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der Berliner

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Everything posted by der Berliner

  1. Rest assured, some of this scum will post pics via the net somewhere and thus they can be tracked down. I do hope that Rangers will ask the police for an investigation.
  2. We should make sure that most contracts are set to normal soon and we then are able to send a few of the high earners away, if only for saving the club. Whittaker, Davis, and McGregor spring to mind .. though I wouldn't like to see the last 2 go. Still, McCabe, Ness, and Bedoya today have shown that there is life without e.g. Davis. I'd hate to see Naismith go though. He, McCabe, Aluko, and even Kerkar and Little should spearhead our future. Bocanegra has sure earned enough in his life to stay on too, Edu might be the target of a higher bid though. It's "keeping fingers crossed" time for sure.
  3. It would be interesting to hear more about the consortium and its members, the Singapore links and all. Let's hope they can get a CVA and keep the club running. Next big dealine is the SPL inquisition, not to mention the HMRC verdict. Speaking of which ... yes, I have forgotten how that went ... does it come into the CVA pot and is addressed therein?
  4. Well, not all people are comfortable in front of people, cameras, and microphones.
  5. ... and by his own words (which can't be trusted, I know), he won't "own" more than 15% of the club. So far, he's the front man. Nothing more and nothing less.
  6. ... and who knows, maybe on our next trip to the Scumhut, some cheeky Bears will wave banners proclaiming "WE LOVE GREEN!"
  7. As opposed to Whyte, who sounded like he can be trusted. A lot of ifs and buts here, yet, we should be under no illusions that we need to get out of admin sooner rather than later and no-one says that Green & Co. will be here by x-mas if someone buys them out for serious money.
  8. No SDMs, no Craig Whytes ... more to our liking, I suppose!?
  9. In all fairness, and while I don't like somesuch either, Kennedy and Co. have been given broadsides in nigh all directions. We haven't heard much about Green's bid and his consortium members, but in the end, if Ally is satisfied, I'm not going to oppose for the time being.
  10. Bar Frankie's "mysterious" twitter copy, nothing official suggests that it is in fact his bid that will succeed and not the other, even more mysterious bid. About either we know next to nothing, only that both have had about 14 days to check the data, even though Miller was named PB. That is what was - unless I am mistaken - said by the admins themselves.
  11. IMHO, FF is currently infested with quite a number of shyte-stirrers and Hooped Horrors. In general though, the patience of the support is wearing thinner by the day and emotions running pretty high. And this will not cease as long as we are out of admin and on some safe standing. You do wonder, in all of this, that people like AJ or Walter keep rather quiet when it comes to getting wealthy people involved. Not that we know what they do or whether they can actually do something. But still ...
  12. Just found this informative post over on FF: So this admin is not court-appointed and the admins essentially can do as they please? News to me and somewhat worrying a read.
  13. On a sidenote, D&P are still pursuing Collier Bristow for 25m, while Ticketus apparently wants 27m from Whyte now. If this goes through, what would that mean for Rangers?
  14. Can't see a point in relying on Euro games. They can whip up half a dozen friendlies for more income, create a membership scheme, or call in the support to back up the pledges they made in hard cash. They can sell the naming rights of Ibrox for 5 years, get in more shirt sponsors and whatnot. It ain't that hard ... As of CVA. Why does time run out? Because CVA can not be delivered by the start of next season? So what? A 10 point deduction? Or possible new penalties according to the SPL fantasists?
  15. As I said in the other thread, the money TBK offered for the club and the creditors, on face value, looks pretty low. If the other chaps come in and put almost twice as much on the table, D&P are essentially duty-bound to accept them for the sake of the creditors - no matter the morale or emotional value behind TBK and Co.. Had BK or someone else with the cash not entered the bargain basement-type of scrambles, we would have new owners long ago. IMHO, and new bidder should e.g. try to get a decent brand name for Ibrox and even more so a decent sponsorship deal for the shirts (look at Holland et al, where they have about six different shirt sponsors) and try to secure some real money to get his deal through, without investing all too much of his own money, which can be saved to restore the club itself. And while we are at it, someone of note should have actually whipped up the Save Rangers scheme and collect those 10m plus of money pledged by supporters in a save account, money to be used by a new owner to steady the ship (i.e. getting players signed or the running costs of Ibrox et al).
  16. The discredited twin has already responded, cynically asking Naisey at which time he last spoke to his agent. Grade A tosser who should be earmarked for the persona non grata area in front of Ibrox.
  17. ... ouch. Another discredited journalist, right?
  18. So we have essentially two bids left and very advanced, while TBK and/or Brian Kennedy linger on, with Kennedy saying that Saturday morning 9.00 am is his deadline. On the face of it, despite all the mudslinging, the BK bid on the table does not look that great, especially when looked upon by the admins and, consequently, the creditors.
  19. @BBCchrismclaug: Ex Chief Exec of Sheffield Utd Charles Green fronts bid for #Rangers. Deal at an advanced stage. International part to the deal too
  20. Later today ... grand. I'll be at work as we* entertain "Celtic Woman" tonight. Will have to get my text message connections working again. :-/ *For most of winter we do sports events and more recently crowned .
  21. The point remains that the club as such, the manager, the players, and the support, could not do anything about this, yet they it is who get punished first and foremost? While doing everything fine in 139 years? Well, well ... Of course, you won't want to even think about the reasons why they did not kick us out of the SFA in the first place. BTW, have Olympique Marseille been stripped of any titles (incl. CL crown of 1992/93) because of match fixing? Can we relocate to Ulster for a season and leave a message at the SPL & SFA's door proclaiming: "We'll gladly watch you die!"
  22. Ahem ... UEFA is looking at clubs trying to solve their debts but ignores those who openly keep getting away without paying TAX and social insurance? Who will play in Europe these next few years, I wonder?
  23. Maybe I am wrong here, but methinks we shed much of the religious baggage - not least as a club - during the Souness and Smith eras. Sure the songs were sung, but they had already become Ibrox tradition that the real meaning only came to the fore during the Old Firm games ... and probably subsided with 80% of the support after 90odd minutes. We signed so many Catholic and whatnot players by then that their argument about a no-Catholic doctrine sounds hollow, for it essentially stopped 30 (as in THIRTY) years ago - IF there ever was one in living memory. Did someone ever answered the question why Irish Catholics or Ulster Catholics (people like Ray Houghton) never signed? Not because of themselves, but because they feared for their families on the Emerald Isle. After years of ineptness on the park, the Scum saw their opportunity in 2007/2008 and if you'd ask me, that is the time when they stirred all the shyte up again. It is, IMHO, them who portray themselves as the Irish Catholic side so much that like a description of twins, each time the topic Old Firm is on the agenda the old stereotypes come to the fore, whether they are true any longer does not matter. Where there is smoke, there must be fire. What is utterly baffling and ultimately annoying is that the press and politics rather hunt this fire and try to put it out than to actually check where the smoke is coming from.
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