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Everything posted by rfc52

  1. Boom got it in one again forlanssister. Front page of the record. Back page AJ believes whites still in about us as well. BPH I reckon is whyte , ahmad, ticketus and a combination of other pricks
  2. Zappa bombaybadboy08 from rm was trying to log in mate but it said something about his password being over 500 days old and when he tried to follow the onscreen instructions it wouldn't let him do anything
  3. Thank fuck they're off. Here's hoping king leads any new ownership of the club. Will that mean we are a new club again though?
  4. The only up side to that is you dont generally know what is happening
  5. Aye but you know when people are being smarmy and using big words it just confuses me
  6. I never used to i thought you were a pape. That was due to your smarmy posts on RM though
  7. Again according to the Pacific Quay CSC its the British based consortium who have agreed the deal with Whyte. Imo though all that means is Whyte has agreed a deal with Whyte
  8. Im sure deals can be done subject to DD mate? Probably not then knowing my knowledge
  9. You got a link to that post mate?
  10. According to the BBC as it stands he is at the least advanced stage of the 3 bidders. In fact they have the UK based one quite a bit ahead of the others
  11. Exactly mate, although im hearing that Frankie is having to rename Gersnet to Alcatraz since we have arrived :spl:
  12. I also seen it mate, Caseyjones has made a thread about them going after whyte and i think there is a tweet from Alex Thomson regarding it. Although im not sure if Gersnet have the same boycott list as RM
  13. FFS thats a bit insane eh?
  14. Cw is an absolute roaster but the SFA wouldnt let him near us, would they?
  15. Aye but your a taig Na only kidding mate, it was in the thread with AJ speaking, saying how he nearly formed an equivelant to NASCAR etc. A nearly man, a bit like Caseyjones
  16. Frankie i only read today of previous failed attempts and "nearly" moments in Mr Millers career. Without saying too much any chance you can quash my fears a bit and tell me something is on the horizon mate? This is ripping me apart tbh
  17. Cheers mate, spoke to a couple of the admins and they think RM will be gubbed for a while so the freaks like me and Casey etc will be around for a while
  18. Very worried M mate. Infact i would say im now resigning myself to it. I think between Whyte and Murray there may be no way that we can survive in our current guise This is literally torture
  19. Btw mate its RFC52 from RM just incase you werent sure. Notice the forum is down so remembered i had a log on for here
  20. Jeezo, you dont know mister c well at all do you?
  21. This is the day that has made me realise we may well not have a Rangers Whyte and Murray you absolute scumbag bastards, i hope you can both sleep at night. Murray said if he could help he would, but then again he has said many things
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