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Graeme Ro55

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Everything posted by Graeme Ro55

  1. I have been quick to slag him in the past, so in the spirit of even handedness I will happily admit he has been in good form recently.
  2. Gutted for young McCausland. That was a great finish, and should have stood. On that form he is our best option for the right wing. As for the game, on the whole I am happy with the result. The first half was certainly better than the second. Like him or not Dessers will have to contribute goals and today he did that. The tifo and minutes silence today were as usual class, well done to those concerned. WATP
  3. C'mon The Gers Warm the Bears in the stands with a couple of quick goals.
  4. Great first half tonight. The progress under Clement is already bearing fruit and it's still early days. Exciting future ahead Bears.
  5. The Famous were very good today. No lack of effort from the players, although not all were effective. Great substitutions by the Manager. I have to say Tav, Butland, Lundstram, Danilo, Goldson and Balogun were excellent, and Wright has been a great impact player for Clement. If Wright maintains this form, and Lawrence is fit, Cantwell and Lammers will struggle to hold down a starting place.
  6. This was very difficult. I have been lucky to see some great games at Ibrox over the years. But my favourite day in Ibrox is not one of those. At - The first of many Rangers games I have took my Sons to. 3rd of May, 2008. A two nil victory over Hearts thanks to goals rom Velicka an Boyd. Now young men, they take me. Not at - I would have loved to have seen The Famous beat a star studded Parma 2 - 0 at Ibrox in the 1999 Champions League in Ibrox. It was great even on telly.
  7. Our defence is pish imo, so scoring more than the opposition is the way to go.
  8. We were guff for the most part, then wee Danilo pops up at the end like Dick Turpin 😁 and blags all three points. Love it ! There will be some ragin going on with the other mob tonight 🤬 C'mon The Gers
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