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der Berliner

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Posts posted by der Berliner

  1. ... of course, the same holds true with any bids for Jela. As I said last week, we should have set a deadline for our top performers (e.g. Saturday), all bids thereafter would be rebuffed (unless they are ridiculous). Was not going to happen and I just hope that Ally was prepared for the current scenario.


    NB: Keep us updated johnnyk! I just hope they don't tell us that we have let Jela go!

  2. Now here's one from out of the blue (and you read it here first!) ... it looks like we are interested in VfL Wolfburg striker Patrick Helmes, according to an article in the German (rather respectable) FAZ (last sentence). Also linked are Dortmund and Hannover, will check about this later on.


    He's got a decent record, but has failed (for some reason) to break into the first team and plays in their reserves these days).

  3. As the saying goes, pessimists are optimists with experience. Which more often than not holds true. Still, we are talking football here and we bought Jelavic when times were even more dire and dealt in quite a few faces in the last January window when we again had even less money to spend.


    I for one am pretty sure that we get at least a couple of new faces in.

  4. Rumours on Crawley forums, from a Crawley players dad, that Tubbs (prolific goalscorer) is joining Rangers for £1.5m...


    Can't afford to sign a free agent yet we're buying someone for £1.5m? I smell shite!


    If you refer to Jaager, I would assume that we did not need him that badly. We need strikers and Ally budgets for them first and foremost. Should Jela go, Jaager might still come in. As for Tubbs ... they may mean QPR, something they like to do down there.

  5. As someone on FF said. Our offer of half their valuation is "absurd" yet Everton and West Hams offer which doesn't meet our valuation of Jelavic is reported differently.


    Coming to think of it, given Everton's dire need for a striker, shouldn't we loan Jelavic to them anyways? I mean, they have no money and really really ... really need him!

  6. Well, Broadfoot was one of those who got us to Manchester in 2008, so I refrain to talk bad of him. He is not needed anymore, nor of a quality that cannot be replaced easily. For his and our sake, it would be better to move on. It is kind of strange that those people I would have no problem to see leaving, Whittaker and Broadfoot, got an injury at the most inopportune moment.


    BTW, does anyone know whether we still have Bruins on trial?

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