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Everything posted by UCF2008

  1. In other words you don't want to see Boyd playing. Why am I not surprised Gribz? Scott Brown is on really poor form at ATM. He was shocking at the weekend, and just f**king funny the weekend before. We could always go with a 4-3-3 with Miller, Boyd and McFadden. _________________Gordon_________________ Broadfoot___McManus____Caldwell____Naismith ____Robson_______Fletcher______Maloney____ _____Miller________Boyd_______McFadden____
  2. How does everyone think we should line up for tonights game? IMO, If we're going with a 4-4-2 in a 'must-win' game, we've got to bring Boyd in. Other than that I'd like to see Broadfoot given a shot as he's on a good run of form ATM. _________________Gordon_________________ Broadfoot___McManus____Caldwell____Naismith Maloney____Robson_____Fletcher____McFadden ____________Miller________Boyd____________ Maloney and McFadden on the wings is debatable, but as an attacking line-up it does look good.
  3. Well that's the problem - We don't know. You can be sure though, that there will be accusations. Unfortunately, it's not as easy for us to 'self-police' as the media would have you think. Some things are easier to define as being sectarian than others. It's like other forms of political correctness. Is a golliwog a racist symbol? How about a blackboard?
  4. Excellent article. With regards to the point about the need for a public debate involving supporters - one possible solution would be for them to set up an internet forum. That way we could all contribute our views on the subject over a period of time. As a result, the SIF Working Group would gain a valuable insight into the views of the supporters themselves and in turn, the supporters would get a clearer picture of what was being done to tackle the issues.
  5. There's no denying that this is a really awkward subject for some of us. I think we really need to take a look at what we all regard as being 'sectarian'. It seems to me that some of us have the opinion that 'sectarianism' is purely a religious issue, when in fact the sectarian divide with regards to the Old firm has as much to do with politics as religion. IMO, it's very unfortunate the way this issue has been handled in recent times both in political and religious circles. There has also been a clear bias shown by the media in their dealing with the issue and in the case of Rangers, this has had the effect of decisions being made by footballing authorities which have appeared to single out Rangers FC and the Rangers support for punishment. IMO, further action needs to be taken to rectify this. It's not just a case of dealing with a few sectarian songs. We also need to look at what fuels sectarianism. The main problem is how far do we actually need to go and in the end what will it actually achieve. After all, sectarianism in Scotland is much deeper rooted than the OF and removing it from football (if that's even feasible) is just a case of papering over the cracks. Like most people at this point in time, I'm really unsure of where we go from here. I do know however that we as Rangers fans have a responsibility to ensure that our club isn't punished any further over this issue. For that reason, I think it would be advisable to avoid anything which could be deemed as sectarian. So getting back to the topic in question. Do I think that an Ulster Day is sectarian? - No. Do I think that an Ulster Day could possibly encourage the singing of songs which could be accused of being sectarian? - Yes.
  6. At first glance it didn't look too unusual a team selection. The only difference I could see was 5 Tims on the park. One thing Walter and Eck did was try and maintain some sort of balance between the OF players. Add to that the fact we gave those 5 (6 if you count Maloney) a hammering the previous weekend and it starts it becomes clear ...Obviously Rangers are to blame :fish:
  7. I get that, but it's just asking for trouble. If we have to do it why not at least organise it for Ibrox? Fir Park is hardly the best location for this kind of thing.
  8. ...Or why not have a U.S. day for our two American internationals plus all the North American support? Have to agree with Cotter on this one.
  9. UCF2008

    Chris Burke

    I really rate Burke. He's a very gifted player, but he's been extremely unlucky with injuries. Only Webster and Smith have the potential to outdo him on that front. At the end of the day, I'd hate to lose him, but we can't be throwing money away on a 2 - 3 game-a-season player. I'd offer him a new contract, but it wouldn't be an improved one. In fact I'd drop his basic wage back down to what it was before for a couple of seasons, with the potential to earn his current salary based on appearances. Then if he does enough to earn a wage increase (of which he's more than capable) then fair enough.
  10. You've got to feel a bit sorry for Hemdani. He's a good player who's been pretty much frozen out (at least in SPL games) since WS took over. I don't really understand how he can't be suited to playing in the SPL, but was a 1st choice for European games last season. Makes me think there could be more to it - Appearance based issues perhaps? Then again, even the man who brought him to Rangers was more interested in throwing money at Big Bobo than taking BH off our hands, so it does make you wonder.
  11. Kind of shows how serious The Sun is taking this whole issue. 'Cheeky' indeed? Maybe they would care to publish the home addresses of all THEIR staff and see how amusing THAT would be. No? Didn't think so
  12. UCF2008

