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Posts posted by rfc52

  1. Not sure I understand this.


    'Both the factions vying for control need a long hard look at themselves, I can't believe they've rejected sarver in favour of finding who throws the best crisis loan at us. Fucking sickening.'


    Why 'both factions' ?


    Because I'd imagine both Easdales block and ashley and king/T3B will have rejected sarvers proposal. Therefor both factions.

  2. Just read KJ Twitter feed there.


    "Board telling people we need money yesterday(as in we need money desperately not that they told folk yesterday)"


    "Parkco are becoming increasingly miffed with them"


    So if the above is true Id imagine T3B/King don't have enough support to oust them. The T3B offer isn't close to being agreed now. Ashley will no doubt loan us money the day before payday and it will be secured against MP.


    Both the factions vying for control need a long hard look at themselves, I can't believe they've rejected sarver in favour of finding who throws the best crisis loan at us. Fucking sickening

  3. Posting such and putting it in the public domain is certainly rumourmongering of the worst kind that we can well do without.



    Too late the car crash that is AJ has it all over the back page of the rhebel.


    Shut up ffs.


    I've put I believe he is involved in one of the faceless entities that invested in the club. It's merely an opinion.


    The polis or the SFA will not be running round to Ibrox in the morning on the basis of me starting a thread on gersnet about spivs, cheats and robbing bastards.


    In saying that if Stockbridge and co read this maybe they'll try and ban me from Ibrox :o

  4. That why I asked is just rumourmongering or claimed to be fact, I for one have no hesitation in dismissing it as rumour.


    Folk are discussing it. I believe he and or ticketus are there somewhere. But maybe that's just me. It's not rumourmongering or claimed to be fact

  5. Trust me, that would be very, very easy to hide. Remember, we are talking about shifty bastards who know how to hide their involvement. We are also talking about complete incompetent bastards at the SFA too.


    He probably invested through them :D


    "Hi it's mr Craig Dwight and I've invested in rangers"



  6. I have read two theories today that wouldn't be out of place on timmy boards, one saying ticketus may still be involved and now this about Whyte, I always thought you couldn't make it up seems I was wrong.


    I'm just back from mass, we all laughed about this

  7. If we are to believe Whyte is around and active which I don't, you can lock the gates before the SFA do it for us, scaremongering and dangerous rumourmongering on an epic scale, not what we need at this moment sometimes I wonder if we really need enemies.


    He can be involved without owning us. He can shaft us again and as he ain't the owner the SFA can't touch him or us.


    Mind you can get folk to "put money up" on your behalf

  8. Depends on how you see raped I suppose, clearly we've given out way too much on wages, bonuses, pay offs etc. I don't think we're anywhere near another insolvency situation though, certainly not with Dave King back in the picture.


    Forlan certainly doesn't make rubbish up, although i'm sure he'd accept himself he isn't correct about absolutely everything.

    Obviously he's not always 100% right but I'd say with this and with whyte he's been more right than wrong.


    You're far too nice to this shower of shit mate :D

  9. From the meeting 7 days ago exactly


    The staff costs appear massive and should not have been incurred for the level of football or the amount of work undertaken.

    CM - certain salaries are in the Annual Report and some scrutiny is valid. My own salary is £300k and the major institutional investors are aware of that and happy with it. The structure of my bonus has been discussed but it will not be linked just to winning the league. Lots of other factors will have to come into play, meeting player and financial budgets.

    Both McCoist and myself are content to work together to ensure that we reach a balance on incentives regarding the PLC budget for players and saving money so that one part of the club is not working against the other.


    If I didn't laugh I'd cry

  10. Mate Mather's position has been made virtually untenable through one thing and another, if an agreement has been negotiated for him to go then so be it. It's what many wanted after all, and as for cash running out, no experts seemed to believe our accounts showed any imminent danger of that.


    The BDO report has been hyped up for a while so i'm not holding my breath.


    Who keeps signing these pay offs?


    Do you believe it's another lie from Paul Murray or do you not seriously believe we could have been laid out and raped in front of the watching world?


    You know forlanssister better than me through his posts on here, if he's saying whites around etc and working with these chancers surely you know that there may well be something to it?


    He's not exactly one for posting unsubstantiated rumours,


    And btw it's working again these cunts have bears disagreeing with each other.


    I can't believe 2 shite CEOs have had huge pay offs

  11. The pay off thing would indicate there's some element of force to the resignations.


    STB I know you liked these guys but what's it going to take?


    They ran us shabbily, everyone of them have resigned with huge pay offs. That doesn't happen in the real world. Anyone I ever know who have resigned have done so and been paid upto that date, so someone resigning at the end of the month got a months wage.


    This million in April will be gone by fucking December.


    Btw according to Paul Murray the bdo report won't be good for these chancing fucks

  12. I believe we have been royally shafted again.


    Mather walking off with a pay off for resigning? Are you fucking kidding me? He's done the off so why are we paying him for it!


    If he does this and gets paid handsomely for it then will it be the same for the Easdales, Stockbridge and smart?


    Can we assume that Rangers have been used for the last couple of years to be nothing other than absolutely raped? Ahmad has pumped us, green has,


    Fuck the only one who hasn't seems to be Malcolm Murray (or did he recieve a payment)


    Rangers football club has been savaged for 2 years. Is whyte even away? Are ticketus still in about it? Mind ticketus have links to whyte.


    I said on rangers chat earlier, I don't think anyone of these manky robbing bastards will be near the AGM and these actions just prove that to me.


    Get these bastards hunted bears (btw Stockbridge that's not a threat ya shitebag) but it may be best you lot don't attend games from now on as I don't think you will be Rangers fans favourites.


    Give us our club back.


    I'm fucking raging tbh

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