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Everything posted by Stimpy

  1. Obsessed Celtic fan acknowledgement vote (0%)
  2. Agree, but may as well use people for our own gain. Dirty war springs to mind and nothing wrong with a spot of collusion.
  3. Was this not in the papers a while back? Pretty sure this is public knowledge and that it's only being regurgitated because of the EGM announcement.
  4. Scott Gardiner was offered £500k even just for a month to get them through the AGM. Bomber is not holding back tonight by the sounds of things.
  5. Excellent question. That and FS' one over fiduciary duties need chased up.
  6. Bomber now claiming that Scott Murdoch was going to be representing Ticketus had the Blue Knights won preferred bidder.
  7. Trying to get snippets from tonight by text. So far Bomber's claimed that Ticketus are behind Green, he slaughtered SDM and Coisty is getting it as I type. Not sure on the proposals but looks as though something along the lines of supporting the FO schemes has been agreed.
  8. New direction from the Union of Fans. The replies will be interesting. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/rangers/11147293/Rangers-fans-complain-to-companies-associated-with-plc-chairman-David-Somers.html
  9. I tried looking for the article from @RangersFacts which gives a decent account of Struth's part in it. Would be handy right now. Only found this which @Rangers Facts penned for the RST: http://www.therst.co.uk/the-right-honourable-members-of-the-rangers-football-club/
  10. I'm sure he came on here once to garner support. If anyone from here is going can they ask the question brought up by FS last week regarding the the club investigating certain directors over their fiduciary duties. Will SOS or whoever pressure the club to do something
  11. Although you've got a point Struth's intentions were no doubt for the benefit of Rangers. Back then ****s weren't on the radar especially when football clubs didn't have the commercial appeal they have today.
  12. Another fine article, D'Art. The natural way forward is embracing the FO schemes and tonight's meeting should have that loud and clear. Although I suspect all manner of proposals put on the table will be aired, discussed and voted upon. Although I favour positive action in the form of cold hard cash doing the talking, I wouldn't rule out other actions to challenge the current incumbents. Sports Direct/Ashley: Banners and chants inside Ibrox will not hurt Sports Direct. Newcastle fans are evidence of that strategy failing. However, If we can enable enough bodies to disrupt trade over the course of a few weeks with media exposure, their share price might fall and its owner will perhaps be forced out into the open. 50 bodies on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon will create the sort of headlines retailers hate, especially in today's corporate social responsibility world. Maybe a joint venture with Newcastle fans can be arranged? Then again, Geordies from what I've read are delighted at the thought of Ashley dropping their club for ours. McGills: Again, banners or chants won't hurt these guys. The Easdales have stopped attending away games because they don't give a hoot, nor do they wish to have their ego dented by chants for 90 minutes. Flash mob protests outside their depot would disrupt trade and create a big enough story to make them think. That said, Sandy Easdale has yet to demonstrate any empathy towards supporters' feelings so would it have the desired effect? Only one way to find out. Attending games: The controversial strategy that splits the fan base. Following Rangers is the life blood of most supporters lives. It is what motivates them. For that reason I don't think anyone is in a position to criticize the sacrifice of not renewing....or indeed taking up their seat in Ibrox. However, I'd like to see a mass walkout during the first half or supporters protest outside the main stand for the duration of each home game. For that to succeed it requires big numbers. We're not known for taking such steps in a big enough numbers. Institutional investors: Their offices are in London and may as well be on the other side of the planet. Logistically any meaningful protest with large numbers is out of the question. London based bears have tried but their too small in numbers to have any real effect. Plus, they've shown any real desire for fans wishes. We can hurt their ability to communicate effectively by mass emailing their websites. Together we took down D&P's communications for an afternoon, we can do it again but don't stop. Fan investment schemes: Money talks and collectively the support can buy up a significant percentage where we can challenge from inside the Blue Room. We have two main offerings here, the VB one I admit I know very little about, so I'll look at BuyRangers and RF. Both have the same aims and structurally are the very similar. Indeed, the RST owns its own CIC and have yet to put it into play. The message from tonight has to be along the lines of get involved with one if you can afford it. Even if bears can't afford to get involved they can buy scarves, tops or donate that helps raise funds for acquiring shares. The s p i v s will only ever relinquish control by selling up and making some money. Sooner or later we will have to bite the bullet and accept that. Though I think we have and has King where I've been told his bids were knocked back in favour of premium prices more than double the market price. Any strategy coming out of tonight needs to consider out diverse fan base. Get backing fan ownership but the more extremist element will also want to demonstrate outside of bus depots and retailers. A strategy for the many.
  13. Done. I'll text some mates who view the forum occasionally to get voting.
  14. Stranaer away. Midweek or weekend - that'll make me happy.
  15. I'm plain old shorerdbear on FF, here and Gers Forum. I'm Carsons Cat on RM *jokes* Too honest for my own good and I'm still searching for a speciality that I like.
  16. Shameless bastard. Amazing to think he's still got the power of his legs when you take into account the amount of people he's shafted.
  17. Stimpy


    Contact BDO. They're going through the whole affair with a fine tooth comb and I believe they are in contact with the police.
  18. Tuesday 7th October 7pm. Grovsner Hotel Gt Western Rd Glasgow. Public meeting for all fans concerned with recent events at our club and who wish to explore possible actions available to the fans. We have one guest speaker confirmed so far and the meeting will include a Q&A session Much better from Craig here. Hope it goes well.
  19. Should they not have been published by now? Not that I'm expecting good news, however getting it out of the way and having the AGM where we vote through the share issue is quite important? Another example of poor corporate governance or am I too impatient?
  20. Most won't now but many will have booked up thinking we'd be playing. The bottom line as that Stenaline are not keen on footy fans nowadays and that is in spite of the fact their loosing cash and paying people off.
  21. Would you all believe that Stenaline and P&O have banned all bears from travelling over that weekend? Hundreds of ROI fans are going across so even though the game is on two different days Stenaline are accomadating ******** when all they need to do is make sure we're not sharing a boat on the Saturday 7.30pm boat home.
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