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Everything posted by MoodyBlue

  1. Yes - I've had that as well,
  2. Problems today for me - only started happening in the last hour or so.
  3. 1 week to go bears, 1 week to go - and we will be rid of this shower of shite !!
  4. Some people big up Lambias as this tough talking, hard taskmater who wants to enforce corporate discipline. I think they mix this up with an Ashely hatchet man who does his dirty work for him and will just storm about the club when he doesn't get his own way. Lambias is just doing anything Mike says, for a big pile of dosh. The guy's C.V, is laughable in reality, but Milke knows that Derek will carry out his orders as long as he pays him well.
  5. This shower are unbelievable. You'd think they'd just give it a rest. Thank god we are in the last days of this mob of chancers. Lambias needs chased !!
  6. Makes depressing reading mate - but yes, things could and should have been so much different. What a waste of three years, what a waste
  7. yes mate - and we all know who stunted these opportunities in favour of bringing in and playing deadwood 'experienced' players:(
  8. He's probably one of only a very few who should be getting an extension. The vast majotity of our first team squad have done absolutely nothing to merit a new contract. A clearout of the dead wood is required.
  9. Good news I think. Who's signing off the contract extensions ??
  10. Their beef with Paul Murray is unjust IMO. A genuine guy who wants what's best for Rangers. My old dear sits next to his old dear in church most Sunday's in Paisley and it is obvious that PM is just wanting Rangers back on the right track - and he can certainly assist with this. An intelligent, successful businessman who happens to love his club. VB's are off track on this.
  11. To be honest, I think I've seen in next 48 hours used more often
  12. King wins and no EGM required ??/Easedale proxies to TTB's ??
  13. good to hear - and this is a major shift. It's taken an absolute age - but finally, the Rangers support (particulalry in the last few months) has got off its arse and risen to the challenge.
  14. I agree about Aberdeen and McInnes. People saying 'look what he's done at Aberdeen'. What has he done at Aberdeen ?? Got them a wee bit further up a shite league where the standard is absolutely dire. Won a wee cup. For me that's not sufficient enough to be considered a future Rangers manager - and I don't see 'potential' in him. I remain totally and utterly unconviced about McInnes and would be pretty gutted if ended up as our manager.
  15. I agree. Hoewever I guess we don't know how much money will actually be availble. Part of me thinks that King is holding back on some financial details and anouncements until he gets in. He will know that we need signifiacnt investment - and I am sure he and other 'good bears' have accounted for this. For example, there may be other 'partners' out there who we are not aware of who have been working alongside King, TTB's in order to be in a position to fund and invest into a team which is in need of a complete re-build.
  16. We need the Newcastle players to stay and I'm sure they will. Ok, we have only really seen Vuckic, but he is already our best footballer. If the others can come in and make a similar impact then we may, just may, have a chance to actually succeed in the play off's.
  17. Agreed - it is a depressing thought - but I think it is a very real possibility. The saving grace if we are in it again next season will have to be a better group of players, playing under a management team who are welll versed at getting the best out of the players and installing a far better style of play. IF this is the case then we can use next season as a proper 'building' year so that we go up to the Prem in a much better shape and genuinely ready to face the new challenge in that league. If we can see big improvement on the pitch I definitley think that the crowds will be pretty decent.
  18. I'm just struggling to see this set of players qualify through the play off's. Likeliehood is that we will play Hivs over two legs before we even get to the Prem team play off. Right now I can't see us getting past Hivs over two legs. The diffefrence may be getting most of the Newcastle lads into the team and playing under a better system. King & co will also have accounted for us possibly/probably having another year in the Championship, as it is very likely.
  19. yes - and hopefully we can get some of the Newcastle lads into the team soon - so that we can maybe have a team which is capable of success in the play offs. Right now, I wouldn't back us against anyone over two legs. Our aim must be getting ready for these play off's and having a team structure and strategy to use between now and the end of the season so that we go into the play offs with confidence and 3 months of a team who have been drilled in what is required.
  20. Yes - that as well - most definitely. Won't happen until next season at the earliest though.
  21. I long for the day when I'm in a full Ibrox with the bears in full voice singing and bouncing. I long for the day when we have a board who actually care about Rangers and who have our best interets at heart. I long for the day when we start to actually move forward as a club again. I long for the day when there is more positivity and togetherness around all aspects of our club. Fellow Bears - that day is upon us !!
  22. Agreed - it will take millions to get us back on track. Not sure exactly how much, but we will need alot. The stadium alone has been dreadfully neglected and is a mess in places. As for the football side - we need virtually a whole new squad and management. The current chancers and imposters should be booted out at earliest opportunity.
  23. How does he explain that, when it's shares bought by RST from Easedale bloc ?? More mentalism from this idiot!
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