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Union City Blue

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Everything posted by Union City Blue

  1. It's quite disappointing that David Edgar (in particular) is having the piss taken out of him on various websites for keeping the conversation going and repeating the messages. He is also being accused of stealing other peoples' 'old news' and dressing it up as his own. Also, part of the OP was his update that the bank is indeed getting twitchy about the negative PR - this originally came from sources within the bank. Taking the information at face value, this was/is definitely 'new news'. It's all very well saying it's not 'news' (on the assumption that negative PR was always going to make Lloyds twitchy), but it's a different thing saying & confirming that it's actually happening. It's fairly obvious that some people choose to have a pop at the RST almost regardless of what it says or does. Disappointing as it is, this is just what seems to happen and it seems doubtful it will ever change. Some of the people/websites having little pops at David Edgar and the Trust are, at the same time, calling for the RST to collaborate with these very websites and other fans groups! This week on-line in various places, Edgar has been accused of (amongst other things); self-promotion, only being in it for himself, thinking he speaks for all Rangers fans, selling-out, being a thick c*nt, lying, not being a real Rangers fan etc etc etc etc etc etc etc ..... and these are just on Rangers boards! As ever, people have every right to criticise but in the current situation you'd think that there are greater issues at stake than whether the RST is all things to all people and generally rubbishing David Edgar.
  2. Rangers' debt is only a fraction of their turnover so why is there all this fuss? Apart from the ridicolous title!
  3. sorry mate, we were posting at the same time! let the best thread survive!
  4. Post lifted direct from FF (and similar posted on RM) As you know, I donââ?¬â?¢t normally do such things, but given the circumstances, we feel itââ?¬â?¢s important and fair that the support should know this. Obviously I wonââ?¬â?¢t name sources, but let me assure you, I wouldnââ?¬â?¢t be posting this if; a) I didnââ?¬â?¢t trust the source implicitly b) they didnââ?¬â?¢t have a 100% track record c) they werenââ?¬â?¢t as close to the situation or d) it didnââ?¬â?¢t check out when we investigated it. Allegedly; ââ?¬Â¢ The bank are panicking ââ?¬Â¢ Senior management are calling it ââ?¬Ë?a PR disasterââ?¬â?¢ ââ?¬Â¢ They want out soonest ââ?¬Â¢ Bain is not involved in the day-to-day running of the club ââ?¬Â¢ Muir is effectively running the club ââ?¬Â¢ Muir is hawking players to clubs ââ?¬Â¢ If the club is not sold at least three first team players will be sold in January in an attempt to raise Ã?£10m. This will allow the bank to drop the price for the club to Ã?£20m. They believe this might encourage further investors. The pressure that is being brought to bear on Lloyds IS having an effect. Keep up the good work Bears. Dangerous times, but potential sunshine ahead.
  5. He's some man. Anyone not read the 'Silversmith' book, have a look.
  6. Yeah he got sucked into that but he couldn't resist - fair play! What about that woman that was on about the UK Government trying to bring Rangers down in retaliation for the trouble in Manchester?!
  7. I know mate but there's only so much you can say at one time. Plus hints are moving fast as we can see so options need to kept open at this stage. Different information keeps emerging evey day so it's not always easy to even work out what's going on until you've had time to digest and check things. You know what it's like! Also on phone btw but can still do smilies I think
  8. Hi again mate. Let's get down to basics here. The more Rangers fans (wealthy or otherwise) who decide to put money into RFC - via whatever channel - at this point in time is a good thing. If none do, and some f*cker turns up and buys the club from under our noses will may regret if for the rest of our lives - depending on who it is, of course. Numbers + money = strength if fans want to get involved in football clubs. It's as simple as that and I don't know what else to say tbh. If you don't believe it's a worthwhile cause I respect that, and hopefully you'll like whoever owns our club next.
  9. Frankie - we all know that when the shit hits the fan at Rangers and the Trust stands up and bashes the club that we attract members. You'll see that that's not what's being done here, though. It would be STUPID of the Trust to remain silent or not to draw attention to it's fundamental aim at this time! It would be pointless not to do that. It's a fast-moving situation and the trust wants people to take responsibility (if they are in a position to) and register as shareholders, there is nothing wrong with that whatsoever. If people heed that call, you will see leadership emerge in ways we haven't seen before from ordinary Rangers fans. That's my belief anyway.
  10. Mate, I read every word of that (twice) and I appreciate your feedback. I will try to make sure it's taken on board next time but I fear we shall never quite meet in the middle! Thanks again.
