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yuddie last won the day on July 13

yuddie had the most liked content!


1,300 Excellent


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    Snooker, Falklands War (Dad served), Sport misc.


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    Waste Disposal

Favourite Rangers Player

  • Favourite Rangers Player
    Past: Jelavic Current: Raskin

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  1. Koppens got a set on him taking up being our HOR, fair play to him.
  2. A LCB and a two way player who can play 10 and 9 would make sense.
  3. Managers signing players and immediately playing them in an unfamiliar position is a pet peeve tbf.
  4. All rumoured of course but looks like we could recoup 10m+ this window if these rumours are accurate. August 1st is looming...
  5. 0 mate, the pre season has been uninspiring and we're yet to add first team signings outwith Barron. Seen a couple of 5m outgoings mooted today so maybe there's hope on the horizon though!
  6. Only thing I recall about this lad is him coming on and booting Liverpool players when United were getting slaughtered.
  7. Some laugh the manager losing that dressing room. Things got too comfortable, he's trying to change it and it's gone down like a sack of tatties. If ever you wondered if it was a squad worth getting behind, there's your answer.
  8. That first half scared the shit out of me. Torn to pieces by the Blues man.
  9. I must be an outlier but I thought there was promising signs. Especially with his passing.
  10. You got to laugh at Wright grabbing the ball and sprinting back to halfway. Some finish tbf.
  11. Could be mate aye. Imagine losing that dressing room though, they haven't got a leg to stand on.
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