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Everything posted by Craigy1881

  1. Why are they shafting us? How could this have panned out any different?
  2. That basically just says the club can still be sold on in liquidation the same as a CVA, nothing more. This is the important part of why a CVA was never being agreed.
  3. You're living in cloud kookoo land if you believe the CVA proposal put forward by tbk's would be accepted. This was always ending up this way.
  4. Have the actually threatened to do that?
  5. So this is now rock bottom right, it doesn't get any lower than this does it?
  6. Well that's fair enough, they shouldn't pay out in this instance.
  7. Why is this just being reported on when it was documented in the CVA proposal
  8. So what does this mean, the first proposal was a sack of dog turd?
  9. Don't worry they will taking some tents with them and going over in a dingy.
  10. While i don't for a second say i don't agree with you surely the answer is there is nobody else at the table with a bid good enough? June was when we ran out of money and we needed someone to come in. This mob have while others like tbk's have spent months running their gobs off with little action. I think this mob deserve a chance and hopefully we'll get more info soon. Just need to hope they're not tipping their hand for a reason.
  11. yeah that's not bad, we need to be taking anything that is going just now. Good to see we are actually planning for next season now.
  12. Gattuso has made his money so I am sure he would play for very little but yeah i would agree with that.
  13. Oh good, let's see what that corrupt organisation have got to say for themselves.
  14. I just don't think we need him unless we have an exodus of midfield players. Would much rather play McCabe, Hutton and Ness before Black.
  15. Of course we couldn't, we could not have had this all done and dusted in the time frame to be eligible for europe. We were never getting our accounts signed off in time.
  16. BBC really scrapping the bottom of the barrel now eh, what exactly are they trying to suggest here?
  17. He wasn't solely casting votes though, Administrators and Andrew Dickson were also involved.
  18. might cause hearts some issues that one
  19. So we'll get some sort of info soon then
  20. Was funny to see Archie ripping into the SFA
  21. Another day, another obstacle. Someone, some day is going to make a movie out of this right?
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