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Everything posted by UCF2008

  1. If we're going to offer Gow a pay-off, I'd insert a clause in the deal that he has to look outside the SPL, then give him a game to let potential buyers get a look at him. We might still get a fee for him after all. This would also serve as an insurance policy that he won't move down south and then straight back to an SPL club within the same season. This way, we might only have to pay him what we get for him and at the same time avoid getting egg on our faces.
  2. Personally, I don't think signing him was a 'mistake'. He's a good player and could have done a job for us, but something has obviously happened behind the scenes for him to have been frozen out. While I have to admit he's probably on a half decent wage, he's not exactly one of our top earners. There's hardly been a year gone by in the past decade where we haven't had a player in his situation, more often than not on a much higher salary. Whether that's down to poor management or not is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that as much as we can criticise for more money down the drain, that's nothing compared to the criticism the club will face if he scores against us for our rivals, whilst living it up on our fat pay-off.
  3. UCF2008

    gers eye etuhu

    Looks like he would be a decent enough buy, although it depends what sort of fee we're talking about.
  4. Agreed. There's no way we should be paying his wages while he plays for one of the opposition. That's insanity. Who knows, he might still have a future at the club, but somehow I doubt it. If he's not willing to move to another club, taking a pay-cut if need be, to get his career back on track then let him rot.
  5. I have to agree. I really don't understand why some fans are holding SDM to ransom with this �£30m figure. Last year we spent �£10m+ and it looks like we've got roughly the same amount to spend again this year. When was the last time we had 2 successive seasons with that amount in the transfer kitty? Last year we brought in a whole squads worth of players. The most 'high profile' of which was arguably Roy Carrol Yet at least six of those players played an integral part in our run to the UEFA cup final, with one of them winning POTY along the way. I can understand why some fans are getting a bit jittery about our midfield situation ATM, but at the same time we should really be showing more faith in the management.
  6. If you're unhappy at the way the club is being run, you could even organise a demonstration outside Ibrox, bombard the club with hate-mail, write letters to the tabloids & phone up all the football phone-ins. Personally, I find all of the above actions disgraceful, but IMO it's certainly not as distasteful and doesn't have as negative an impact on your team as taking your place in the stand for the sole purpose of hurling abuse at them.
  7. I have to ask you maineflyer, would it not make more sense for you to boycott matches and encourage others who feel like yourself ATM to do likewise?. I really don't see the point in paying good money to watch your team, just so that you can boo them off the park.
  8. Guess that was just a typo then
  9. 4-4-2? Will be interesting to see if they line up like it reads with Weir (RCB) & Broadfoot (LCB)
  10. ...Unless of course we've got a crazy German scout spying on CA and saying 'Zees player eez just like ze hammer'
  11. Out of those players I think McCulloch is the only one I'd like to see moved on as he really hasn't impressed me at all. The rest of them all have a part to play IMO. Unfortunately, Thomson & Whittaker are the only ones we'd get decent offers for.
  12. I think Adam & Whittaker as well as Thomson & Hemdani have the ability to make up for their lack of pace. With McCulloch it's more about aerial prowess and brute strength. This means that to play a 4-5-1 these players have to be constantly pressing. That leaves us either short in defence or unable to counter quickly and also means we're left with a lot of tired players come the end of the season.
  13. In fact we're probably better off ditching the 4-5-1 ATM (Dailly with it) and going 4-4-2, but somehow I can't see that happening.
  14. IMO - If we play McCulloch - Thomson - Hemdani - Dailly - Novo in midfield, we're as well pushing Novo up front and making it a 4-4-2 and even then, with no pace on the wings we're probably still f*cked.
  15. ...but yes, you're right. We need at least one player from that central three (or two in a 4-4-2) who can move forward and link up play. ATM, as much as I rate Thomson & Hemdani, I can only think of Adam & Fleck as being suitable candidates.
  16. I can't argue with that, but we do need players with pace and an eye for goal (especially on the wings) to effectively turn the 4-5-1 to a 4-3-3 on the counter. This is where we fell short last season when we were hit with injuries & suspensions.
  17. To be fair, KM isn't a goalscorer. What position does he play again?
  18. ...You could say the same thing about Kirk Broadfoot for instance. It still doesn't make him any more than a useful squad player.
  19. Yes indeed. That IS 'one thing' you can say about KM.
  20. You've got to admit though, it does make you wish we hadn't signed KM :fish:
  21. The article seems to be making out that money isn't an issue now. Then again if I was earning 30k a week for two years, it probably wouldn't be an issue for me either
  22. Why? Because he wanted to leave on a high? Because Le Guen's poor man management and grasp of english left him believing he wasn't wanted? or because he was offered 30k a week to go and play in the Bundesliga?
  23. I see him as being more like Novo (a forward who's more often than not played on the wing)...with a bit less heart ...and a bit more skill. We need players like that if we're to make the most of a 4-5-1 / 4-3-3.
  24. This is probably true, but are they available and are our scouts even watching them?
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