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Everything posted by Bears

  1. We need fans to get a face to face with D&F and grill them!
  2. It’s the way i read it here http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/17683898
  3. My reading of that is they need paperwork and legal documents, not a chat over the phone or a cuppa
  4. Alasdair McKillop ‏ @AGMcKillop · Open Interesting to note that @rangersfctrust have recommended that Robert McElroy be nominated for the Creditors' Committee. Rangers Supporters ‏ @rangersfctrust Close @AGMcKillop Indeed! He's being suggested by Trust, Assembly & Association. Another example of close work between groups.
  5. The RST tweeted all the supporters groups put him forward.
  6. Yeah i agree. Just someone buy us!!! I’ve gubbed a Xanax to calm me down. Today has been the worst day for stress in all this, for me anyway.
  7. Yeah, i hate that shit. It might have been twisted a bit though
  8. http://www.talksport.co.uk/radio/richard-keys-and-andy-gray/120419/jackson-next-few-hours-are-going-be-crucial-rangers-170157#.T5ATnTajgWw.twitter
  9. But Frankie, we knew about it for weeks....................the excuses are starting to wear thin mate
  10. Everyone is very frustrated today. Rumours flying around we only have cash left for 2 days to two week. Fact of that matter is Admin told us we had funds till the end of the season, which isn’t that far away. Brian K may have pulled a good stroke here by firing up the fans and putting pressure on D&F, they need to come out and say something today, even if it’s,”we will 100% have a preferred bidder tomorrow” Even if it isn;t him then someone, i’m beyond caring who it is now, i want someone in that’s going to save the Rangers as we know it, even if it is the dreaded Blue Knights. Something that has been said around the net that makes sense. We were told the BK’s were going top get preferred bidder status, but there was issues with paying the £500K (which they knew about for weeks) Once that fell through why wasn’t Bill Ng then instantly given the preferred bidder? There’s questions there I’m fucking annoyed at Brian K, he should have bought us from the off then there wouldn’t be these problems, and if he doesn’t get us then i’m firmly convinced he was doing it as a PR stunt. He’s also contradicted himself by saying he wouldn’t bid against the BK’s, yet they’ve said they have bided again for us today. It’s all very confusing, and as per usual it’s us the fans that get the shitty end of the stick. This whole scenario will be effecting peoples home lives (i know it is mine) their performance at work (how many of you have had you arse kicked for being online too long during all this?) Admin need to talk to us now, today with no fucking bullshit!!!
  11. Yeah, it’s despiration time. If this was a few weeks ago we’d probably be enjoying it. Now it’s a case of FUCKING SORT IT NOW YOU CUNTS!!!!
  12. You have to ask though, if a good solid bid that would take Rangers out this mess had come in, would D&F still be at Ibrox. They can’t be blamed for all of this.
  13. RST are claiming that PM said he’d have paid the £500,000 himself and that that info was all over the news. Was it as i can’t remember seeing that?
  14. Have toHave to admit the snidey wording of Brian K’s statement doesn’t sit well with me. Is he himself a “pretender”?
  15. Messi by a country mile. International football doesn’t matter now. The days of having to do it in the WC are by gone. It’s the CL you need to do it now. Messi does that, even with one boot on at times. There’s a balance, intelligence and vision that has never been seen before and the chances of being seen again are slim. he’d slot into any team and do the bizz. I get the feeling he’ll be at Barca or life though, maybe not
  16. It’s there’s and or own level though. We’re not as big as we think we are as this whole mess proves
  17. Frankie is it true Bill Ng is on his way over to the UK?
  18. TBH Ayr would never ever be a huge club. He might have actually been better off there. They’d probably be at Hibs level i’d guress with a nice 15,000 seater stadium, a few cup finals etc. Rangers, well who knows?
  19. That’s fine, but that tweet sounds like sour grapes to me
  20. No worries mate. I know he tried to buy Ayr Utd first and they said,”We don’t think he’s the right man for Ayr Utd” With hindsight they were bang on the money
  21. From what i remember about Murray, it was more or less announed at the lunchtime news “And today rangers have a new owner” There was no real warning of it?
  22. If it was any other country in the World i’d be asking the same q’s about his wealth. But it’s Singapore, it’s probably the most law abiding country in the World. The laws there are incredible, but actually work.
  23. The FF twitter acc has said this tonight. This is really sad to read Kevin Savage ‏ @kevinsavage1992 · Open @Follow_Follow_ I'm just amazed no Rangers fans have done any research on a potential owner, considering the troubles with the current one. Follow Follow ‏ @Follow_Follow_ Close @kevinsavage1992 I wouldn't worry about that. There's a lot of stuff to come out on Mr Bill Ng. I’m going to assume that MD has control of the FF account now? This is why we as fans can never be owned by the fans. Too much snide shitcunts amongst us. The FF/RST/MD dream of being involved with the boardroom level at Ibrox is over (possibly) so the knives come out. Our distractors will love this
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