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Posts posted by aftershock

  1. Maybe just wishful thinking on my part but watching that interview I thought CW looked as though he was becoming more confident. Its as if we are coming to the part that he actually knows something about and he's almost enjoying it, so he can show that he knew what he was doing all along. Then again, my heads up my arse with whats going on and I'm probably imagining it.......

  2. I know i'm not alone but as someone who has no financial background other than looking after my own money, I am completely lost as to what the fuck is going on. I feel totally helpless that the club I have supported since I was a boy is being absolutely destroyed and I still don't know who to believe. It's like watching a train crash about to happen and not being able to do anything about it. What a complete and utter tragedy this is. I wish it was only about the football, the way it used to be.

  3. Originally Posted by der Berliner

    *whack over the head* ... We've sold McMillan and have his wages. We've sold Jelavic and have his wages. We've loaned and released nigh a dozen and save their money. We offered 1m to Norwich for Holt and had a decent amount of wages set aside ... so please try not to follow the garden path the press as cut.



    I realise we have those wages freed up, so what are we waiting for. Surely if we have that money available we would have got an out-of-contract player by now. It's not as if the transfer window closes with only Celik signed and then we start looking for a striker, we should have been expecting that situation and be ready with a list of players we now can get in. It's not as if we can afford to take our time, we simply don't have enough strikers in the team.

  4. For me it is all of the above, but mainly playing players in their proper positions to try and get some stability and confidence back in the team. For a team that isn't performing well, it surely can't help continually putting players into unfamiliar postions and expecting everything to click into place.

    We also need someone to step forward and be a leader and drag this team out of the malaise its in.

  5. Ally's a legend but right now he's doing us more damage than even Craig Whyte (until proven otherwise). Would love him to prove everybody wrong, but its not looking good. No leadership, no skill, no fight in his team.

  6. Couldn't understand why Celik didn't play up behind Healy (which is position he's supposed to be good at) and Aluko didn't stay on right wing where he has been playing well recently. All that meant was that Bartley was given no protection (and he bloody needs it) as Celik was trying to get used to playing in a completely alien postion for him and we had a forward line that were like dwarves compared to the United defence.

  7. From BBC Gossip Column webpage:


    Norwich captain Grant Holt could be a target for Rangers boss Ally McCoist as he scrambles to replace Jelavic, with St Johnstone's Francisco Sandaza and Spanish midfielder Juanma Ortiz also possibilities. (Scottish Daily Mail)



  8. That's my only criticism of him right now, he tends to have a few slack passes in a game. Against Hibs he did it a few times and a couple of times he gave possession away in our half. In saying that he's getting really good at breaking up the oppositions attack and then starting a quick counter attack. He's also getting into the opposition box more and likes a crack at goal.

    Funny how not long ago almost everyone was wanting rid of him (myself included), now he's gettin plaudits for being one of our best midfielders so far this season.

  9. Dont believe a word of this bust-up rumour. I would've thought that both CW and Ally would know that if we sell Jelavic then we must have at least one more decent striker brought in. Otherwise we would be a team of defenders and midfielders with absolutely no-one half decent to put the ball in the net. That would be an utterly unacceptable situation to be in.

    Then again, the way things are right now, you never know....

  10. I think few of our fans will be too saddened at this absence. Wish him the best of course, but it's possibly not a hindrance that he's unavailable right now.


    I agree that this enforced absence actually came at the right time as he was playing really badly yet still seemed to be undroppable. However, we need everybody fit if we are to retain the title so hopefully he will be back in action asap and gets some form back when he returns.

  11. We need to have players like Aluko and Wylde on the park from the start. They would push up the wings as much as possible and keep their full backs from getting forward. If we play all the defensive players in midfield then we are just inviting them on to us and that would be disastrous. They are shit at the back and we need to go for it!

  12. He has been outstanding and certainly worth as much as Davis or Whittaker, though at his age he won't get it. One of the best defensive headers of a ball we've had in a long time, hardly ever needs to foul, but not afraid to take one for the team when necessary. We will not loose a lot of goals and hence we won't lose many games with him and Bocanegra in the centre of defense.


    Bocanegra has been a great piece of business too. Didn't have a great start and got some flack but we look solid at the back now with him and big Dorin. A great mix of experience and no-nonsense defending.

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