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Tumshie RFC

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Everything posted by Tumshie RFC

  1. Been saying it all weekend I think we will get Celtic. Either way lets hope it's a home game and we pack Ibrox and absolutely hammer the other team. If its away I hope all the fans stick to the boycott.
  2. It's a great atmosphere about the place these days. Everyone knows it's basically us against the rest of Scottish football and we are coming out fighting.
  3. Sorry lads. Feel free to delete. i'll post this in the match thread.
  4. I thought McCulloch and Little were excellent again and both should be starters every week; Jig up front and Little on the right. Liked the look of Faure as well Thought the Greek lad at RB had a decent game and it's clear that he loves a tackle. A bit unconvinced about Edmilson and Bocanegra though. I would say one negative and it's about Neil Alexander. His constant need to lump the ball is doing my nut in. Countless times last night he had the chance to play the short ball to one of the defenders and instead just waved them up and launched it. Want to see more building of play from the back and it starts with the keeper.
  5. I certainly wouldn't be putting my money into such a scheme with the RST at the head of it. If/when I buy shares I will be doing so for myself.
  6. That's us over the 35,000 mark. Great effort by everyone who has bought tickets. Lets hope we can get even more people through the gates of Ibrox.
  7. I didn't think he was as good a player as many did. However, he was a tremendous servant to the club during the years he was here and was a terrific example to younger players with his attitude to the game. All the best in your retirement Sasa!!
  8. There's a similar article in this week's Berwick Advertiser showcasing the great atmosphere both sets of fans had at the game last weekend http://www.berwick-advertiser.co.uk/news/local-headlines/fun-in-the-sun-for-fans-at-shielfield-1-2496268
  9. my mates a primary school teacher where Jig's kids go to in Bothwell and he takes them and picks him up from school. So given that it would take say half an hour to get to Auchenhowie I'd say the players would be training a maximum of 4 hours on a good day. I find that absolutely ridiculous. And people wonder why Scotland don't produce any decent players. Footballers are professional athletes and should work as hard as others. PLG was wrong on a lot of different things but he was 100% correct on the double sessions. Even if they focus on ballwork for the vast majority of it then it would improve their touch, passing, set pieces etc.
  10. Seems a good bit of business. Main problem with the JJB deal was the lack of presence on the High Street, the range of merchandise available and the poor availability online meaning supporters across the globe were unable to get goods from the club. This is a sign that things are slowly but surely getting better off the park. Hopefully we can rid ourselves of Umbro as well in the near future and get someone decent making our strips.
  11. I don't Ally will be on a seven figure salary. In any event Green will be looking to balance the books and turn a profit for the investors. Rangers must be run properly from now on.
  12. Point taken mate but I doubt those clubs in Brazil will have had to deal with the shambles involving the SPL and the SFA during our troubles.
  13. Like most people on here I have a look at various Rangers websites and forums. I came across this post on Rangers Media of a guy from Brazil who has started supporting us due to our devotion to the club. I just wonder how many other supporters from around the world feel the same. Here is the post from RM Greetings from Brazil, My name is Marcelo and I live in Fortaleza, wich is in northeast. Just writing to say that I was watching a Brazilian network tv today, and I saw this Rangers news about the relegation... http://sportv.globo....-recomecar.html AS a football fan, I've never been that close to the Scottish League, but in this article I saw something fantastic. Something that I will always take with me wherever I go. I am a Ceara Sporting Club fan, my team played Brazilian first division in 2010/2011, but we were not able to compete against the wealthy clubs like Flamengo, Corinthians, Sao paulo. They receive from the National confederation every almost 100 million reais (05 million dollars) to play, and Ceara Sporting Club just got 4 million. No way we can compete with the other clubs like this, It is totally unfair. Since last year I was disinterested, stopped going to the stadium, my faith in football was over. The Brazilian soccer was dead to me. Until I saw this video from Sportv News. I Just have one thing to say to you guys. You have to be proud of your club and I know you do, you have to proud of the fans that you got, and also I know you all do. When I saw those images that this TV brought to my place, I got tears in my eyes, just because you showed me that football s not dead. The real football still exists. The passion, the glories, it is really fantastic to see this happening. With all the respect, The blue nation has the privilege to see this happening. Go to all the games, in the fourh, third and second division. This will happen just once in a lifetime. And as fan, you got lucky to live this part of the history. And to finish this letter, I want to tell you all, that you got a Ranger on the other side of the planet! "JUNTOS SOMOS RANGERS!" (together we are rangers!) Here in Brazil it is difficult to find a Rangers t shirt, so if you have one to send to my, i'd appreciate it. Marcelo Pinheiro Brazil
  14. Seems a good deal for us. Get both of them off the wage bill and in Edu's case we will at least get a small transfer fee. I wish them good luck and thank them for transferring over.
  15. Big test for the team and I'm sure we will come through. The cup competitions have become much more important this season and it's important we put down a marker early in the campaign.
  16. Good news. Yes it is an opportunity for Ashley to make money but it is also a good opportunity for Rangers. He wasn't everyone's cup of tea at Newcastle but he has turned them round on and off the park. In particular the scouting system at Newcastle seems to be working wonders.
  17. I won't be watching another Scotland game. Last night was the straw that broke the camels back. Black was booed for no other reason than the fact he plays for Rangers. Christ Andy Webster plays for Hearts and he didn't receive any boos.
  18. Looking forward to reading this on Saturday. Used to buy Number 1 until a few years ago.
  19. That is an absolute disgrace. The Tims seem to be getting it right across the city which is worrying.
  20. Longmuir is the only suit in this whole crisis that has came out of it with any credit. The guy played it straight down the middle.
  21. For the first time in our history the real acid test for the players will be the cup competitions. I want to see us taking it to our enemies in these competitions and absolutely horsing the SPL teams we will come up against. The league campaign will take care of itself and I'm looking forward to going to the various grounds across the country.
  22. Charles Green in another fly dig at the Bheasts - I love it!!
  23. It's a good point mate but surely the in-house shops would have been making more money than we have been getting through the JJB deal? Also our overseas sales must be absolute minimum. Lost count of the amount of times I've been abroad and seen the Bheasts tops in sports shops and not a hint of one of ours. Granted it might be to do with their Nike deal but even still we are a bigger club than they will ever be.
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