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Everything posted by Gazza_8

  1. I find it quite worrying that this is still sung about. People need to get a grip and move on.
  2. I highly doubt there would've been police working at the game on Saturday. A Div 3 club can't really afford to pay the police for 2 cops to attend the game. The supporters have a huge deal to play in this. Name and shame the culprits. There's nothing the police can do without evidence. These arseholes need to be identified by the club and fans and then let the police do their job.
  3. One of the thing that annoys me about JT is that he seems to only play well when he likes the manager which is a fairly unprofessional thing to do.
  4. I think you'll find a lot of Scotland diehards buying it.
  5. You don't see many Scotland strips in the west coast of Scotland anyway. But it's like any typical diehard football fan. More often than not they'll buy their clubs strips. I
  6. Gazza_8


    Has been quoted as saying he'll be seeking a move after the World Cup. He's had a terrible season but I blame McCoist for that. Playing a young lad, in a foreign country, out of position was never going to work. I hope he goes onto have a successful WC and gets a decent move.
  7. We had pink before back in 1994. I can't believe the levels of discontent with this top. It's only a football strip.
  8. I know I'm in the minority but I like it. It reminds me of the 1990 away top.
  9. More money to spunk (literally) on grannies.
  10. Sacked? Really? A telling off should do it.
  11. Some jelly beans, a packet of crayons and a colouring book and a reserved seat up the back of the bus.
  12. 1. Coatbridge isn't Celtic daft. 2. The whole town isn't talking about this game. 3. His pub is shite.
  13. Can't see it myself. I reckon Arsenal will struggle to create much and break down their defence. Away win written all over it.
  14. Called it. A fantastic tie for both clubs. We should progress and Albion should make a tonne of money. Fantastic! I'm sure the Albion board will be having a few drinks tonight.
  15. I can see them landing 9 points in the league games. They do better away from home.
  16. To be honest, there's more important things to worry about than who's mocking a past or current Rangers player.
  17. It's what they've done for years now. It's especially pleasing when they go into World Cup's and European Championship's thinking they're onto a good thin go may to get pumped out early doors.
  18. I see he's a tracksuit manager. What is it with people thinking we can't mock/have a go at past or current t players? What's the big deal?
  19. Arsenal hoping to sign Matuidi, Vucinic and Draxler. But yes, Man City are fantastic. They'll run away with the league and hopefully take about 5 off Chelsea on Monday.
  20. Saw it at the cinema. Basically DS Robertson is everything that ends in 'ist'. The film wasn't what I expected and the wife nearly left at the bit where he was getting beaten up. Not a patch on trainspotting!
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