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der Berliner

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Everything posted by der Berliner

  1. I have been on FF nigh ever since it came into existence. I sure have quite often clashed with people on there and even him occasionally. Not once have I been sin-binned or temporarily banned or whatnot. And I'm sure no laid back customer 24/7/365 ... IMHO, if you stay on a decent enough level of debate, you do have a fair chance of "survival" at FF.
  2. Great. Can we turn our attention back to the matter at hand?
  3. So is this ... Rangers Legends vs AC Milan Glorie
  4. The fan scheme is miles away ... and I see no need to start a board-war by continuously handing Mark Dingwall any "funny" names or titles. As it is, Kennedy should back the Blue Knights (at least for the time being), so his money would be there on the bid as such and Ticketus may also be in that boat. We could fare much worse ...
  5. You would hope that the admins chose the bid/s which does not see us put into the liquidation process. We can't do much more than hoping.
  6. Let me cite the admins: Can someone please clarify how The Herald comes to the conclusion that the Club9 folk have jumped to the head of the queue and what their plans would be? Why the BK's are the only offer that does not want liquidation? Scaremongery at its finest ... and you do wonder why some of the hacks think that all want to liquidate the company (not winding up the club) after they themselves list all the backdraws of somesuch? Why would any bidder want a crippled low-key Rangers FC? To sell them off in four years time on a profit? What planet do these people live on? They could just as easily buy Hibernian or Motherwell today and start to invest straight away!
  7. On a sidenote ... moneymen and all ... only 19 of Italy'S 107 professional clubs have made a profit last year. The 20 Seria A clubs have debts of Euro 2.6bn, an increase of 14% since the last check in 2009/2010. Since then, the attendance figures have dropped by 5%, Seria A's net losses run at 428m. The debts of the Primera Division teams was mentioned at around Euro 1.3bn. Do we hear anything about the Spanish or the Italian press running amok about their grand old teams' apparent problems? Do we hear UEFA looking into these enormous amounts of debt being accumulated?
  8. Lo and behold, the goblin has crept up from under his stone again!
  9. What would bring you to this conclusion? *sarcastic mode off* The amount of mud-slinging since we went into the essentially muted-administration mode (i.e. us hardly being able to defend ourselves publicly) has been tremendous. Anyone taking over should be made aware of this, any supporters' organization worth its name should take note too. I for one would make sure that the prime mudslingers and inquisitors won't see the inside of Ibrox and MP for some time to come.
  10. This behaviour again simply shows him and his lot up for what they are. Next stop, UEFA.
  11. I will tell you here and now: we are doomed! Yes, that's it. We are doomed. No matter what. For years and years we have conned the world, the SPL, and the SFA and now they will come back to punish and haunt us big time! And now back to reality.
  12. Regarding Dundee United ... I noted yesterday that former Tangerine whizzkid David Goodwillie has played 5 EPL games thus far, scoring 2 goals. (On a sidenote, Blackburn have three first choice strikers: Yakubu (played 20, scoring 14 goals) and Modeste (played 2, no goals). Grand competition up front down there and he still can't get a game. Well well ... (They do have 13 first team midfielders though.))
  13. Yep, the admins push for a takeover and ... guess what: the authorities deem it cool to leave the club in the balance over their decision. So ... one might speculate (sic!) that they now wait to see what comes of the takeover and once it has been successfully done, they will shed more agony over us with some silly ban or penalty.
  14. Another week then. This is a bit like the 48h transfer stuff ...
  15. Substantially larger than the 3.6m? What might these be then?
  16. The last thing is the important one. How do you evaluate the e.g. admins' costs, that of a CEO, or a youth coach? That of a club's lawyer and whatnot. Is it fine that a player earns roughly 700 to 1,000 pound per hour of work? Because he does what he does best and is living his dream while doing it? At the age of 24? No matter which admin would have come in, their charge / fee would have been roughly the same. Was there need to have admins though ... another topic altogether and one that Whyte, SDM and Co. need to answer.
  17. By some people's imagination, we should also win the league title (and any other trophy in Scotland) every year. That is not how football works though, no matter what sort of players you have. Being (at) Rangers might improve your chances considerably, but it is not something given. Same with the lads here. These things are always in flux and I'm sure we will have better u15s et al in years to come, and worse u19s too.
  18. Out of interest ... how much does e.g. Steven Davis gets paid "per hour". Training for x hours per week, in for a match day for x hours per match day ... would be interesting to see.
  19. Maybe, maybe not. That is the part we are all left with. We hardly have a clue about the amount of even the lowest bid, nor about the plans of either bidder in general. Some have said what they look forward to do (BK - fan involvement), others how they would probably run the club (Kennedy - single-handedly). About the Singapore and US bids we know next to nothing. This gives the press a reasonable space for speculation and - once again - the negative tone does prevail. So you'd have to ask the question why there's need to even change the dire headline of the DR article into something even more sinister on this board. So just out of interest ... not least for the doom-singers ... who would profit from the club being liquidated and a newco would come into existence? And - if you please - make it a good argument about the profit thing here, given that the club would be barred from any reasonable income source for probably 3 to 5 years, massive investment would have to be put in place by any new owner, i.e. any current bidder. Can anyone imagine Whyte going for the kill and thus literally endanger his life?
  20. Not saying that they always have picked a wrong trail, but do you see the admins releasing any news about the value of the bids to the press?
  21. Well, it is not necessarily negative. You do occasionally wonder what motivates some people / posters on here. As if they only circle about the negative stories on the club and post a comment about it or the story itself first. If you look for a positive/optimistic post or comment of said poster(s), the search will be long and hard. Once you bring up a comment "against" such a style, you are quickly put into the "head-in-sand" or "pro-Whyte" locker. NB: While I am at it, just look at the Whyte wants to liquidate Rangers topic, warped more doomishly from the "original" Craig Whyte tells Duff and Phelps he would rather see Rangers go into liquidation than sell to Paul Murray by ... well, you know who.
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