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Everything posted by Calgacus

  1. Why is someone who works for a local paper in Edinburgh writing about Rangers on the day that an Edinburgh team is playing in a cup final - weird or what?
  2. if Whyte had been clever he'd have taken standard securities over Ibrox and the training ground, rather than relying on the floating charge, which he inherited from lloyds . The we would really have been in trouble.
  3. Who was the patsy, though? was Green Whyte's patsy or was Whyte Greens's Patsy. I've often thought that Whyte is nowhere near as clever as he thinks he is.
  4. I'm not defending Green, but there's no context to that recording. We don't know what it relates to, what stage in the discussion they were at or what the parties' final positions were.
  5. possibly to make it seem that Stockbridge leaked it and was trying to conceal his identity? It is getting more like a John Le Carre book everyday.
  6. The parent company has not yet suffered an insolvency event - the court proceedings in Lithuania haven't been completed yet. So the SPL have followed the rules.
  7. According to a number of reports Murray was responsible for bringing a number of institutional investors into the IPO. Though Green seems to ahve grabbed all the credit for that!
  8. Well for a start Ahmed didn't have the authority to sack anyone.
  9. There's no evidence that Green is involved in SEVCO Scotland. Not even Whyte claimed that in the letter of claim.
  10. I can't see why Whyte would be involved. After the CVA was knocked back, nobody needed him, he had nothing to offer, no shares, no money and a toxic reputation. Green and crew are in it for the money, so why give a cut to someone you don't need?
  11. yes .... but he won't have that money, it well be safely hidden away.
  12. the liabilities belong to the limited company (the SPL) and not the shareholders (the clubs)
  13. Macpherson has always been a pretentious twat
  14. especially since he's already have a shall we say "generous" pay off. Though I don't see why he needs to come back (from his own point of view) If as is claimed the Easdales have agreed to buy his shares, then what is there for him to do at Ibrox?
  15. is this an attempt to flush out a potential buyer?
  16. lets get this right - Whyte is admitting trying to deceive Zeus into providing funding and the SFA into granting a license? I'm tempted to say you couldn't make this up!
  17. or it may be that there is nothing on the rest of the tape that we don't already know.
  18. "Puzzled as to why this investor wants anonymity" - probably because he doesn't want hoards of Green's loyalists bombarding him or her with crude emails and the like.
  19. They are saying that since he got his shares for nothing, more or less, he should give them up for nothing as well. The article is wrong (I hope) in saying the club and assets were bought by SEVCO 5088 and then transferred to SEVCO Scotland. The sale seems to have been direct to SEVCO Scotland.
  20. I've often wondered if there was ever any real chance of a CVA.
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