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Everything posted by Bears

  1. Exactly what i said in my blog and on here @RangersUnified
  2. i’ve been saying this on twitter all day. This could just be the tip of the Ice Berg
  3. it’s terrible that people still think it’s all about them, all chips from shoulder need to be removed, now http://frankieinseasia.blogspot.com/2012/04/time-for-all-fans-groups-to-come.html
  4. You have no idea about me. Youâ??re a handwringer, pure and simple
  5. I get that mate, i just have doubts the crowds would stay high enough to do that. My first game was 78 or 79 and living up at Dumbreck we used to leave the house at 2:45 and be in the west enclosure. Despite what some rangers fans will tell you, there was some horrific crowds then
  6. it’s the bills that Ibrox generates that worrys me, could we pay them?
  7. The first season will be fine. In fact it’d be enjoyable go to these obscure grounds. But then the next season it would start to drop pretty dramatically with a huge drop in season ticket sales
  8. I have serious doubts about it. Imagine december playing Ross country away or at Ibrox?
  9. Agree with this. Plus crowds would drop like a stone which in turn will mean it’ll be hard to pay bills for the upkeep of Ibrox and MP
  10. We also need a statement today from TBK’s and Miller to know exactly where they’re at at this moment
  11. The protest won’t achive much ref the SFA. But hopefully it can help bring us all together a lot better. Hopefully there’s a lot of handshakes and lines drawn in the sand helping us unify as one
  12. it’s basically what i’ve said here http://frankieinseasia.blogspot.com/2012/04/time-for-all-fans-groups-to-come.html
  13. him talking about it on here puts Frankie in the spotlight
  14. http://frankieinseasia.blogspot.com/2012/04/time-for-all-fans-groups-to-come.html
  15. STV have said we can’t move/transfer our existing players to a newco under these sanctions, is this correct?
  16. That’s gathering pace on twitter mate. I’ll post any info i get
  17. All bidders need to come out and talk to the fans/press this morning. No excuses as they’ve had all night to think about this. We need to know where they stand ASAP. No excuses. If they walk, then it’s unfortunate but understandable, if they’re staying, let us know to put our minds at rest
  18. Doing it at the cup final will be a disaster. Trust me
  19. Protests will not make one iota of difference but iâ??d still go on one of i was in the UK
  20. Thanks, i’ve totally buried my head in the sand from this angle of information gathering because i was hoping and praying it wouldn’t come to it. Just prepping myself for the worst now
  21. Which mean they think they’ll get more ££ from the sale of the clubs assets? In Laymens terms
  22. This is where i’m confused. If they knock it back, what does that mean? We go into liquidation and they get nothing? Or they get something from the sale of Ibrox MP etc?
  23. Yeah i get that, i kinda hoped everyone on here would know to have fists of salt with each post
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