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Everything posted by Sutton_blows_goats

  1. we are stuck with him for two more years on 38k per week… Its a problem
  2. Beaten by the better team. Don’t let the score line fool you we scored an og and a penalty from a deflected handball.
  3. Oh and it’s a no for a new deal for Lundstram too btw. Not kicked a ball for months.
  4. Lack of changes at half time are a mystery when we could all see the first half
  5. This is the day we lost the league, not just because of today but because we haven’t turned up for weeks and today was in the post.
  6. Don’t think it’s bottle, think it’s a lack of want and will tbh
  7. We have created a fair few good chances too, need to be more clinical.
  8. Not sure how the player missed that chance then I seen it was Dessers
  9. Will be surprised if he can see out the season without getting injured again but as long as he contributes to a title win who cares. Raskin still not getting a start.
  10. Does John Nelms own Dundee or is he placeman for a mysterious owner?
  11. Drysdale chap is a very stereotypical hanger on, desperate to get on the SNP gravy train and was involved at Raith Rovers for a while. Seems he has no loyalty otehr than to his own personal profile. This makes him an ideal shill.
  12. Its a bit strange how Dundee have tried to absolve themselves of all blame for this. As if its all out of their control and down to climate change or masons cloud seeding over dens but not tannadice.
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