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Posts posted by Bears

  1. The scum minority within our fanbase make the headlines again. Shameful and embarrassing.


    I am 100% behind Bocanegra.


    I remember people saying that if they were put off by the banners they should'nt be here then as they're weak.


    I've lived and worked in countless countries now. I can tell you right now, if the locals put up a banner opposite my house of office saying,"Jock go home" i'd feel very uncomfortable. I've got very thick skin, words never ever hurt or offend me but a banner posted by locals is a totally different scenario

  2. Maybe if you took on board what other people are saying you'd see an even bigger picture. How can you see the any picture while ignoring everything that counters what you think is the truth?


    You have unsuccessfully defended your opinion, sometimes in the face of simple logic, and yet you're now stating it as fact.


    I have yet to see an explanation that shows Rangers FC is fully at fault. The only thing Rangers have initiated is something that has yet to be proven as wrong. The rest is a chain of events initiated by other parties.


    But hey, let's blame Rangers anyway.



    What ever mate, i know where i'm coming from.

  3. Surely the BBC's lawyers would have went right through the report checking all sources etc before they showed this? They'll know this is a very touchy subject which has grabbed Scottish headlines since Jan time, they know there are fans out there that are a lot smarter than two Bob journos, so there has to be a bit of truth in here?


    I am NOT apologising for the BBC for the record, i have no time for them for a lot of reason. I have always tried to look at things from both sides of the fence when something like this comes out

  4. Idon't mind taking afew on the chin, but when does a few become an onslaught? time to hit back and hit hard. Attck is now our best form of defence, Bears you being ex- forces should know if you keep giving into dictators they become more and more emboldened.


    I blame the uranium tipped shells for your passiveness. :fish:



    hahaha. I'm 7 miles from Iraq as i sit here now and we're in an old minefield too :D


    The big picture is Rangers are to blame for this unfortunately, i hate DM with every bone in my body

  5. I still don't get you. Why would we point the finger at the club when it was SDM's doing? It doesn't make sense. If you're CEO brings your company down due to personal dealings and you lose your job - do you blame the company or the CEO? If a player does something really stupid and arrogant to lose you a game do you blame yourself and the rest of the team? Or do you point the finger? After all you win and lose as a team right?


    The point is WE are part of Rangers, we're on the inside, how are we to blame? What has business law got to do with it? To me it's a very weird view. Rangers as a business HAS been punished and most fans accept it.


    You're also jumping the gun - it's not even established that SDM did anything wrong with the EBTs. The situation we're in came from the unethical threats from the HMRC who are totally complicit if SDM IS guilty. Even CW mostly did what he did due to the impossible position HMRC put us in BEFORE the result of the case.


    I really, really can't see how we should all take the blame for the actions of individuals under the same banner as us. And I really don't know which bit we're not taking it on the chin.


    Ok mate ...no worries

  6. The point you miss is that the business has taken it - in what way hasn't it? The problem is the extra non-business sanctions. Did the chemical company get banned from hiring staff over 18 for a year? Were they fined for bringing the game into disrepute?


    Just what is your point that I'm missing?



    Again, please read this carefully. The sanctions and fines etc have ZERO. ZERO ZERO to do with this. It's the blame game i'm on about. This was rangers football clubs doing, i hate it as much as you but the cold hard fact is that DM was in charge for 23 years, made all these mistakes, or calculated errors under the Rangers banner

  7. You are not making any sense whatsoever to me. People are pointing the finger at SDM and Whyte among others who ran the club - but you are saying the club itself is responsible. That's a weird one. Are you saying the club is some kind of intelligent lifeform that has the capacity of free will and was actually running itself independently of SDM, CW and others? Really, what are you on about?


    I think the problem is that you and our detractors have whacky ideas about what the club actually is.


    Who is trying to change business law? Where is there in business law about the sanctions the SFA have given us and the sanctions that the SPL want to give us? Please show me. I believe they are nowhere - they are sporting sanctions. So which is it - business or sport? You and our detractors need to make your minds up.


    The problem we are having is that on the one hand we're being punished as a company and then on the other we're being punished as a sporting entity. Surely one has to mitigate the other and vice versa?


    The reason there is finger pointing is that the main stakeholders in the club have done nothing significantly wrong relevant to the crisis. The finger pointing is there because there is a lack of fairness in how many things have been applied.


    SDM started the ball rolling with overspending and EBT's, the tax men compounded it with incompetence and intransigence, the bank wanted to get out and forced us to sell to the first person who came along, Ticketus immorally and secretly funded the take over and Whyte did what he could to exploit the situation. Then the SFA, SPL and other clubs decide to weigh in with their boots on the situation.


    There are plenty of other villains in the mix but I fail to see where the club itself is to blame. To me it shows a complete lack of understanding of what has gone on combined with some kind of conceived collective blame for the acts of individuals.


    You're trying to pretend you have more knowledge about business than you do and are falling at the first hurdle of common sense.


    And I also resent you outrageously painting everyone with the same brush regarding the outcry from us if was anyone else. For me that is not even close to being true. I like to think I weigh up all the circumstances and make a fair judgement. Obviously you do not.


    If it was Celtic in our position I would not be anything like how they have been to us. Not even a little bit.


