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Everything posted by Gers4Life

  1. And no doubt lawwell will be apprehending mulgrew or having a word in his ear for his comments!
  2. Makes you wonder if the administrators are already lining their pockets and not giving much away...... These players are sacrificing huge wages in order to save others and the administrators are not giving any assurances about securing jobs! I'd be up in arms aswell if it were me!
  3. Mcgregor should give his agent a boot in the balls then
  4. Milan have been awful and I guess they just thought they could just turn up and sit on a 4-0 lead..... Squeaky bum time if your a Milan fan!
  5. Please let's just get this sorted and start to move on......... I do have my doubts about the administrators and the connection with Whyte though
  6. Gears of War 3...... Blow some serious shit up in that and create chaos
  7. I'm going over in September, staying on international Drive near the upside down house think its called wonder works and near my local which will be the miller ale house
  8. When you going to Florida?? I'm going aswell and bought some t-shirts and shorts aswell on Saturday
  9. I don't think I can take much more! Like most of us it feels as if someone has just ripped my heart out....... I'm bloody distraught
  10. Thats a tough question mate but like most that have been at the club for years they have been handsomely paid and they know it for other that are just in the door that's another scenario
  11. Absolutely nothing will get done the match delegate was more than likely in the pisser so heard nothing!
  12. I'll be more than happy to keep this team together after we come out of this mess!
  13. Bloody double standards if you ask me....... We should use the same excuse as they did when the spl investigated the hibs match...
  14. This is a bad dream.......... No wait! It's a bloody nightmare
  15. This guy has taken the fan loyalty way over the line! How the hell can people trust him now if they had minor doubts at the beginning.......
  16. Rediculious thing for that plum to say.... That shower of shite have had their fair share of decisions as we speak and they are still getting them!
  17. Wishful thinking but it would be great for a big Dubai billionaire to come in and take us over
  18. Only time will tell! But will he have a team for next week!
  19. I may be wrong here, but I heard on the radio on the way home from the match that hmrc could have issued a winding up order on us but chose administration instead...
  20. Yeah it sure was and it brings it all back
  21. I became a Ranger the moment I was born.....in my family that has always been the team.... God I've still got my first Rangers top that I had got when I was a child my team the famous glasgow rangers
  22. Now it makes you wonder if this has come about with Craig whyte's lawyers not co-operating with the spl/sfa
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