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Posts posted by Bakbear

  1. I have been very impressed with the way we have conducted ourselves, I would have preferred we hadn't kept going back to United with improved offers for Goodwillie, it would have been better to draw the line under that one at 2 million. However no harm no foul.


    I have a theory that the whole strategy of playing out these transfer sagas in the media is a deliberate one to demonstrate to the fans that there are huge efforts to bring players in. Imagine if they had kept quiet on all these transfers that we have missed out on? If they had not mentioned a thing about the ones that got away. As fans we would be looking at that and saying WTF are the management doing? In the past when it was all done under the radar and behind the scenes, we thought there was nothing progressing, now looking at the difficulties our management have in convincing real talent to come to Scotland gives me a new appreciation for the difficulty of the task they face.


    We cannot offer competitive salaries, we cannot offer a glamorous location, we cannot offer high quality opponents every week, we cannot promise exposure to your national teams for those with the ambition to play for their country, and we cannot promise you won't get your legs broken by Ian Black.


    We had the attraction of the Champions league but that is gone now and anyway it was only really an attraction if you can compete at that level and with the inability to attract sufficient numbers we will continue to struggle to compete.


    All we have to offer to neutral footballers is that we are the worlds most successful domestic club and could be a stepping stone to the EPL but even that is proving to be a bit of a myth with very few players leaving Scotland to shine in the EPL.


    Given these restrictions, I think the management team are doing a fantastic job in their transfer dealings, they know what positions need to be filled, they have identified numerous targets and they have set the valuations of them and are working through them methodically. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the number of players we have missed out on this summer was absolutely in keeping with previous seasons we just have not had visibility in the past.


    We still have a 3 weeks left until the transfer window shuts and I am fully supportive of the strategy the club is taking. Do not overpay for mediocrity and carry on trying to fill the positions they know need filled

  2. I agree. Lad is a good player but I'm disappointed in our lack of alternatives.


    2.8 Million is too much for him. spread out or not, plus there is a principle involved, as I said in another thread, we should not pay more than we believe he is worth and less if we can get away with it. 2.8 million goes a long way if you shop in the right markets

  3. Damn it, i wish we would just walk away from this now. I don't know what our last offer was but anything over 2 million is over the odds IMO.


    We have other options and I don't see any sense in overpaying for this guy. I certainly hope the rumours of 20k a week salary are not true, this transfer saga has become tiresome and too costly in many ways

  4. Leggo is an old-fashioned tabloid journalist so I don't think it's realistic to expect broadsheet quality from him.


    I agree that sometimes his style can detract from the overall message but generally speaking his blog is a useful addition to our 'weaponry'.


    Good grammar and running a spell check would be a decent start though? I am not privvy to what weaponry we have at our disposal being quite removed from the front line, however having read many posts on his blog, I may be surprised at how many would take him seriously outside the Rangers support?


    Do you feel he has any credibility outwith our own fans?

  5. At the risk of being overly controversial on a forum I have only recently started posting on, I have to admit that I am not really a fan of Leggat's style of writing.


    While I admire his efforts in trying to redress the imbalance in the media, I do think he over compensates and takes his view over into the extreme side in the opposite direction. I do not think he presents a good example of how the unbalance should be tackled. I think he needs to tone down his language and try to present a more structured approach. His grammar is often poor and I have noticed spelling errors which when posting on a blog is quite surprising to say the least. If he was ever considered to be a serious journalist then this blog has put paid to him ever returning as such. Even the font and the presentation of the site looks unprofessional.


    I long for the day that we have a champion in the media that can fight our corner but this well intentioned gentleman is not that

  6. Not fussed if we get Goodwillie or not, but I cannot understand why our club should be criticized over the way our transfers have been handled to date


    Goodwillie is not the next Messi, in fact a better comparison would be the next Naismith, and the original Naismith is still doing just fine at the moment.


    With that said, I don't understand why our owner is being lambasted for failing to move for this guy when he was under threat of jail time for rape until a couple of weeks ago and then when the charges were cleared there has been a bidding war with Blackburn that we have refused to buckle to.


    We should pay what we think a player is worth and less if we can get away with it. Just because united have a valuation of the player doesn't mean we should empty our pockets and meet the price. This has been going on since Drunken Ferguson days, Jim McLean desperately tried to fleece us for him too at that time. If Blackburn value him higher than we do then so be it, its not like a EPL club would pay over the odds for a player now is it???


    If he goes to Blackburn, best of luck to him, it will make not a jot of difference to us. If he decides (and I see no reason why he should) to turn them down in favour of a move to us then great, it gives us more options. I for one am delighted to see a new approach to transfers where we are not prepared to spunk our cash on people we do not feel are good value for money and that goes for the other players mentioned in this thread.


    We look to have done well with Wallace and Goain, we have Bedoya coming in a few months (and I applaud our clubs refusal to pay over the odds for him early too) and we have tied up some of our key players on long term deals. We still have a month to go in the transfer window and I have to admit that I am feeling pretty positive about it so far...

  7. I thought Ortiz did well when he came on, linked up well with Wallace and thats pretty impressive given they must have only just met each other and Ortiz doesn't speak great english.


    I would still prefer to see Ortiz on the right, with Davis moved into the centre and Wylde on the left though

  8. Evening all, wanted to make a post about last nights game but the other forum I am usually found hanging about on is just a tad over dramatic at the moment so thought that i would try a new forum for a change.


    I truly believe that while there are a couple of concerning aspects to the McCoist reign so far there is really no need to panic, two competitive games into the season does not need all this gnashing of teeth. I watched the game on Rangers TV last night and although the first half was very worrying we showed better movement in the second half and were unlucky not to get a couple of goals. It looked like rustiness to me and I am sure a couple more games and we will start to see a better team.


    On the negative side I thought Edu and McCulloch were very poor. Edu is a confidence player and he is back down to where he was for most of last season. He needs benched for a while and Davis moved into the middle with Wylde left and Ortiz on the right. Who goes along side Davis is up for debate, McCulloch/Hutton/Ness/ even Naismith with Fleck going up top? Anyone but Edu until he can get his head straight.


    I am really not too worried about the McCoist era yet, obviously the prospect of dropping out of the Champions league is very real and very very concerning but that in itself does not make me question the new era

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