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Everything posted by wabashcannonball

  1. Unfortunately, sport in general and morality are distinct opposites. The Corinthian principles were and have been sacrificed to the altar of the cash cow. Nothing that sport hitches its cart to surprises me, as in other fields life is a very cheap commodity. Just look around the world at all the other catastrophes and injustices that Mamon turns it face away from.
  2. You might like this one better. http://www.goal.com/en-us/news/87/germany/2008/08/11/814792/juventus-95th-best-team-in-world
  3. Cheers Ian, can't quite see why though, McLeish deserves all the success coming his way, pity he wasn't presiding over that success for us.
  4. Any idea what happened to this.... http://www.birminghampost.net/midlands-birmingham-sport/west-midlands-sports/birmingham-city-fc/2010/01/08/birmingham-city-boss-alex-mcleish-named-manager-of-the-month-65233-25558055/ Was a techi problem, or is Alex McLeish's success a former Rangers manager no less, deemed as unfit for a Rangers board.
  5. Well done Big Eck, how we could use your transfer management skills now. http://www.birminghampost.net/midlands-birmingham-sport/west-midlands-sports/birmingham-city-fc/2010/01/08/birmingham-city-boss-alex-mcleish-named-manager-of-the-month-65233-25558055/
  6. Strange that the figures have been released before any decision has been reached, something tells me that KB is being set up to be the villain of the piece.
  7. I heard that as well, two directors is that the sum total of the MInts lack of power, startling !
  8. �£18 grand offered allegedly. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/jan/07/rangers-kris-boyd-middlesbrough-birmingham Same story different figures. http://news.google.co.uk/news/url?sa=t&ct2=uk%2F0_0_s_1_1_aa&usg=AFQjCNHYa_52ZI4U3vfn3fNV7HjToO5VPg&cid=17593687947971&ei=C29GS9nnNpjWMPa7o-ID&rt=SEARCH&vm=STANDARD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thesun.co.uk%2Fscotsol%2Fhomepage%2Fsport%2Fspl%2F2799494%2FGers-beg-Kris-Stay-till-2013.html
  9. Is that continuing talks, or opening talks. I hope there is a lot more substance to it than Bains last attempt to pull the wool. http://sport.scotsman.com/sport/Kris-Boyd-unaware-of-Rangers.5892926.jp
  10. It's called making up stories and shifting the blame, some call it creative accounting, I prefer the making up stories one. Pervasive ?, no just stating the obvious.
  11. How much clearer do you need it, I have said the handcuffs scenario is total nonsense. WS should look in the mirror if he needs any answers as to why he is in pecuniary limbo.
  12. I think the handcuff remark confuses you, fiscal propriety and good business sense has nothing to do with handcuffs, it has all to do with appraising the relevant situation, the term handcuff is the sort of nonsense expected from the rag in question. Most business establishments rely on a bank for support, nothing new there that is why banks are in business. Something is either a viable risk or it isn't, The Mint with a personal worth estimated at �£475 million could open "your handcuffs" without thinking about it, but it appears he has thought about it and put the key away. I do not have a clue what your belief is, so I would not be in any position to debunk it, I prefer to make a judgement on the situation through information alleged or otherwise from principal parties.
  13. So the whole world is in handcuffs, you either take the real powers word or you don't simple choice. I suspect he has the relevant facts at hand, that will do for me.
  14. What the real chairman said, the one who pulls the strings. For the record", said Murray, "I will repeat that I am totally prepared to sell the club. "Price is important but it is not the most important factor, as long as you hand it over in the best interests of the football club. "Before I stepped down I made it clear we will not sell any of our prime assets while we are fighting for the league. "Rangers is no different from any other business. Lloyds has given us a facility and we are no different from a household or a business. The club must work within that. "We collectively must run our football clubs within their financial means. If people don't like that, well, they are not living in the real world. I think you will find that every other football club has gone the same way." Murray expressed frustration at the way the club's affairs has attracted ferocious speculation, most of it, he insists, well wide of the mark. "I find it amazing that a football club like Ipswich can have a greater debt than Rangers and it doesn't appear on the radar. Preston lost �£10 million," he added. Reports that Lloyds has moved in to run the club have particularly irked him. "I approached Donald in June. I thought he had skills we didn't have. Donald was a pal of Alex McLeish, so we knew him through football. He's helping me with change. He'll help to teach an old dog new tricks."
  15. What are the fiscal handcuffs that have been put in place......"you have reached your facility limit, the circumstances for increasing that previously agreed limit which you still have and are servicing, are at this time and in the present climate not advantageous to either party" ?. Hardly handcuffs a simple fact of financial reality would be a better expression. ETA the money wasted by WS is another matter.
  16. Not bad for an alleged not very good against the big boys striker... http://news.google.co.uk/news/url?sa=t&ct2=uk%2F0_0_s_2_0_t&usg=AFQjCNHeU4v0yZv5mnrltLXnNlrG_bYiBA&cid=17593687947971&ei=G3NES6D3NobmlATJkMniAw&rt=SEARCH&vm=STANDARD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.birminghammail.net%2Fbirmingham-sport%2Faston-villa-fc%2Faston-villa-news%2F2010%2F01%2F06%2Faston-villa-linked-with-glasgow-rangers-striker-kris-boyd-97319-25534284%2F He will soon have more clubs interested in him than all the rest put together.
  17. No probs RBR, it is only opinions, it won't feed the kids or pay the bills, but it is good to air all different opinions otherwise there isn't much point in a discussion board.
  18. Well Frankie I would say the buying into suggestion from whatever source is one of positive help and assistance, boycotts, when they hurt financially at such a turbulent time are anything but.
  19. I like that report Frankie, keep it up...:spl: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/150013/Goal-ace-offered-king-s-ransom-to-stay-at-Rangers
  20. I don't remember saying anywhere the bank don't have any influence on the running of the club, all that are beholden to banks are influenced by them in some way, I do recall saying that the bank are not running the club, a rather telling difference. Stevie Wonder will tell you that KB is the golden child, the jewel in the crown, the prize asset, do you think that is why he may be seen as "different". My very own stalker....I am honoured I think....
  21. One minute they want to buy the club or consider multiple x 17 options, now they are talking of boycotts.... "A wise man speaks because he has something to say; a fool because he has to say something". Edgar has obviously learnt nothing from past mistakes. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/2010/01/06/exclusive-rangers-fans-threaten-season-ticket-boycott-if-kris-boyd-is-sold-in-transfer-window-86908-21945798/
  22. Not offering a contract and offering an unacceptable contract are two entirely different aspects, that would be a novel form of "banking" letting your prize asset walk for free. KB like it or not, holds all the aces in this situation and all down to rank bad management, dangerous game to play on someone's loyalty when the �£note signs are waved. Rangers have a decision to make, do we keep KB as the talisman for the championship and the revenue that will bring, or if an offer is made do we take the money as being something definitive, as opposed to something that is not yet won. At the end of the day if an offer is made to and accepted by Rangers, KB will have the final word, I am more than certain he has more than one option even at season's end.
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