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Little General

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Everything posted by Little General

  1. "There is no concrete evidence that their is a saviour (For Rangers)" according to the QC for Imran Ahmed"
  2. "QC for Imran Ahmed urges Lord Stewart to treat what was said in an affidavit by Graham Wallace with caution" "A pattern of diminishing working capital is evident"according to QC for Imran Ahmed"
  3. "Rangers QC has now completed his evidence" "QC for Imran Ahmed Kenneth Mcbrierty now making his statement"
  4. "Aim is to take Rangers back to " The Promised Land" and " Back into European Competition where the big money is" says Rangers QC"
  5. "Rangers QC says " This is a company with difficulties" but "is in better condition now than previous hearings"
  6. "Lord Stewart asks Rangers QC "Are you suggesting this is a I scratch your back you scratch mine deal?" Reply "Couldn't possibly comment"
  7. "Handwritten letter from Charles Green to Imran Ahmed stated "bonus for 2013 will be no less than £500,000"
  8. "Alan Summers QC says talks are at "an advanced stage" with two potential investors" "Club has a single loan facility in Laxey Brothers says Rangers QC"
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-29050877 Former Rangers commercial director Imran Ahmad has returned to court for a third time in a bid to have £620,000 of club assets frozen. Lawyers acting for Mr Ahmad claim he is owed a £500,000 bonus for the time he spent working at the Ibrox club. The Court of Session in Edinburgh heard Mr Ahmad is worried about the potential prospect of Rangers becoming insolvent. Lord Stewart continued the case to Friday when lawyers for Rangers will address the court. Mr Ahmad, who has twice lost court bids to have Rangers' assets ring-fenced, claims he is owed £500,000 for negotiating deals and wants another £120,000 to cover legal expenses. Advocate Kenny McBrearty QC told Lord Stewart that Mr Ahmad is concerned about the current state of the club's finances and fears Rangers would not be in a position to pay up if the court eventually rules in his favour. He told the court Rangers have sold 23,000 season tickets this season, down 15,000 on last season. Mr McBrearty said the Rangers board's latest plans for a share issue may only raise £3.6m and cover part of the club's obligations. He added: "There is a significant hole in the club's finances for the forthcoming season."
  10. I would ask the Genie "Can you make him disappear?"
  11. I hope that comment is not aimed at me. I had asked where they got my details from. The answer they gave was not satisfactory, so i had asked again. i don't think it's a trivial matter. Rangers First have emailed me back still stating they had the database owners permission, however had cross referenced me incorrectly with someone with the same name as myself. I have no idea whether they have permission or not. I am not a member of Rangers First or RST.
  12. the way I see it Zappa, is the RST have either been negligent with the data or Rangersfirst illegally obtained it. either way I'm not happy.
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