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Everything posted by Craigy1881

  1. No worries, like Frankie said it was a 2 minute job anyway. Happy to help
  2. fancy sandaza for a debut goal if if gets on
  3. official rangers twitter account will mention it when they have it
  4. I think the key here is the word illegal, what needs explained?
  5. and what if you can't hang on? we would be in dire straits.
  6. He also brought us Dado Prso and Nacho Novo. Every manager makes crap signings. We have sure had plenty of them throughout the years.
  7. Not impressed with this move in the slightest but at least it is only a 1 year deal.
  8. Suits me just fine, I have no intention of giving Scotland my backing anytime soon at least not until bawbag Regen is no longer in his position. No Rangers players playing for Scotland is just fine. Also the sooner Criag Levein disappears the better.
  9. I do have to admit, if we sign some of these player they would be great for the divisions we are facing in the coming years PLUS i love the fact SPL teams are struggling to compete with us still.
  10. Everybody we dealt with last year called Rangers offers a insult practically so I think you can firmly lay the blame for that one at Whyte's feet.
  11. That's great news, hope he makes a full recovery.
  12. Na I disagree completely. Our team are in dire need for support just now until we get well and truly on the way to recovery. They need to see fans out there backing them. Just look at the article I posted in the Goian thread about what he says about the fans at Glebe Park. This is the time to back them not petty boycotts of meaningless first division clubs. Beat them on the park and move on.
  13. Na the best way to deal with that is to just pump them off the park.
  14. STV Article quoting Goian
  15. Hopefully we will have a few new players in by then and match fitness creeping up. Will be a good marker though to see where we are against a team up there challenging for the 1st division.
  16. That was a tough draw last year never mind this year. Any idea what their squad is like this year?
  17. Where were you looking? There are giants tabs labelled "Fixtures & Tickets" at the top? Was there something in particular you were looking for?
  18. Come on Ian it's Gunslinger he always finds a negative in a story. That is what he does .
  19. Hmmm i am not convinced this is a good idea if he is on the same wages as before.
  20. I would not want Neilson personally. We have Broadfoot for right back and I am hoping we get to see Darren Cole more this season. I would not want to push these players further down the pack if we can avoid it.
  21. First time I have ever used the ignore function on this website but it has worked wonders on this chap since yesterday.
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