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Everything posted by Craigy1881

  1. Surely if this is true then he must seriously be lacking in options. Would be an interesting signing.
  2. We have already pumped them out a cup they probably had a good chance of winning before we showed up, lets just get them out the league cup as quickly as possible as well.
  3. How this made it to print I will never know and I don't care that it is free
  4. His attitude was all wrong did anyone see his comments in the sun yesterday? He said he was surprised by the quality of the lower leagues because he thought he would have been playing against fat amateurs but he said there was some good young players.
  5. ian black looking better and better with each passing game
  6. Seems you're right and Charles got it wrong it's Spezia.
  7. na surely goian and boca will be gone come the end of the window?
  8. Bogging stripes http://www.historicalkits.co.uk/Scottish_Football_League/Celtic/Celtic.htm
  9. That is probably what will happen but they will need to suspend him while they investigate.
  10. Good to see Jim White venturing into these waters, don't see him in here often
  11. Just in case people are wondering who the goalie is because I was clueless.
  12. I actually haven't got a clue what happen in the SPL this weekend apart from 2 results. I couldn't even tell you who leads the table. I hope to keep it that was, I have no interesting in following this league.
  13. i do feel for you, you live such a pessimistic life that it must be hard. Just lighten up a bit and enjoy a win.
  14. I have no problem letting either of these two leave now. If we can get perry fit we can pear him with the Brazilian or Boradfoot.
  15. wait a min, how could he possibly get man of the match have such an influence on the game. he plays in the crappy Scottish 3rd division, surely shouldn't be near a national team ;-)
  16. See when we pump the next 3rd division team at ibrox it will be funny to watch how the people forget about this match. These matches away to these small grounds will never be easy and I am hoping that it was just complacency that kicked in because they horsed a 2nd division team in midweek. Maybe their attitude's were wrong in thinking they would walk the game. I hope it was the wake up call they need but I am not too concerned yet. Far too early into the season.
  17. if they did vote no and this is true i will laugh. I guess if they didn't want us there then the don't deserve our fans selling out their ground.
  18. i grew up watching my dad cheer on the bears, came from that really.
  19. Mate you're obviously making that go viral ok round facebook. My old man just posted it on his facebook page .
  20. I assume it would have been shut to fill the rest of the stands and lower tier therefore trying to generate a better atmosphere? I don't think they were expecting to sell as many tickets. Just my views though.
  21. Giovanni just needs to do one now. Fed up of him
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