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Everything posted by MoodyBlue

  1. What does McDowall expect ffs?! He - along with McCoist - have presided over an absolutely disatrous period of football for several years. He then gives his notice to leave, basically too greedy to walk. I'm sorry - we all know who we feel about this board - but on the picthc has been a shambles with dreadful performances and utterly gutless displays on a regular basis. McDowall is a clown and he has helped creat this circus on the field. Deal with it Kenny - or f.ucking walk and get another job elsewhere please !!!
  2. Yes - but this is the Championship in Scotland - equivalent standard of the Conference in England. These players weren't being hawked around Conference clubs. I am confirdent they will prove to be better than the gutless shite we have.
  3. They should go into the team. If they then don't perform, then we can have a discussion about dropping them. I am positive every one of them will be better than we have. For that reason, I don't care about McDowall or who he is being told this by. The board are scum - but on this occassion from a footballing point of view, McDowall should do what he is told with regard to these players. If McDowall doesn't like it then he can go. And why won't he go/walk ? Oh that's right, the greedy so and so is holding out for his money.
  4. We have shite players currently - we have, by the look of it, better players coming in. Play them. The cosy holiday camp set up from management and players has to stop. I don't care if McDowall or existing players are upset by this. F.uck them. Their performances have been utterly unacceptable thus far. They need a kick up the erse !!! Quite frankly I don't give a damn what Kenny McDowall thinks. He is partly responsible for the mess we are in on the pitch.
  5. I feel nothing about this game on Sunday. Totally numb about it. I have intentions of avoiding watching it but come kick off I think I will probably fail and end up watching some or all of it. No excitement or anticipation at all from me. It feels like an utterly meaningless game in all honesty and I am standing back in amazement about some fans and the media building it up. It has all the attributes of a boxer fighting an opponent who has their hands tied behind their back. Not going to be pretty.
  6. Both sides should sing what they want. Anyway - an utterly pointless game. Can't see what some people are getting excited about.
  7. IMO they are determined to go down the route of taking an Ashley loan.
  8. I'm convinced this f.ucking board are going to take Ashley's loan. They are doing this purely out of spite !! and clearly want to f.uck us up forever. Sleasedales will take great joy in passing this announcement on to the likes ,of Craig Houston/UoF etc. It's a sad and pathetic game this board are playing with us. Ashley also tryig to get round the SFA with Mucklow's intervention in this. ?? Mucklow's daughter (former 'TOWIE' bint) is having a child with Andy Carroll. All just so murky !
  9. Shite, maybe - but not as shite as 90% of our team.
  10. From a purley footballing sense, he was far, far from being our worst player.
  11. Great stuff GD !!! You have inspired me to do the same. We should all do this ! The more of us doing this and putting 'pressure' on them the more chance of a better outcome for us.
  12. Not entitely sure the Irvine e-mail to Jim White is genuine.
  13. There are more open disucssions, transapency and constructive dialogue in North Korea. A compelte sham.
  14. Rangers Fans Fighting Fund Statement Wednesday 21st January 2015 A spokesman for the Rangers Fans Fighting Fund said today: "The Rangers Fans Fighting Fund was launched by Ibrox legends Walter Smith and Sandy Jardine in 2012 to help safeguard and protect the club’s future and assets. “In recent days it has become crystal clear that the clubÂ’s current board is considering the use of Ibrox Stadium and Murray Park in order to secure a further loan from Mike Ashley. “Mr Ashley already has security over Edmiston House and the Albion Car Park and the RFFF, like almost all Rangers supporters, feels securitising our historic stadium and training ground is a step too far. “Ibrox, in our view, is sacrosanct.It is a memorial to the sixty six who lost their lives. Some of the greatest names in Scottish football history have graced the hallowed turf down the years and it should never be used as collateral in order to secure a loan that is not in the best interests of the club. “For that reason, the RFFF confirms it is willing to provide support and assistance to any fan group determined to protect the club’s assets. “We enjoyed a positive meeting with representatives from the Rangers Supporters Trust yesterday and we have agreed to back their initiative to prevent the securitisation of Ibrox and Murray Park. “Rangers fans donated hundreds of thousands of pounds to the Fighting Fund during the administration process when their club was at risk and it appears our major assets are at risk once again. “Now more than ever, we need the Rangers fan base to unite with the collective goal of protecting our assets and taking the club forward. “FCA rules prevent the direct investment of the RFFF funds in shares. “Fan ownership initiatives introduced by the Trust and Rangers First can make a positive and immediate difference and the RFFF will do everything possible to provide support to such organisations. “The fans, after all, are the lifeblood of this great institution and always will be.
  15. Obviously great news - for a change !! But a long way to go on this, so not getting too carried away just yet. We've been used to setbacks almost on a daily basis - so I just pray this doesn't turn out to be one !!
  16. I wish that was the case, but it is not. We should have returnd all tickets IMO.
  17. The Rangers Supporters Trust (RST) is delighted to announce that, following a successful meeting yesterday, the Rangers Fans Fighting Fund (RFFF) has thrown its considerable finances and influence behind the RST's continuing fight to ensure Ibrox remains under the control of the club. We are delighted that the RFFF has taken this decision and would like to thank them for doing so. There is now a substantial legal fund available, should it be required, to fight any attempt by this board to pass security over Ibrox to Mike Ashley. We will work closely with the RFFF going forward to ensure every avenue is explored. http://www.therst.co.uk/news/rst-gains-rfff-support-for-ibrox-legal-fight/
  18. I really mean it mate. If Lee McCulloch was appointed Rangers manager I would be gutted - and very angry. If Broxi Bear was appointed I would be loving it.
  19. I would still genuinely rather see Broxi Bear as Rangers manager than Lee McCulloch ( or anyone else currently at the club)
  20. I'll be honest and say I quite like this Sarver guy and believe he has genuine intentions. Quite happy for him to remain on the scene for the time being - we may need as much help as we can and if it ends up coming from him then so be it.
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