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Everything posted by Totti

  1. maybe one will be Billy and the other Willy haha
  2. haha I googled it and I think it is. George Foreman has 5 sons called George although thats USA! Bit of an odd idea all the same IMO!
  3. Rubbish match. Birmingham v West Ham was a better match. I don't know if I like the idea of Anelka playing as the attacking midfielder. Chelsea never really replaced Robben or Joe Cole. They lack width and technique. It's a shame Deco never really worked out. Don't know if Torres and Drogba will work either. Ancelloti should sign Kaka, the player who made his 4-1-2-1-2 so successful at Milan and who appears out of favour in Spain. Edit - Funnily enough I just read that he's rumoured to join Chelsea in the summer. I should be a football manager!
  4. As predicted the Chelsea game is absolute murder. Big games in England are horrific. They're not even engrossing tactical battles. It's more like a game of chess played by two old retards
  5. haha, I just found this out. How many players have gone in and out at that club?
  6. Just how good is he still? He's the best player on the park at the moment.
  7. The Turkish league is clearly pretty pish. There's not a single good team in it anymore. It used to have at least 3 top teams every season
  8. They're both called William? I didn't know that was even legal?
  9. It's certainly done my fantasy football team wonders. Wish I'd kept Tevez as captain!
  10. The most boring league in the world finally has an interesting weekenD. Here's hoping to the Chelsea game being good
  11. To be honest, I hate those fenian bastard and Im drunk as fuck, that is all
  12. Danny sometimes you're right other times you're a total tim sympathiser. I know some folk on here can go OTT but this is a silly article
  13. This will be the true test how pish he is. I bet he does ok on account of any retard with a pulse can do well here in this shite league for a club like that
  14. Dodgy Dave fiddling the finances from one of his 152 companies to another. Nothing to see here move along now A more appropriate name for Murray Park would have been the Cancer of Rangers Park
  15. You're suggesting McCulloch somehow contributed to our UEFA Cup run? McCulloch was rancid until he played at holding role and he's not much better there either
  16. He won't miss a game and his time at us will look all the more peculiar.
  17. Thought he'd be his usual arse hole self but can't really complain with what he said. Of course there's the ironic little dig at the end Really Neil? Makes a first. He clearly doesn't seek clarification.
  18. You doubt we are different to any other club? chortle.
  19. That's what Andreas Pirlo does too but I wouldn't compare him to McCulloch. I'd be interested in seeing how many passes McCulloch successfully makes because I think he is getting some undue credit here. And you are right Ferguson wasn't the same in his second stint although did have some inspirational performances such as Porto at home. I think it was more down to the manager and team mates than any lack of ability as he has shown he has not lost it since. I think some of you are really blinded. If you were to put McCulloch in another SPL team he wouldn't even be one of their best players.
  20. I must be watching different games from you because I don't see him doing any of that. And let's stop the Ferguson comparisons it's making you look like an idiot. Ferguson wasn't even a holding player, more a deep lying playmaker. Ferguson was a quality player, near world class in his young years. At 32 he's still performing to a high level and has rediscovered himself, being the best player on the park in the EPL on a number of occasions, notably an excellent performance against Liverpool at the start of the season. McCulloch is a hatchet man. His job is to kick people and head thee ball. You're not even right about the goals thing - Ferguson scored almost 20 goals in 02/03 alone, McCulloch has barely hit double figures in over 3 years in the spl To put it simply, McCulloch is a journeyman who has never aspired to anything. Ferguson is the most talented player Scotland has produced in the last 15 years.
  21. No I don't expect us to be getting players like Xavi. Ness is already a far superior player. Brahim Hemdani was a much better holding midfielder. Instead of kicking opponents he read the game and kept possession, rarely conceding fouls.
  22. He has about as much in common with Barry Ferguson as he does Lionel Messi.
  23. McCulloch is absymal. Absolutely atrocious player who contributes nothing. To think he was signed as an attacker? Christ. Sure he'll 'stick a boot in' and 'do the dirty work', but honestly we need better than that. He has no technique whatsoever and rarely even touches the ball. He represents all that is wrong with the Scottish mentality in football.
  24. A lot of average players have won a lot of trophies playing with big clubs. David May won more trophies than Alan Shearer. Doesn't mean anything.
  25. OK player. Nothing special.
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