  11. Shroomz, The Trust, naturally, wants to see Rangers fans become shareholders in the club. That's one of it's core objectives. Given that the current situation is sooooo dire, now is exactly the time for Rangers fans to get involved in shareholding. I wouldn't recommend anybody spends their last �£1 on Rangers shares ATM, but the opportunity is there. There's nothing wrong with inviting fans to get involved in share ownership at a time when the club is about to change hands to persons unknown IMO. It's worth remembering also that the Trust facilitates a scheme which actually puts its members' money INTO the club. The Trust would like to do more of that, not for the benefit of the Trust, but for the benefit of the club. Rasing cash to buy new shares in Rangers is what the Trust is about so I'm unclear about why you think this doesn't help the club?
  12. Well clearly that wasn't the intention mate, but thanks for the feedback. Which parts of it come across as unclear? Or do you just personally not like the language?
  13. http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/rstsite/ Rangers Supporters Trust Calls for Collaboration Monday, 26 October 2009 13:39 In common with all Rangers fans, the Rangers Supporters Trust (RST) is deeply concerned about conflicting statements from the club (and those close to the club) regarding the extent of the influence exercised at present by representatives of Lloyds Bank and the consequent implications this may have for Rangers� future. While the Trust recognises that there may be understandable frustration and anger at the latest developments, it also appreciates that the Rangers support would welcome a positive response in what is undoubtedly a challenging time. Accordingly, the Trust extends an invitation to all friends of Rangers to join with us as we work to establish a shareholding such that the support has a strong voice within the club. It also welcomes further approaches from large shareholders (current or potential) whom it will assist in building bridges between supporters and the club - and find productive avenues to resolve the current and under-lying problems in ways which, first and foremost, benefit Rangers. Specifically, the Rangers Supporters Trust remains 100% committed to Rangers and stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the club. The RST therefore extends an open and direct invitation to Rangers FC and supporters everywhere to collaborate and engage on an energetic, positive & innovative basis.
  14. Frankie, I was mildly encouraged by the club's statement yesterday. But sandwiched, as it is, between Smith's comments on Saturday and now this story, I think it's plain for all to see tbh. You'll know yourself that it's also pretty consistent with stories form other sources within Ibrox.
  15. I'd honestly like to hear one reason why people don't think it's not that bad.
  16. Bought Number 1 yesterday. Excellent read, the cover caption is brilliant!
  17. I'd like to ask what the good Bears of GersNet think that Rangers fans' groups can do and should be doing or saying, about the current 'bank situation' As you might know, I'm interested from an RST perspective particularly but I'm also interested in any wider discussion. Cheers.
  18. I think that's what it is. I'm also sure it's not on the list of things that Rangers FC needs right now.
  19. He does indeed see, it I'd say. And something has happened in the last few days which has smoked him out.
  20. Seems like whatever gets done will be in the best interests of Lloyds, and Lloyds only. That also seems like why Smith spoke out - to expose what's happening without disrupting the team as far as possible. I must say, he's not my cup of tea as a tactician or as a coach, but I genuinely believe he's only still there because he believes the club is relying on him to stay for stability's sake. As you have said, it could all be about to fracture so stability might become really important. It could be said that Lloyds were once outside the door; but now they're telling grandma what nice eyes she's got.
  21. Well if Muir is "the bank's representitive on the board" (Smith), then it seems like you might have the first part above the wrong way round. I agree Rangers are collateral damage in the MIH picture, but that is where the focus is right now. The suggestion is that Muir is NOT acting in the best interests of the club - in fact that he is acting AGAINST the best interests. And that the club has just realised this.
  22. The airwaves are-a-chatter tonight Bears and its not good Stories to the effect of the bank placing Donald Muir as non-ex on the Rangers board.(the guy who was appointed with this statement from RFC last week; Donald Muir (50), a lifelong fan of the Club, has more than 25 years' experience of strategy implementation and business transformation activity internationally in a variety of industry sectors. He advises other companies within the Murray International Holdings Group. His experience will assist the Club in meeting its strategic business objectives. On FF and RM there are stories emerging from well-connected people which suggests that Muir is causing trouble and raising the stakes to the point where the club is going to be in serious jeopardy. It looks like this is why Walter's spoken out, so that people step in before it goes too far - which seems imminent.
  23. Anyone hear the main media conference on Snyde about 10 to 6? He was asked about what he said to Chick Young and informed that Johnstone and Bain had said that Rangers was not being run by the bank. "Well I've just said we are - there's a representitive of the bank on the board so as far as I know that's what's happening". IMHO Walter is sick of getting the flack when he's told the club what the team needs and they've told him he gets nothing. He's becoming increasingly candid and playing it straight down the line, been noticing this for a few weeks now. I posted the other day that walter was showing signs of cracking...... http://www.gersnetonline.co.uk/vb/showthread.php?t=14130&page=5
  24. Ahh Carrick, loved it! Fair play to you mate. I know a lot of people agree with you. Football is all wrong these days and your points are definitely part of the many issues(politically, legally, economically and socially) which affect Rangers and, in the end, all of us.
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