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Everything posted by MoodyBlue

  1. Kris Boyd as manager with a packet of Monster Munch and a bottle of Yazoo as his assistants
  2. Throughout all the stuff that has gone on with us over the past few years, I would genuinely love it if Broxi Bear was appointed manager. I would seriously pay money to see him in the dug out, shouting out instructions and doing the pre and post match media interviews. I think it would sum up out position perfectly !!! #Broxiformanager
  3. Yes - it was handbags. Not one Rangers or Hearts fan came into contact with one another in the stadium. A few paces taken towards the segregation line was all it was. It was 'pavement dancing' from both sides. A non event.
  4. Considering the situation we find ourselves in, it was very, very restrained.
  5. Easdale buying up Green's option shares yesterday ??
  6. Knowing our luck, probably not true. But for the time being, Je Suis Non Charlie !!! or Je nes Suis pas Charlie ! or whatever it is !!
  7. Just goes from one shambles to another. Wake me up when this is all over !
  8. Ashley will probably get John Carver to manage Rangers as well as Newcastle !!! 2 for 1 !!
  9. They should have stood back, waited on the police, who were there almost immmediately by the look of it, and allowed them to deal with anything. The woman was hurling obsenities at bears who were not there to be violent or hurt anyone. They were simply makeing a point and wanted to get their protest banner unfurled within that area. There was no need for her to get herself involved.
  10. We're also tallking about our club which is at death's door and the fans are trying to save it - by any means they see fit. Why these two 'employees' deemded it necessary to get involded with this on Friday and try and protect the wigs interests is beyond me. Why did the woman in particular insist on throwing herslef forward to get to the fans and also hurl abuse at them ? Why ??
  11. Latest from SOS: Many mocked our attempts during the summer when we tried to secure Ibrox for the fans with season tickets schemes, marches along PRW and epetitions. they claimed it was pointless as the board had declared they wouldn't secure loans against it. They maybe view things differently in light of todays announcement that the board seem to be softening thier opinion and may secure a loan against Ibrox. What can be done and what are the probable outcomes? They could take an offer from the 3 bears and accept their offer to help. The board previously declared they needed £5-6m to see the season out and the 3 bears made an offer based on this only to be told we indeed needed more than this. The reasons or excuse for this wasnt visible until today when the board stated in the statement that they wanted to buy players in the January window. Ashley surprisingly came up with a £10m offer with would require security of Ibrox and Murray Park. Papers submitted to the land registry prevent the stadium or training center from being used as security for anyone else other than Ashley for a period of 35 days. With this in mind, would anyone expect others to lend £10m to counter Ashleys bid without any sort of security? It would then remain that the only type of offer would be to lend £10m but release the money over a period of time for example £500k to allow immediate bills to be paid on a non securitised manner and further monies against Murray Park when it became available and the remainder due once a share issue was announced and the remaining money repaid in shares with the outstanding money against Murray Park repaid or again repaid in shares. This type of offer may make sense but if this is the set up or similar to the 3 bears offer i would still expect it to be refused due to the insertion in the announcement that the board wish to invest in new players this month. They could argue that they require £3m for squad improvements and this would probably exclude any others from providing a multi million pound loan unsecured and leave the door open to Ashley as he is the only one able to take security due to the land registry papers lodged last week. Would you expect anyone to provide an unsecured loan of approx £3-3.5m with the clubs current financial position? Me neither. I would therefore think the more likely outcome would be for the board to accept Ashleys £10m offer and give him the securities that he so eagerly requires. This would leave him with security on Ibrox, Murray Park, the Albion car park and Edmiston House. He would also have all the onerous contracts that he has obtained via the retail partnership with sports direct. Its worth pointing out that he has been trying to obtain 75% of Rangers Retail which is currently in a 49/51% tie in to control merchandise and is separate from RIFC. If RIFC should enter admin then these contracts need not be ripped up. The only possible spanner in the works for the overall control of our club could be a EGM which could remove all those who he controls in the boardroom or the SFA hearing due on the 27th of this month. If either of these look likely to scupper his plans then I wouldnt rule out Administration. This is only now a possibility due to him preventing any outside loans due to the land registry debacle. I wouldnt have seen any judge in the land allow admin before when offers of investment were on the table but his moves could make any offers redundant. This situation has given me sleepless nights since last week. Some dont see how Ashley could benefit from admin, owning all our assets and merchandise deals would make him a tidy penny for a considerable time. How much would Rangers pay to rent the stadium and car park? These would need to be rented as you cant open the first without operating the second and although Edmiston House and Murray Park need not be rented, they would make a tidy coin from selling and please don't use the excuse that Murray Park would be no use to anyone other than Rangers. Ashley will make a tidy profit if he continues to rule our boardroom but even if he feels this is under threat, he can do the unthinkable and still make a coin. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Craig
  12. To retreat is to surrender - there must be NO surrender !! We have set a good standard from Friday - there is no going back now. The days of a soft Rangers support should be well and truly over. No-one likes us , we don't care !!
  13. What damage has it done ?? F.uck the mhedia - they will always hate us. To the wider audience and any 'neutral' shareholders, including institutional, i think they now have a true gauge of the anger and frustration from the Rangers fans. This sends them the message that change has to happen. I can see a few votes having been won over for us after Friday's events.
  14. What makes us think anyone 'put them up to it' ? It could just have been a group of lads were passing the doors and saw an opportunity to make a statement and get in and unfurl a protest banner. I'll repeat - there was no violence or deliberate assault. Wish people would man up on this.
  15. Just a quick update on this from one of the main organisers: "Just to put the record straight. The daily record today are saying the board are not allowing Ally to play in the Fernando game. I phoned them today and tell them they had no right to print this as its all lies . Ally was never asked to play in the first place .its all players from Fernando's era. With exception of Marco Negri and a goram. It just fell on deaf ears."
  16. Part of our problem over the years is that the supprt has been too soft - and people have used this to their advantage - both inside and outside of the club. Maybe, just maye, after Friday a few people will sit up and take notice that maybe that softness is waning and we are actually getting tougher. We have been a soft touch and have presented little challenge to the wigs - they were not scared of us, hence why they have got away with what they have done. I just hope this 'uprising' continues to get stronger. They are killing our club. It is every single one of us's duty to fight this all the way and fight for the survival of our club. Failure to do so will see the club sink away.
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