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Everything posted by Calgacus

  1. Football is a team game..parachuting 5 guys in and expecting it to work is a strange idea.
  2. I gett he impression that you'd be better off throwing your money down a drain, than investing in an AIM listed company.
  3. I think we all guessed that no one else was interested in them,
  4. though it's probably a train coming the other way
  5. There's light at the end of the tunnel..
  6. He's got a better attitude than Black
  7. I was a bit disappointed that we didn't manage to move anyone on.
  8. I don't hold any animosity against the players and hope that they all do well. I just don't think that flying in a random group of players without giving much thought to how they are going to fit in is a good idea. As a general rule, I don't think bringing in a lot of new players at this time of the year works well. It won't be easy for them going into a dressing room that has more or less given up.
  9. I don't see how getting a random collection of Newcastle's rejects will help us much. No one at the Club knows anything about them, no thought seems to have been given to how they will fit in with the players we already have, and being loan players, you've got to wonder how committed they will be. Do they even want to be at Rangers?
  10. It's not just on the park that we have issues..money needs to be spent on Ibrox, a new scouting system, and I've heard it said that Auchenhowie is a bit run down, all of which is on top of whatever is required to build a new squad.
  11. The rules are clear and they were voted on by all the member clubs and associations, so clearly a lot of people in the Scottish Game, don't think dual ownership/control is a good idea. People like Ashley always think they can have it their own way, but the tide will turn!
  12. A floating charge can secure all of the assets of a company or LLP or can be limited to specific assets. The borrower will also be free to dispose of and acquire assets until such time as the floating charge has crystallised. If the charge covers all assets, the assets charged by the floating charge therefore change throughout the duration of the security. If contained within a Debenture, the floating charge should cover all of the borrower’s Scottish assets, whether or not separate fixed charges have also been granted over those assets. Floating charge holders are paid out after fixed charge holders, preferential creditors and the prescribed part (a maximum sum of £600,000 which is ring-fenced for unsecured creditors). Crystallises into a fixed charge on the occurrence of a limited number of insolvency events - knicked from someone's website
  13. No under a Floating Charge the assets are sold and the proceeds go to the creditors. There is an order of precedence as to who gets first bite at the proceeds of the sale
  14. The Floating Charge will have a clause prohibiting any other securities without the consent of Ashely. It is standard.
  15. Maybe he's going to tie up as much as possible and then throw the Easdales and the Chairman under a bus? The other two Directors will then just move on to his next project
  16. You sound like a twelve year old.
  17. Did he ever get a game in his preferred position (wherever that was)?
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