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Posts posted by metlika

  1. And yet you can't appeal against a yellow card, one reason why you can get six before you are suspended.


    But in the same way that Mr Lunny can rule a "dive" or at least have it investigated, surely he must be able to do the opposite?


    Does not compute

  2. Saw a retweet on Twitter from thon Irishman Phil Macgibberish referring to tonights channel 4 news report on Rangers as a "#smoking gun".


    Boring, Most Rangers fans will be at the match tonight anyway (not me unfortunately, but I don't watch c4 news), suppose it panders to the tims anyway.

  3. It WAS a penalty but the Celtic fans I know are saying that they shouldn't have needed a penalty in the last minute of time added on.


    Agreed; total lack of class by Lennon and not of the first time. "Kilmarnock can count themselves pretty fortunate that they've won the game. And maybe that's down to a lot of luck on their part and poor finishing from us. "

    Kilmarnock played well and took their chance when it came. In addititon they had an outstanding goalkeeper. They won the Cup, good luck to them.


    If Stokes had bothered to do his job properly he was pretty much by Cammy Bell and just needed to slot it by him rather than take a dive from an angle I've seen, but yeah Stokes has previous....

  4. This is exactly what I meant when I said if a tim had done what Aluko did, we'd call him a cheat.


    I'm not as thrilled about this as others - it pains me to think how a full strength Rangers could have owned this season completely. Celtic are quite shite.


    But yes, the lack of a treble is a bonus.


    Give the Aluko debate a rest, please


    We were owning it for a couple of months, then everything went to pot. Plus they slightly picked up.


    I hope to hell we beat them next week though, extra pleasing

  5. What was the point on a deadline then? Just a thought.


    Probably to get everything done quickly and if there is more lucrative bids available and people need a bit more time to put it together.


    Possibly for the Deadline but that ain't happening.

  6. Whether Aluko dived or not it isn't the subject of this thread.


    It's about Conroy being unfairly treated by the SFA, why has he not been given a top game since his mistake? It's a disgrace and it doesn't surprise me he's considering suing the SFA. What about the ref assistants who missed the Rangers goal at the piggary and the other one at Tynecastle BOTH v the scum, are they cheats? Of course not it's human error happens all the time with officials, but to deny them their livelihood for no other reason than bigotry is a sorry state of affairs in our football.


    We are quite rightly imo being called to question regarding recent chants at Ibrox, but what worries me is this - When Strathclyde Police reported scum chants at an SPL game at bheasthead no action was taken.


    Our game is poisoned, those in charge will hammer Rangers and favour the bheasts for many years to come. The trend has been set.


    Dangerous precedent with the fast track bollocks, questioning the referees competence. Have Celtic had an instance come up? I thought Stokes tackle against the sheep iirc should have been there but that seems to have been ignored who would have thunk it.....


    Fast track hasn't worked and made it worse for our game imo.

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