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Everything posted by Stimpy

  1. Tell the SPL they either have the flu or are carrying injuries on their calfs. It has worked for bougherra in the past!
  2. Pulling no punches! Dingwall does seem to be the common denominator with bears greviances towards the Trust. I don't know why - would anyone care to explain?
  3. LOL. It ends tomorrow with two six hour plane journeys back home!
  4. Yip, I agree, mate. First of all, they need to acknowledge their part in this debacle with some kind of apology. They then need to start building a more positive relationship with the fans and club. In doing so, a clear strategy on how they're going to go about achieving their objectives. To sell the Trust they need the right people in to do so. They need to find those people, probably within the support. Only off the top of my head whilst I sun bathe by the pool:P
  5. Quite often both sides contradict each other - hence the truth may lie somewhere in the middle. That happens in the real world too.
  6. There's two sides to a story and each side tends to tell their own biased version.
  7. Yeah, I agree with us needing to know whether legal advice was sought before or after. It would shed some light on the issue.
  8. Frankie, Alan did have the chance to speak at the AGM - he was the secratary and board member - that's a powerful position to air his objections to any issue he had. Any AGM I've ever attended ( which is a a lot) anyone in attendance has the right to free speech. Yes, the Trust needs to improve and the sole representative on here knows that. It will never improve though due to all name calling by some and what I perceive as a smear campaign against certain board members. I don't know any of them personally but I do know, as you've already stated, the truth somewhere in the middle. Alan could have waited until legal advice had shown that although mistakes were made, The Trust had acted lawfuly. I've said it, you have said it and many others have said it, the trust needs a forum to engage with it's members and prospective members. Only then will we see better ideas put the board and debated in an adult-mature-like fashion.
  9. Attention seeking or whistleblowing - the cynic in me thinks the the first part is true. Although mistakes have been made, legal advice has cleared the board of any wrong doing so I cannot see what a very public slanging match will achieve! I could be way off here, however, it seems to me you had issues with certain personalities on the board and didn't have the baws to stand up to them face to face. Instead you made play on the current feelings about the trust on Internet forums. Indeed, Christine has challenged you on this very forum and your come back has been somewhat apologetic which tells me you're feeling guilty for igniting something any professional business man could have dealt without the drama.
  10. What a joke and embarrassment that dirty laundry is aired in public. I have to wonder what hasn't been let of the bag yet!
  11. He's wrote a book! A brief stint in the public eye and he does this - what a tube.
  12. By proxy, I put forward the suggestion about an RST forum. Dissapointed about their answer and it goes to show they're not the right people to engage the fans although the board member I emailed about a forum does support it.
  13. They are wanks we are not h*ns.
  14. LOL Does there have to be a set number in attendance to have an official AGM? Anybody?
  15. What it is with journalists (if that's what we should call them) they really have it in for us. The club needs to get their finger out and start taking these wanks to task. it shouldn't be up to the fans to fight for themselves! http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/opinion/columnists/brian-reade/It-s-the-money-men-who-ve-created-the-real-anti-football-Brian-Reade-column-article582741.html
  16. Nightmare! Hope he's back soon.
  17. Follow Follows reaction to the article: http://forum.followfollow.com/showthread.php?t=690192
  18. Quality. Although there is a slight discrepancy there - the tarmac is more than eight years old which we all know is too old for his holiness.
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