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Everything posted by wabashcannonball

  1. Well I know I am not to blame or any other supporters, we don't manage the club, you are right you should get over yourself, management fucked up big time with KB's resigning even tried to force him out, you must have missed that.
  2. We've been there got the T shirt, there are more than enough links here placing him in left midfield.
  3. OK m8 have a good one, a point is a point in anyones language even mine, no hard feelings, be a bit boring if we all agreed on everything, Nothing would please me more if your opinion turns out to be right, I just don;t think we have that sort of time now, anyway no harm done enjoyed our debate, thanx.
  4. But,....you can't quote local newspapers, Bluedell doesn't allow it. :devil:
  5. Personally as you obviously read my posts and then imagine they say something else, that suits your agenda with regard to the signing of an abject failure, who has been a waste of time and money, carry on..........tying yourself in knots. The money wasted on laugherty would have been better used keeping KB at Ibrox for the rest of his career. How much more simple would you like it put.
  6. His versatility ensured he was a regular name on the Clarets team sheet, often appearing in an advanced role on the left-hand side of midfield. http://www.burnleyfootballclub.com/page/ProfilesDetail/0,,10413~34037,00.html Maybe he's really a goalie, another scouting report claims he's a winger. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ As with all wingers who play so wide they sometimes find themselves a little short of service and because of this he should have been more demonstrative in his vocabulary and body language when he found himself in space. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2008/feb/19/newsstory.burnley ETA ....I would have liked KL to be the next sensation, but as that is obviously not ever going to happen, time to cut our losses, he is excess baggage we neither need nor can afford.
  7. I wasn't aware you had addressed anything, apart from say how much you are a fan of an obvious dumplin, I see BB didn't register.
  8. I will give laugherty credit for being the genuine article, unadulterated pish, the IFA never even added attacking to left midfielder. In days gone by, laugherty would not even have got into Ibrox as a ball boy, another of WS's piss poor signings. ETA....Two words about WS and players positions.....Basile Boli.
  9. Kyle Lafferty Forward Club: Glasgow Rangers Position: striker/left-midfielder Date of birth: 16th September 1987 Place of birth: Enniskillen Height: 6'4; Weight: 11.0 http://www.irishfa.com/squad-profiles/2057/senior/kyle-lafferty-forward/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We know he is not a striker, some goalkeepers have a better scoring ratio. So what does that leave....maybe the IFA don't know what they are talking about either. Bottom line, waste of money and wages, money that could be used to keep Kris Boyd. Still waiting for the many wrong things to be pointed out Danny...
  10. I didd see WS's interview, in which he looked suitably embarrassed. It appears that WS's view of events is not shared by some of his more fervent acolytes, the temerity of it.
  11. You may have taken the discussion to a level not yet attained by some, by your very pertinent observation. The phrase we will only have ourselves to blame, made by a poster, what does that mean with regard to KB, the only ones to blame will be the mismanagers, as far as I am concerned.
  12. Glad someone can separate the wood from the trees.
  13. Why ? .... Just because you�re paranoid doesn�t mean they�re not out to get you!
  14. Here was me thinking paranoia was the remit of the dark side, how wrong can one be.
  15. Really, I must have missed KB signing a new contract for Rangers, can you post up the link .
  16. Turf Moore no more for Gow Published Date: 22 June 2008 By Martyn Robinson ""RANGERS midfielder Alan Gow has snubbed a move to Turf Moor, claiming that he isn't prepared to leave the club he supported as a child. Gow, capped once for Scotland's 'B' team, was part of the transfer deal that saw Burnley's Kyle Lafferty move to Ibrox for �£3.25Million, but has decided against a move to East Lancashire to stay in Glasgow and fight for his place. Because Gow is now not included in the deal, Burnley have received a further undisclosed payment thought to be between �£500,000 and �£750,000 which is the value of the 6'4" attacking midfielder. "" Laugherty may be a lot of things, but a striker nor a footballer of sufficient quality to justify his extortionate fee are neither.
  17. If the following is true and comes to pass, heads must roll for sheer incompetency. My information is that it would not happen until end of season, but Big Eck may have become concerned by powderfuff strikers, he may have advanced his timescale, to our detriment. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/2010/01/03/birmingham-set-for-1-5m-swoop-on-rangers-goal-machine-kris-boyd-86908-21938513/
  18. If WS feels as strongly as he alleges, why didn't he have the club issue a legal challenge to the decision, or even threaten it.
  19. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/scotland/8435630.stm Never a red card, I just wish Rangers had done an Arsenal.
  20. More fuel to the fire that Boyd and McLeish have a "gentlemans agreement" at the end of the season, with all the spondoolies going KB's way and none Rangers.
  21. Can WS afford to play KL on Sunday, if he does and KL again shirks tackles and challenges like he did last night, we will be playing with 10 men, I would be surprised if Mowbray has not noticed this and uses it to his advantage. I wouldn't have KL anywhere near a Rangers team, how about yourselves.
  22. I am aware of the differences in the relevant situations, what I do not accept is that Millers can be done and dusted in 18 hours, yet Loovens is allowed to drag on for months and he was eventually found to have been guilty of "misconduct of a significantly serious nature". http://www.fifa.com/worldfootball/clubfootball/news/newsid=1118964.html?cid=rssfeed&att=
  23. The only rumours are ones relating to non existent bids, banks running the club, MIH being up shit creek without a paddle and Donald Muir being an agent of the bank. Murray has played a blinder.........again, much as I do not like the man, I do admire his style and business accumen, whither that be of the barrow boy variety or otherwise.
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