    charlie adam

    Agreed. It's disgraceful the way we treat our youths. You've got to wonder how many we've written off, before they've had a proper chance to develop. IMO even Barry Ferguson might have struggled if Advocaat hadn't made him skipper. A few weeks ago we had fans crying out for the likes of Fleck to be given a chance, but to be honest WS would be crazy to throw a player of that age to the wolves. It's different if they're foreign, especially if we've signed them for a few �£million. Then we seem to give them all the time they need to settle in. With our own however it's a different story ...As if we expect them to be pre-conditioned to our levels of expectation and the consequences of the slightest dip in form. With the likes of Adam, we've got a good young player who's already shown that he has huge potential and can perform at a consistent level (at every level) over the course of a season. Yet at the first opportunity we've given up on him. We seem to concentrate far too much on the negatives instead of just giving lads like Adam our encouragement and leaving it to the coaching staff to keep them headed in the right direction.
  13. 'Figures are estimated' In other words Gary Smith has about as much a clue about the INs & OUTs as we do. If we had made some more money on a few of the OUTs (like we probably could have) then we could practically have had a net spend of zero. Still, you have to agree that we've done quite well in the transfer market over the past couple of seasons.
  14. He's never been in a job with the sort of profile as the one he's currently in and it's beginning to show. He needs to do some brushing up on his PR skills if he's to have any chance of keeping the nation on-side. Preferably starting with a speech therapist to give him a hand with his constant slurring. After our performance in the previous campaign, expectations are high. I've got my doubts as to whether Burley will be able to deliver. Maybe like Frankie says he's 'a manager of limited ability'. He's not been tested at this level before and I suppose we'll find out soon enough if he's up to the task.
  15. No, but giving him some sort of official role at the club would be. Why not. Maybe he can provide the half-time entertainment at the next OF game. Hand him an imaginary flute and get him to play along to 'Follow Follow'. Bet that would go down treat :devil:
  16. Yes that's true, but I get the impression that some of his friends are a bad influence and he needs to distance himself from that in order to sort himself out.
  17. I'd like to think that if the same thing happened on here with regards to a Celtic players address, that the mods would be on to it like a shot and the culprit would be banned and his details reported to the authorities. That screenshot shows that the thread lasted more than 40 minutes and no doubt it still hasn't been closed, edited or removed. Meanwhile the dhims are all gibbering pi$h over on 606 about no threat having been made.
  18. That's a disgrace. It's not even one individual, but a whole group of the mhanky bassas involved...including the site admin. Should be shut down.
  19. Just checked that out. F**king idiots have even put Steven Thomson in there. I guess that's supposed to be Kevin I've also read that it was in fact another 'tic related chatroom where the address posting originated. From what I've been reading on 606 and elsewhere today, it seems the dhims aren't taking this issue seriously at all, with half of them dismissing it with conspiracy theories and the other half finding it amusing. Twisted f**kers
  20. He's getting worse and worse. It's a damn shame Some of those who call themselves his 'pals' should take a good look at themselves. He needs help and he's not getting it from any of them. No doubt those who could (and probably would like to) try and help him, including folk at Ibrox see him as too much of a liability and you can't blame them. He really needs to get himself away from all those drunks and scroungers.
  21. I'm not Broadfoot's biggest fan by a long shot, but he's done well enough to convince me that he deserves his place in the squad. Even at RB I think he's a better option than Alexander. Well done Kirk :cheers:
  22. I know what you're saying Craig and to some extent I agree with you. Let's just hope the authorities take appropriate measures and make an example of them because this disgusting kind of behaviour can't be allowed to continue. How would you like it to be in Nacho's situation right now? Having to move house in fear for the safety of yourself and family all over a f**king game. It's ridiculous. It doesn't matter whether it's a Rangers player, a Celtic player or any player. They might get paid well, but it's not supposed to be danger money
  23. This is absolutely shocking. I have my doubts about the Lennon story - mainly because we'd just won the OF game and you'd think we'd be celebrating rather than venting our anger. It does seem more likely that Lennon was the instigator. That said, there's no excuse for that kind of behaviour and I hope his attackers are brought to justice. As for Nacho, you couldn't meet a nicer guy. To think that he and his family are in danger because of the reckless and hateful actions of militant supporters is disgraceful. These people should be named and shamed, preferably alongside THEIR home address. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Scum.
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