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Everything posted by Bears

  1. I'm sorry but the day Graeme Souness walked into Ibrox EVERYTHING changed. You could argue it was The Rangers that set this huge wage president in the UK when we started buying Butcher et-al. Remember mate Trevor Stevens was the highest paid footballer in the World for 2 or 3 years. MoJo would have been on silly money then the rest of the mob. it seems you're late to the table on this one. if anything the wages at Ibrox have come down as i know Trevor Stevens was on close to �£30K at Ibrox in his playing days.
  2. Not in my eyes. It's the way football is and it's not going to change, we either accept it or don;t go to games.
  3. I'm buzzing about it. The most important factor for me, is they would not have signed these contracts if they had not been shown the long and short term plans for Rangers. There has to be solid signings in the pipeline that we don;t know about. it also gets rid of the "selling club" tag we have.
  4. Exactly how i feel. But i'm sure you, i and the rest know we need a new strong centre half to add to the spine of the team
  5. ERM, to me it seemed perfectly normal. Other teams were interested so he listened to what they had to say. Nothing wrong with that. Rangers have said he's one of our top 4 players (which i agree with) so he's asked to be paid as such, perfectly normal. Ally and CW will have told him ,"if we are paying you this money go out there and prove to us you are worth it. The other thing about the two lads signing, and the most important in my eyes is the fact Ally and CW will have told them what is happening in terms of new blood and what we have planned for the future. That is always part of contract negotiations with players. This is a good day and should shut the Rangers fans up that are saying CW is a con man and all that crap
  6. I trust Whyte and Ally. They will have gievn him a wage and contract that sticks to the budget we are on, so i am not too fussed knowing what it is but i totally understand why people do. lets hope that signing Greegs and Whits was actually our highest priority. The other players we went for we free transfers and we were sort of obliged to try get them but didn't get them. Such is life. Seems like this is the real start of our getting down to business
  7. Good to hear. This is not a quick fix, we are at the start of a major rebuilding process that will take from anywhere from 4-8 years to complete. i for one am happy that we are not going to be bully/be stupid enough to part with money we can't afford. The transfer window is open three days with two months to go. it's all good so ar
  8. I can't believe that people think he was going to come in and throw millions about. The transfer window is open 3 days and people are talking crap. he's done exactly what he said he was going to do so far. It's all good. Plus, we have always been in the papers and media when we are in the transfer market. Can anyone tell me when the last surprise signing was. My reckoning it was Mo Johnston. Even then the Sun had it on the back page that morning.
  9. Lawyers talk to each other, it's a very close knit community, they WILL know the background to the case and be able to gauge wither he is gonna get a guilty or not.
  10. So is it safe to say you believe Rangers have not had lawyers look at the case?
  11. Some people don;t have a clue. If the rangers lawyers thought for a second he would go down for any of his charges we would not be near him. Lets be honest the rape thing is probably a stitch up. the bird will sell her story to the papers once it's thrown out of court.
  12. Whitiker signed a 5 year deal?????????
  13. You are aware the transfer market isn't open yet?
  14. Rangers fans were wanting Walter SACKED after the game against the Tarriers!!!!
  15. Sorry mate, i'm probably the only Rangers fan that doesn't know anyone at Ibrox, like you seem to do. I use reliable sources, not guess work in the hope i get it right to look in the know.
  16. It's all over twitter from various credible TV journos that Rangers have had a knock back from Dundee Utd in a new bid of �£1m+
  17. I'd give Beattie another chance. he is a good football player. In fact i wouldn't sell a soul right now as players can get a new lease of life under a new manager, and with Ally being a striker i think we are all hoping that Rangers will be set up a bit more attack minded this season. This squad did win the league under extreme circumstances which looks good on each and every player that kicked a ball for the 1st team this year IMO
  18. Bears

    Allo lads

    yeah it was real nice, some kind of yoghurt type thing
  19. Bears

    Allo lads

    Not for a system in a stadium. You need amps and cabling to suit the speakers mate. It's not like buying off the shelf in Tandy
  20. Bears

    Allo lads

    LOL, i think that's a given mate. it'll be custom built for the acoustics in Ibrox
  21. Bears

    Allo lads

    Here's pics form Ibrox today. the new pitch is down and there's a lot of people working. At one point there was 30(ish) people around the stands doing various jobs from cable running, jet washing the stands and walkways, painting, and general cleaning up. The only solid bit of info i got was the Govan kiosks are getting ripped out right now http://imageshack.us/g/402/p1020808g.jpg/
  22. Bears

    Allo lads

    yeah i will. He did say to me before Mr Whyte took over his company was spending �£1.7M on brand new Kiosks and doing the concourses up. No much you can do to the concourses other than a lick of paint and new TV's which is what i suspect will happen. I did say to him that the food and kiosks were a down side to Ibrox and he did agree. I suspect with the work going on he wont be in Argyle house though as he will be on the job elsewhere in the stadium. But i'll see what is what as i am sure there will be a gate open in one of the stand for access for workers so i will try sneak in
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