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Everything posted by spanner

  1. Let me reiterate, Muir works for Murray not the bank, the club is a going concern that has a manageable debt, there have been no overtures for due diligence regarding any club takeover despite the pish spewed by Bollox King, Duffy is an ex- bankrupt I take it he has been discharged, that in itself does not make him a bad person, and nothing if anything will happen until the restructure of MIH debts. Where you get the idea that SDM will rise at the AGM you will have to take credit it for that , I doubt he will appear. I take it you see 32 trophies as a lack of success.
  2. Much as I am very wary of SDM, I would think that 32 trophies during his tenure entitles him to be cut some slack if not respect for his word, 32 trophies is still 32 trophies.
  3. I am very wary of folks who deal with fairies, they tend to believe anything.
  4. PMSL, King has claimed on clyde that SDM shares are worth �£1 yes �£1 pound IN TOTAL.
  5. He did not have the renegotiated arrangement in place, perhaps you think the fairies left the unused �£6 million laying about.
  6. Because Rangers are a going concern, the chairman did not say we did not have a facility, the bank did not withdraw any facility, the facility was renegotiated, there was �£6 million unused in the facility while it was being renegotiated, you are simply wrong get over it, or perhaps you are suggesting SDM is lying in his interview and Daryll "print any bollox" King knows more about RFC than SDM does. ETA you gotta laugh..... http://tinyurl.com/ykleavr http://www.heraldscotland.com/owner-of-2014-games-village-site-could-have-made-more-1.874567
  7. Bluedell, your take on matters as are all of ours, are in the main supposition. What I do know is that no one has defaulted on anything yet. Again as has been explained to me, Donald Muir is an invitee to the Rangers board at the behest of SDM, the bank cannot impose directors on companies that are solvent and trading within their remit. To impose anything would be the job of an appointed official administrator. To all intents and purposes it appears that SDM has got one of the best company doctors around free of charge, also a bogeyman for the fans to concentrate on, as this time around it would not be SDM who is advising or making the necessary financial cuts, it would be seen as the bank protecting its interests, as previously said SDM is no ones fool. ************************** As I said previously much ado about a relatively minor hiccup, at least in the affairs of Rangers. http://www.gersnetonline.co.uk/vb/showthread.php?p=177773#post177773 Which begs the question..either WS or SDM are being economical with the truth, one claims the bank is running the club to a greater extent, the other totally refutes that, which is it. I know which one I would put my money on to be aware of the way the club is being managed in a business sense. It would appear far from playing a blinder as some think, WS only caused the furore and uncertainty that has been the outcome of his rash statement. I wonder if Edgar and his little helpers are suitably embarassed by their nonsensical statements and calls for boycotts.
  8. spanner


    I take the Racing Post and the Financial Times, habits of a former career, from which I am now retired.
  9. FFS here is me thinking it's the internet only to discover some think it is fekin mastermind, I have no problem with Super Ally and I would like to think he takes the jousting in good part even if there is a hole in his lifeboat, the whole surreal situation is a bag of spanners at the moment, someone will eventually find the right spanners to tighten the nuts. If someone doesn't to put it in the venacular we are up shit creek without a paddle, take the hole in Super's lifeboat into the equation and we are well and truly fucked, my faith is in the good Doctor Muir putting the patient on the road to a full recovery, he really should not be seen as the Grim Reaper.
  10. spanner


    The point oh dear oh dear indeed, is that someone missed something, that someone was certainly not me, unless of course the Scotland job and the Rangers job are one and the same thing, oh dear oh dear indeed.
  11. spanner


    You certainly did, attention to detail at all times, something we dug men ken only to well. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/football/spl/rangers/2009/11/04/dan-petrescu-i-d-love-to-manage-rangers-or-celtic-86908-21796711/
  12. Entertainment there is a novelty. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mv55WsedLYI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mv55WsedLYI[/ame]
  13. Bit of a magnet for you then. :fish:
  14. spanner


    When you manage Rangers or sellick your worst odds of winning the league are even money at the start of play, Smith won titles on the back of Souness's foresight, my grandaughter could have won titles under that head start, WS is a crap tactiction and even worse judge of a player, luck was mentioned today, WS used all his up getting the Rangers job, Petrescu wants it give him it, he wont be any worse and in all probability a lot better.
  15. spanner


    The really strange thing is that you probably believe that.
  16. spanner


    And exactly how far forward has WS taken us, I take it you are in denial as to his abysmal CL record since you constantly avoid it like the plague, PLG has taken Cameroon to the World Cup finals after lifting them from the bottom of their group, who knows how far he could have taken us if the backstabbers and disruptor's had not prevailed, a truly gutless cop out by Murray. They say you reap what you sow, maybe Murray is about to find that out.
  17. This pair look suitably chagrined... http://www.snspix.com/image/1873279_1873279.jpg http://www.snspix.com/prints-28967/27-11-09-rangers-training-gallery.html?PHPSESSID=a40b834be0fa37dccb3fedeb77ca94fe
  18. I see you are floundering in deep water, someone may come along and throw you a lifebelt, as the lifeboat like your logic appears to be going round in circles. I hope you find the point of whatever it is you are trying to make, somehow I very much doubt, you are without doubt a true fan.
  19. I do not remember mentioning good luck, you highlighted WS's misfortune as to deflections etc, as for Petrescu being the best manager in the world you said that not me, in European terms he has shown himself to be less of a diddy then WS, nothing more nothing less, you appear to know the cost of everything and the value of nothing, but that surprises me not one bit, your logic is illogical. ETA. your asertion of 5 million, is a total red herring, Rangers have drawn the player pool from a population of approximately 600 million worldwide.
  20. So why didn't Rangers go after them, they appear to have beaten us four one at home as I recall, bad luck and the angle of the dangle notwithstanding, of course it is hardly the fault of Unirea WS's piss poor abysmal signings, his CL record of 5 wins from 29 matches 14 defeats and 10 draws is hardly worthy of credit, dropping 64 points from a possible 89, hardly awe inspiring.
  21. I understand your point, if it wasn't for bad luck WS would have no luck at all. You rather contradict your own arguement about cost and population, I believe Unirea cost about fourpence halpenny to assemble, Petrescu fancies the Ibrox hotseat, could do worse.
  22. All good points that made the front page. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=132352
  23. Do we really need a disruptive influence at the club, no matter who they are, look what happened with the last one.
  24. If we were not given a going over you obviously have a high pain threshold, the Germans were different class, until you face up to the facts you will never find the cure. You failed to comment on WS's record, I am not surprised.
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