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Everything posted by wabashcannonball

  1. But there again you do have a big shovel..... or is it hook....:fish:
  2. No prob Craig, probably looking at the same situation from a different direction.
  3. Let me tell you what it has to do with this thread since I started it, DK says the bank are running the show, KB staying or going will be a bank decision, which is obvious bollox, the decision will be down to KB no one else. Now if you have a problem with fair comment come out and say it, don't hide behind your Admin badge, and tell me which part is not fair comment, or if I am not toeing your party line just tell me not to post, it's that easy. Some of us can think for ourselves without being given directions.
  4. Well according to Darryl King he of imminent sale fame and friend to billionaires and shakers and movers, over on RC with Shug Keevo, nah you know the rest the bank is running the show, WS is merely peripheral. Hope he didn't get his info from...Duffy.
  5. Originally Posted by wabashcannonball View Post The only rumours are ones relating to non existent bids, banks running the club, MIH being up shit creek without a paddle and Donald Muir being an agent of the bank. Murray has played a blinder.........again, much as I do not like the man, I do admire his style and business accumen, whither that be of the barrow boy variety or otherwise. How nice of you to agree. All of your answers in the one place, ones which were obviously not to your liking.
  6. I sincerely hope that the ones who say they neither want nor need him are proven correct, and he stays at Ibrox, McLeish's enigmatic statement is something else though.
  7. What the Birmingham punters are saying. http://www.birminghammail.net/birmingham-sport/birmingham-city-fc/birmingham-city-fc-news/2010/01/05/birmingham-city-fans-have-their-say-on-kris-boyd-97319-25527856/
  8. European competition is our benchmark, I suggest an examination of our overall performance as a nations clubs and that of our national team, makes far from good reading. As for skill that is something you are born with it can't be taught, whereas technique can be learned, skill is the remit of the Baxters, Peles, Johnstones and Cruyfs, others are merely good players.
  9. Which assertion, that the alleged crisis and imminent takeovers has been proven to be nothing more than paper talk ?
  10. That's ok. as you don't know much I wouldn't expect you to explain anything.
  11. At least you have the honesty to admit that you are unable to bring yourself to say who "ourselves" are, such indecision a trait of yours oft exhibited.
  12. Have you decided who ourselves are yet, or do you just run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.
  13. The unfortunate thing is that you obviously believe it is OK for people to make unfounded allegations against the club, despite these allegations having no basis in fact, you are not a friend of the florida based Scottish (b)millionaire by any chance, yes that one.
  14. Sorry I should have added that Donald Muir is employed by SDM the owner of Rangers FC, not the bank as some quite deliberately misinformed.
  15. After the fiasco of the alleged and invented Rangers crisis, whose loudest reporters of this alleged and fabricated crisis, have it swept under the carpet, as they were beginning to look sillier by the day. What do we know of this alleged crisis, that produced so much wasted print and fabricated reporting, apparently nothing except one thing. The man at the centre SDM, who according to one report was being given �£1 for his shares yes �£1 and told to get on his bike, is still the owner of our club Rangers FC and pulling the strings. I wont go into all the nonsense printed you all read it, are we any the wiser, or will we have more concocted theories from every quarter without a shred of evidence to back them up. Some people realise that football is a loss driven business, you get nothing for nothing, just ask fans from breeze block boulevard.
  16. You obviously don't get to many games then.
  17. Really, I was under the impression that the Mint was seen as Rangers achilles heel, seems a lot of people have been led up the garden path by SDM, fortunately I was not one of them, you have to know which way the wind is going to blow, it's good for roses too, as Elvis Costello will testify to.
  18. Naw, I'm better lookin have got two bob less than him and have served with distinction. :spl:
  19. Birmingham City are preparing a fresh offer for Rangers striker Kris Boyd. The Barclays Premier League club sent scout Malky Thomson to Celtic Park to watch the 26-year-old in Sunday's 1-1 draw in the Old Firm derby. City's Alex McLeish, the former Rangers manager, had a �£3.75m bid accepted by the Ibrox club last January, but the player rejected personal terms. But Boyd is out of contract in the summer and there are no signs of a new deal being agreed with Rangers. He is free to talk with other clubs this month about a move at the end of the season. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/r/rangers/8438777.stm
  20. Shit is good for roses and round about the first week in May Murray believe it or not will come out of it smelling of roses, he is here for the duration, the consummate showman.
  21. You are obviously unable to accept that Rangers management have had well over a year to sort out KB's contract, a more unpalatable yet possible scenario is that WS sees KB as expendable, he did after all sign KL, yes I don't know why either.
  22. As I suspected far to complicated for you, obviously one of Murrays glory hunting children, you will be telling me next Donald Muir is an agent for the bank, canter on.....
  23. Blues end bid to sign Gers' Boyd Rangers striker Kris Boyd Boyd has been in great form for Rangers this season Birmingham say they will not increase the wages rejected by Kris Boyd as Fulham and Sunderland consider joining the race to sign the Rangers striker. Rangers had accepted an increased offer of nearly �£4m for the 25-year-old. But Blues manager Alex McLeish said: "We made an offer to Kris and his representative and they rejected it. "We felt we made a very fair offer. But they were looking for money we just won't pay, so I think we have to call it a day at that. ++++++++++++++ I will let you work it out for yourself, don't hesitate if it becomes to complicated, which I suspect it will.
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