basset.
  21. As long as he's got nothing to hide and doesn't keep putting his foot in it then you're probably right for the most part. I think Frankie's right as well though in that he's probably lost the confidence of a portion of the support and his actions (and words ) over the next few weeks and months will determine how it pans out. So in that sense he might well be back to square one.
  22. Maybe in the eyes of Green it was bad. Sure, he didn't get the hero's welcome Whyte was given, but I don't think anyone other than maybe Walter would have. As far as I can remember there was a little bit of animosity from some fans because he beat TBK's, but nothing you would call 'bad'...at least not until the CVA failed, Walter and McColl appeared and Bomber exited Ibrox Kamikaze style. He's never really been a hate figure though. The angry mob's never amounted to more than a couple of dozen hardcore nutters asking for answers. Nothing too 'hostile'.
  23. Nothing he says really surprises me. I suppose that's something I probably have in common with a lot of the fans who show him unwavering allegiance even though I'm not one of them. He likes to open his mouth and let his belly rumble. He's unpredictable in that you don't know what he's going to come away with next, but predictable in the sense that you know he's likely to go off on a tangent with some completely nosensical anecdote whenever he runs out of relevant thoughts or doesn't have some new outragious claim to make. He just keeps on talking. He was always going to dig more than a few holes for himself. I don't really have any idea how his credibility as a representative of our club will have been affected by his comments over the past 48 hours because I didn't really see him as having much credibility in the first place as a club spokesperson. Getting back to the outragious claims though, that's something I actually like about him. Some of it seems embarassing at the time, but then no more so than claiming you can raise £20m+ via a flotation when the your club's just been put in the bottom tier. He's constantly been spouting moonbeams. Something a lot of fans don't want. A lot of fans want realism and achievable targets, but the thing is that Green and co have already delivered more than I thought they were capable of. So in this sense he's not the incompetent buffoon you might be led to believe he is. Overall, my opinion of him hasn't really changed much at all over the past 48 hours. I still don't know exactly what to make of him. I still think he's capable to delivering results others would struggle to even think about attempting to achieve and I don't trust him any more or less than I did before. Possibly some fans giving him the benefit of the doubt up until now will be looking at it differently though.
  24. I don't think it's supposed to. He's fighting fire with fire. He's saying if you think talking rubbish to Whyte and calling him names is controversial I'll give you controversial. ...or he might just be committing harakiri. Those are the only two ways I can think of to explain it.
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