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Posts posted by Nevermind

  1. Hopefully this is the last of the heads to be pulled out from the clouds among our support. The spine of our team has been flawed and rendered bottlers for years. We need a whole new outlook. 

  2. We do not have the adequate mentality to over come this fixture. The core of our team is psychologically feeble when pitched against this mob. 

    Sick and tired of the liabilities costing us the game and the stupid amount of respect shown to that lot. 

    Lundstrum should just get showered and fuck off home.  Utter stupidity from someone who should know better. When players his age start throwing themselves about like that, its a sign they're finished. 

  3. Although I'm disappointed in the result, I do think there is a long way to go. And we could pull something out the bag. We already have 1 trophy and we're no where near out of contention for the others. So all in all, we're in good shape. We just have too many players giving that lot across the road way too much undue respect. 

    Maybe before 2012 I could have been convinced of some unspoken line that was to never be crossed out of respect to an old rivalry but since then, they've shown time and time again they don't deserve respect. We should be actively looking to kick that club into the dirt every game we play. 

    We've too many nice lads in the team. 

  4. Dinosaur stuff served up by one of the most embarrassing managers in the game. Total also ran of a manager whose career highlights are what, a couple of runners up medals and two manager of the month awards? The state of that St Johnstone team was a pure minter. How he is still in football nevermind in charge of a team I'll never know. 

    Suffering hell.  

  5. Must really stick in the sides of those who call Tavernier a perennial loser to see him slam in the cup final winner. A professional display and the correct result. Couldn't be happier for the captain considering he's been struggling like a lot of players this season but he's been reborn under Clement.  

  6. Will be holding my judgement until the end of next season. The remainder of this season is a free hit as far as I'm concerned. I'd be well impressed if he removes the armband from the captain but that won't happen. Largely because there is nobody else to give it to. I'm curious to see how he handles the cowardice of the other teams in league with their 90 minutes of mega bus defending. 

    Glad to have a bit of culture back at the club. The last Clement at Rangers wasn't too shabby either. 

  7. Only taken them about 23 years. This is long long long, overdue. 

    This has been a personal bugbear of mine for an age. Even during the Green and White nonsense I was asking the bloggers to spare a moment to raise the issue facing disabled fans but they were too busy pretending to be ninjas and musketeers in the know.

    Delighted to hear that the disabled fans are getting the respect they deserve. Long overdue. 


  8. 2 hours ago, Scott7 said:

    No knowledge of the Great Man apart from what I read but the guy who fitted his wardrobes told me he was a gent. Don’t know if this helps.

    It helps. One thing that sticks in my mind is the Celtic fans, the ones I seen and heard on the media and in my personal life showed nothing but respect to him on his passing. There was no window dressing or platitudes. In their eyes a great man had passed and they showed their respects. It made me curious as to how he held himself which ended up garnering a level of respect that was unquestionable. 

    1 hour ago, compo said:

    A very decent man from Carmyle and a bloody good manager. 


  9. Good afternoon gents, 

    First of all I'm going to admit I'm not entirely sure of what I'm trying to ask but I'll give it a try. 

    Walter Smith's personality as a man. What was it? does anyone have any actual face to face experience with the man as appose to the persona if you will. He was highly respected by everyone in every room he entered. Ignoring his trophy haul, he seems to have been highly regarded as a man not just a manager. Even the other side of the city ( excluding match days ) knew better than to tangle with him. Same went for the press to an extent. 

    You look at some of the characters he signed as a manager and I'm left wondering how he managed to tame so many lions and wildcats. 

    His business head for money as a manager, the one that sticks in my mind ( if i remember rightly ) is he sold Kevin Thomson then purchased Jelavic? hell of a deal. 

    These days you see a lot of managers wrapping themselves up in philosophies and personality, but Walter always struck me as a Man first and foremost. No nonsense, no fanfare, just a man doing a job, yet it came with a heavy weight and was carried a certain way I don't see often today. 

    Anybody have personal stories? The word I kept hearing for years was '' Integrity ''. 

    I know and remember as a manager he'd be cautious with his set up on match day, but that goes against the other side where he went out and bought firebrand players who had history. 

    So who was Walter, and what made Walter?

    I'm feeling nostalgic today and the weather down here in Lincolnshire is dire so I'm up for a trip down memory lane. 


  10. Best of luck on the next chapter of his life, but we need to get this appointment absolutely spot on. 

    A Europa final and a SC isn't the worst record as a Rangers manager, however, We're second to Celtic and that is never acceptable as a Rangers manager. 

    Hopefully the next manager goes by the name Gaffer and not Boss. Oh, and bring back the tricks. 

  11. One of the things I hate about being an older football fan. Is that experience tells you what game is the one where the league died. Today was that day. This team has collapsed out of it's own arse. I've got better things to do with my time than dissect the multiple reasons why millionaires are pretending to have forgotten how to do their job. 

    Until next season troops. Take care. 

  12. I was thinking about Gerrard's time with us when the news broke he'd been sacked. One of things that stuck out to me when comparing our current manager with him, is that opposition players in europe in their post match pressers would always comment on how Rangers wouldn't let them breathe. Relentless, dogged etc. 

    Compare that to the hands in pockets style of play GVB has us playing is soul destroying. 

    Shoulda known he'd fuck up after insisting on being called the boss and not Gaffer. 

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