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Everything posted by Bears

  1. HMRC have said they’ll be easy to deal with as long as Whyte aint around. What’s the difference if Miller gets us? I can’t see any
  2. If he gets us and does go newco and bring all the debate and problems it’ll cause. I don’t think we’ve got cause for complaint at Millers door. It’s at TBK’s as he’s given them a b ig chance to sort their shit out. He obviously knows that the fans, would rather TBK’s.....now
  3. It’ll still be brought up. Give the guy a break, he’ll not be feeling too good right now. I’d like to buy him a pint and a few hours with two brilliant Gas Cookers i know that tag team better than WWE guys
  4. It’s been a BIG thud as well. i’m going dogging with a Susan Boyle look a like to chill out
  5. Yip. I feel sorry for him too. if i was him i doorstep the cretin that gave me the info asking why he gave him such info. I’m pretty sure he asked if it was ok to post online first. I get the feeling he’s been used which is a dam shame as he’s a nice fella on here
  6. Agree to disagree. I’m pretty sure this isn’t their first job and by the looks of them they’re not young men
  7. Yeah true mate. Even when they do walk away i think there’s going to be a tense 18 months (minimum) till we really know if we can continue on a secure financial footprint
  8. I’m with you. Like you i believe if a firm offer was placed in front of them they’d have accepted ages ago. They have made glaring mistakes over the weeks but i put that down to no experience with the media, especially when every little thing they say or do will be manipulated to the extreme. if they get us through this and Rangers can move on down a stable road, it’s a big gold star on their CV IMO. If we go into liquidation down the line it’s a black mark on their reputation that will be hard to shurg off. Plus, do any of us really have genuine experience of a company of our size being in this position, how it’s handled and what the real behind the scenes process is? they will want to finish this job will all the “i’s” dotted and “T’s” crossed so their’s no comeback further down the line.
  9. I just hope TB’s honesty and trusted message board status hasn’t been abused by someone.
  10. Are we being used as pawns by TBK’s? Could this news have been “leaked” so it would go feral online, which would obviously get to Bill Miller and either force his hand, put him off or delay him like seems to be the case?
  11. Yes, it should be deleted too. Information like this is terrible
  12. It’s hard mate. What’s stopping me fully untrusting them is the fact they have their reputation on the line
  13. I know when you read that you say,”Fuck sakes!” I did, but when you settle down and think about it. That means they are giving TBK’s more time. Miller has said he would wire the £500K to them today, i’m sure they’ll have told him not to bother.......yet. My guess is there’s some small print to be sorted out between Tickitus and TBK’s, probably along the lines of TBK’s wanting them to sign something saying they won’t jump ship over the next two weeks
  14. There is a movie here. Starting from the game before Souness took over till present day.
  15. One things for sure Bill Miller has done us a favour by forcing a lot of hands here
  16. We must keep pressure on them too. No more DM tricks and tax dodges etc. We want a good clean club
  17. The RST twittirer has said a few times that there’s some seriously wealthy Bears in TBK’s. **or words to that effect***
  18. Like all bidders they won’t flash the cash too much. they’ll wait till things are signed off officaly then hopefully wallets will open. There might be a strong reason as to why we don’t know who the most of TBK’s are
  19. You’re not alone amigo. I’m in my wanking Chariot and was about to attempt sleep. I’m wide awake now
  20. It’s a case of taking a deep breath and saying ,”Ok, you got us, now get to work as we’re watching your every move"
  21. I’m not that happy it’s the Blue Knights, but if it keeps us afloat then fine. But we’re not out the Woods yet.
  22. Thanks a lot mate. I might sleep tonight. I’ll post this on my Gers FB page and make sure ppl know it came from you
  23. My feeling is from around 11am tomorrow things will start to heat up. Maybe good, maybe bad, maybe something hugely unexpected........or it could be another damp squib
  24. The header was a fluke. He ment to head across the goal.
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