    Basically I find your blog lacking in understanding and completely insulting.


    Thank you. You missed my point. :)


    The punishments have zero to do with my point. The simple, and it is simple fact is no matter what an owner, or man at the top does when a company breaks rules, it's the club/business that unfortunately has to take it. Like what happened with the Erin Brockovich action against the chemical company...........

  8. But there's a difference between fighting like hell to minimise further damage to the club and accepting blame where it's due. Any attempt to stand against any and all punishments equates, in the current climate, to refusing to accept responsibility. I don't agree with that nexus; I can accept responsibility and the need for punishment without giving haters everything they've ever dreamed of.


    I for one will not be performing any ceremony of self-abasement in order to keep a bunch of tims happy.


    The problem is there's no rules, it's been made up as we go along.


    The one thing i'm fuming about it the rules they are going to introduce being implemented instantly. They should wait at leat a year to give every club a chance to put it's house in order........or else.


    It's like when i bought my medical insurance in Thailand. I paid it up front for the family but it didn;t come into effect for 45 days, for obvious reasons. it;s kind of the same thing.


    these new rules that will probably come in are to punish rangers, simple as that

  9. i understand that the blog is about the big boy done it and it was not the club mentality ... but on the other hand i was on about the club say ok we are to blame and take what we get ... but then that opens the floodgates for the SFA/SPL to throw the book at us again ..... and again... and again .. IMO they'd love that


    I get you mate. Unfotunantly that's what we have to do IMO. I tend to think that they will now hold back with punishments as our voices have been heard, the tone of some other clubs directors, and the SPL starment says so

  10. yeah we take the fall that is true ..but the question is have is how much do we take before we say f**k that! you have went far enough


    on the other hand about DM he has to take the fall as well ... he cannot walk away from rangers and the way he ran us to the ground with little or no punishment ... after the BBC doc last night DM has had a bashing in terms of his business tycoon reputation but still has no punishment in place


    The punishments are actually irrelevant to my blog. It's the finger pointing by Bears trying to blame everyone but the actual club, and in business it's the company/club that are accountable. People are trying to change business law.

  11. "take it on the chin" ?




    3x we have been hit on the chin so far .... that enough?



    or do we let the SPL/SFA walk all over us (and the bbc ) as much as the feel like and still "take it on the chin"?


    As for getting any trophies and titles being removed. That's a lot of rubbish, they haters and powers that be would have to prove we wouldn't have won those trophies, which would be virtually impossible to do, so ignore any such notion when you read the hates talking about it - the best bit of the blog IMO



    Cheers. I'm on about finger pointing at everyone else but ourselves. the fat of the matter is DM was in charge, did what he did so the club takes the punishment. This notion of blaming one guy, the man at the top doesn't work in business, never has never will

  12. Regarding the 3rd party ownership rules, he would maybe have been planning to do something similar to what Blackpool did with Charlie Adam whereby the club accept money from an investor or investors so that the club can buy the player. The club then fully owns the player, but if the player is sold on then a certain cut (%) of the sell-on value is paid back to investors, thus making them a significant profit in the case of Adam. I'm sure it's probably quite a common practice and not technically breaching any ownership rules.



    Have we not learned our lesson with these “loopholes”?????????????????????????????????


    Fuck me

  13. Totally disagree with you on that last statement. Just because someone is playing a game of football does not mean we have to accept that terrible behaviour becomes normal.

    Bad behaviour off the field remains bad behaviour on the field and should be punished.


    I’m sorry but terrible behaviour is murder, rape, genocide. It’s an off the cuff remark, almost instinctive. God know what i say when i play football, i can’t remember but if someone skins me or gives me a sore one i tend to use colourful language. Seems it’s only me a JT that do that

  14. I thought there was agreement from the courts to not hear it till the season had ended. Could be wrong though. Anyone know when it is being heard ?


    It is a bit of a shame that Terry was selected for England because he was the one who acted inappropriately, not Ferdinand.


    I think Rio F is a shit footballer. he can’t read the game, can be caught cold feeted many times in a game. JT was picked because he’s a far better player IMO.

  15. Terry was banging Wayne Bridge's girlfriend. Hardly "single" unless looking to justify Terry's actions.


    Racism is abhorrent - it is your prerogative to "not give a fuck" but that doesnt make it any less despicable to a great many people. To downplay it as simply "foul language" is under-selling it.



    She was single. She had left WB a long time before. I agree weâ??re all diff. As i say, foul language on a football field is normal, very normal in the heat of the moment.

  16. Foul language ? He was RACIST (allegedly). I hate the PC world as much as the next person but to downplay racism is completely wrong. So when the Tims were racially abusing Walters or Edu or Bartley you simply put it down to being "foul language" ? I doubt it.


    Consensual sex with SOMEBODY else's woman, a team-mate's at that. Doesnt make him a sex pest, I agree. But it does make him a horrible person. hardly a role model for the youngsters from a moral fortitude sense.


    John Terry is a knob


    TBH i didn’t give a fuck about Walters etc getting abuse. I’m bigger than that, it shows the cretins that spout it up more than anything.


    The woman Terry fucked was single and a well know slut.


    I don;t like him myself, but to say he’s a sex pest etc is wrong

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